
Ðóññêèé English Óêðà¿íñüêèé DonNTU Master's portal

ìîÿ ôîòîãðàôèÿ Sergeyechev

Faculty: Mechanical

Speciality: Metal-cutting machine tools and systems

Theme of master's work: Study of capacity factors work of the multifunction tool "Drill-cutter".

Leader of work: Malishko I.A.

E-mail: Sergeechev-Z@ya.ru
E-mail: Sergeechev_Z.S@meta.ua

Abstract Library Report about the search Links Individual task

My Resume


I was born on 20th of May 1982 in Donetsk, Ukraine.
  • My father Sergeyechev Sergey, 1953, is a driver.
  • My mother Sergeyecheva Vera, 1961, is an office-cleaner. She works in Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport.
  • My sister Helen is a third-year student of Donetsk National Technical University.


    In 1989 at the age of 7 I went to the first class of school ¹71 which was the part of a nursery school. Beginning with the 2nd class lessons were at school. During my studying at school subjects such as physics, chemistry and mathematics were easier for me to understand that humanitarian lessons. I studied on the middle level.
    After finishing the 9th form I decided to continue my study and get a profession. So I entered the high professional school ¹ 67 to become a serviceman of machine tools.

    Professional school

    While studying there I learnt a lot about my future profession. I was awarded by certificates of successes in studying.
    In 2001 I became a 4th year student to get profound knowledge in my specialization and receive a diploma of technical school. The theme of my graduation diploma was “Technical service and adjustment of machine tools for processing a detail 'Shaft'”. The review for this work was presented by the department of “Metal-cutting machines and tools” of DonNTU. I got am excellent mark and a qualification “serviceman of machine tools and manipulators with program management”, the 5th category, an “operator of machine tools with program management”, the 5th category.


    After finishing technical school I decided to enter Technical University. There is an agreement between the technical school ¹67 and DonNTU. I passed an entrance exam on mathematics with a good mark and was enrolled. So I became a first-year student of DonNTU.
    In 2003 the scientific paper “Development of base data for parameter determination in screw thread cutting process” was published in a journal. I was awarded with a diploma at the contest of students’ scientific works in 2003.
    In autumn 2004 the scientific paper “Designing and research of the method of glass replacement in metallurgical production” was carried out. In 2005 a scientific paper “Research of kinematics of the manipulator for fast change of glasses in metallurgical production” was published. It was carried out together with the teachers of the chairs of DonNTU “Designing Machines” and “Mechanical equipment of ferrous metal plants.
    In March 2005 the professor Malishko Ivan Alexandrovich of the department “Metal-cutting machines and tools” offered me to get engaged in scientific work “Research of the multifunction tool”. I had studied a lot of scientific works and designed the combined tool «Drill-cutter».
    In June of 2006 I got an excellent mark in the exam and got the diploma of a bachelor in engineering mechanics. I decided to get master's degree and proceed with the studying in DonNTU.
    In December 2006 the application for getting the patent of for invention was presented together with my scientific supervisor Malishko Ivan Alexandrovich.

    Abstract Library Report about the search Links
    Individual task DonNTU Master's portal