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Lautin Maksim Valerievich
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Faculty: Electrotechnical
Speciality: Electrical supply of industrial enterprises and cities
Theme of master's work: Automated design system of workshop power supply
Scientific adviser: p.h.d., associate professor Bershadskiy I.A.


Nowadays computer-aided design is one of basic methods of increase of engineers-designers and designers productivity.

Practical realization of aims, ideas and methods of automated designing can be possible with creation and exploitation of computer-aided designs (CAD) that requires training of engineering personnel of developers and users of CAD.

The experience, accumulated by creation and exploitation of CAD of radio-electronic industry, computing engineering, machine building, construction of buildings and other branches of science and technique, can be used in CAD of power supply.

To execute the project of modern highly effective PSS, taking into account the requirements of the State standards to quality of electric energy with the limited number of designers and in reasonable terms, can be possible only due to introduction of computer-aided designs of power supply (CAD of PS).

In the process of non-automated designing, mostly experimental methods of research and estimation of quality of project of experimental designing of electrtric systems, without bringing in formal methods. Development of calculable mathematics and informatics allowed to automatize the row of project procedures of projects, having synonymous mathematical interpretation.

This task becomes especially actual in hard market conditions of developing designing systems of PS with limitations on economic indicators (losses of electric power, grounds of choice of PS another type of equipment, taking into account its cost, location, topography of chart, considerable range of products and other).

However for most traditional project procedures mathematical arrangement is not obvious, and their subsequent (direct) algorithmic realization with the known mathematical methods is frequently ineffective. Therefore, formalization of tasks, development and choice of mathematical models, methods and algorithms of implementation of procedures of projects substantially determine the contents of both general theory of the automated designing and theory of computer-aided systems of power supply. Thus a leading role in the process of designing and making decisions of projects in CAD is preserved for a man, as there are functions, impracticable by way of formal methods with acceptable expenses of time and facilities. As a result, the process of the automated designing is limited to deciding final sequence of tasks of reasonable difficulty in the mode of co-operation of man and computer.

Further development of general theory of automated designing, computer engineering and mathematics, and also theoretical bases of power supply of industrial enterprises will allow to substantially reduce the time limits of PSS designing and increase their reliability and efficiency.

Experience shows that it is simpler and more effective to teach specialists in power supply one new discipline —hardware-controlled and programming facilities of computer techniques and CAD, than for specialists-developers of CAD and software to master many electric and technical subjects which make the basis of the speciality “Power supply of industrial enterprises and cities”. And without that the development and quickest introduction of effective CAD of power supply are impossible. This opinion is supported by modern trend of development of computer technique facilities — orientation for mass production and wide introduction of PCs.

Thus the user not only gets a possibility of direct communication with a computer on the basis of standard software but also comes to the necessity of development of own software, oriented for problems his speciality. That’s why the existent division into engineers-developers and engineers-users of CAD in the conditions of general introduction of personal computers into the project practice becomes to a great extent conditional.

The specificity of designing of the power supply systems has a row of requirements to CAD technology:

Similar products

We are not the first ones, who undertake solving similar problems. There is a great number of small programmes which make electric engineering calculations, but, as a rule, they are limited to implementation only of a few operations.

There are also more professional programmes, but they frequently dissatisfy all the requirements of CAD of power supply. Professional appendixes which are able to make the calculation of power supply systems, as a rule, are overloaded by additional functions, which only are an obstacle for the operator by executing a particular calculation. Such programmes are often executed as additional modules which are installed into more powerful designing systems (extending their possibilities), such as AutoCAD, Compass and other. On one hand, it is an advantage, as the calculation can be conducted on the completed project (if such is present), prepared, for example, in the system of AutoCAD. But a great disadvantage in such case is financial side, as all software products, which more or less can solve set by us tasks, cost about 2000-7000 UAH. Thus it is necessary to take into account that if this program is a module for a more powerful system, it is naturally necessary to buy the basic designing system, as far as installation of these modules on the unlicensed versions is impossible. For example, today, the AutoCAD designing system costs around 25000-30000 UAH. Also, similar systems are quite demanding to computer resources that also results in additional expenses.

All that considered, it was decided to develop own CAD, which will allow to solve the set tasks. Visual Basic 6.0 was chosen as the programming language, as it is object-oriented high-level language, supports the construction of graphic charts, works with databases mdb (Microsoft Access), supports the language of SQL queries. Also, programmes, written in this language, can be compiled both as independent appendixes and modules for more powerful designing systems.


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