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Ещенко Анна Михайловна

Master's work:

Marketing solutions modelling in productive process management


Any management in an economy is related to making and acceptance of administrative decisions, incarnated in the managers of influence. During a search and analysis of possible decisions, choice preferable from them, management subjects aim to set formings of managing influences, as far as they succeeded to take away the best variant, as really the accepted decision will work and his consequences are which will be. It would be desirable, certainly, before to carry out managing influence, accept a final decision to check up his effectiveness and consequences, coming running to the experiment.
It is impossible not to mark that introduction and use of economical mathematical methods in practice of management move up slow rates, degree of their application far below potentially possible, and influence on quality of administrative works is yet small. Automated control the system did not justify the great expectations laid on them in a great deal, their efficiency unsuffices. At perceptible successes in creation of analytical models, utillized as a scientific analysis and prognostication of economic processes, achievement in application of models in the real technology of management much more modest. Most administrative tasks, decided with the use of models, for a long time remain in the so-called installation and check-out phase, used parallel with unmodel technology which remains basic. As users of models their developers come forward mainly..
Basic methods and marketing models, which the complex method of design of marketing on a production enterprise, which will be relatively simple and applicable in practice, will be made on the basis of, are considered in this work.


As a result it is possible to draw a conclusion that a design of marketing is the basic instrument of functioning of enterprise in a market environment. Under the design of marketing understand the set of measures, directed on the design of market, volumes of sales, prognostication of demand mainly, arrived, actions of competitors.
The feature of these methods owes consists in creation of the system of alternative decisions, from which it is possible to choose an optimum decision, with the purpose of exposure of new necessities of market and determination of new directions in a production for their best satisfaction. Therefore a choice and acceptance of marketings decisions on the basis of scientific methods and ekonomiko-matematicheksogo design is aktual'nym direction in research of economy.
The novelty of marketing approach to the management the production systems consists in application of cybernetic principles, mechanisms, methods and models in a management.
A management marketing on the basis of экономико-mathematical design includes the wide use of methods of formal mathematics and logic for the quantitative measuring of demand and supply, design of relationships with users, formalization of laying out of market on having a special purpose segments, adjusting of consumer choice, design of processes of construction of competitive edges.

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