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Baglikov Vadim Gennadievich

Faculty: Computer Information Òechnologies & Àutomation
Speciality: Information control systems
Theme of masters work: Development of a computer subsystem biometric identification on face image
Leader of work: Merkulova E. V.
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 We describe initial efforts at implementing a flexible, modu- lar face identification framework in the context of a pervasive computing environment including handheld computers. Currently, the handheld is used for image capture, while all computation is performed on a back-end server, though other possibilities are discussed. Handheld face identifi- cation is difficult due to limitations in processing power and variations in lighting and background conditions. Initial experimental data are presented, showing recognition accuracy of 95.6% for a three user domain, with 1.7 second identification latency. Work is underway to improve both accuracy and scalability.

There are many compelling reasons for exploring face identification technology for handheld computers. Since a person's face is exposed to the public, captur- ing face images is less intrusive than fingerprint, iris, or retinal scanning. Also, whereas other biometric devices require specialized hardware, face identification can be done with a standard low-resolution camera, which is already needed for video-conferencing and other applications. Face identification systems have a relatively simple enrollment process – the user takes snapshots of his or her face , which can be performed in the background as the handheld is being used. Over the past 20 years numerous face identification papers have been pub- lished; a survey can be found in [2]. Most previous face identification systems have been implemented using stationary cameras with fixed background and light conditions, with recognition algorithms running on high-speed servers.

Face identification using handheld devices is a relatively novel and challenging prob- lem due to the significant variations of background and illumination conditions, as well as the constraints of lightweight mobile devices. 3 System 3.1 Computing Platform The computing platform used in this project falls within the framework of the Project Oxygen pervasive computing infrastructure [1]. The handheld computer is a Compaq iPAQ with a 206 MHz StrongARM processor and 64 MB of DRAM, running Familiar [3], a port of the Linux OS. A custom expansion sleeve designed by Compaq's Cambridge Research Laboratory [4] and built by Delta Electron- ics [5] contains a color camera and PCMCIA slots for 802.11b. While the camera is capable of 640 ? 480 resolution, the image is decimated in hardware to 160 ? 120, which is sufficient to obtain a clipped 40 ? 40 image of the face . At the time of writing, the handheld was used only for image capture. After capture, images are sent over an 802.11 wireless network to computation servers, which run the face detection, recognition, and training algorithms. This allows for faster performance at runtime, since the desktop servers are at least an order of magnitude faster than the handheld (currently, we are using a 2 GHz Pentium IV with 512 MB of RAM).

However, in the future it will be desirable to run face detection and recognition algorithms on the handheld itself (see Section 7.1). 3.2 Component Location The design of the handheld face identification environment stresses modularity of its core components, which are: (1) a handheld computer image capture client, (2) a face detection server, for cropping faces from captured images, (3) a face recognition server, for identifying a cropped face , and (4) a face recognition training server for training the classification mechanism based on captured data. The modularity of the core components facilitates the creation of distributed systems utilizing face identification . Figure 1 shows our current arrangement of Image Capture Face Recognition Runtime Server Face Recognition Training Server Handheld Computer Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Back-end Server Third-party Machine Wireless Network (802.11b) Wired Network (100BaseT) Face Detection Server Fig. 1. One possible arrangement of the face identification components. In this config- uration, images are captured on the handheld device, and computation is performed on a faster back-end server. Applications on any machine are then able to use the results. software components; however, an API is provided to access the components using TCP sockets, which allows for control and computation to be arbitrarily distributed.

Any application can connect to the image capture client to trigger face recognition. The face detection and recognition computation can then be performed either on the handheld or externally on a faster back-end server. Applications running on any machine on the network, including the server and handheld, can register to be notified on face detection events, and then use the results of the face recognition. 4 Face Identification Technology The face detector used in this work [6, 7], developed at Compaq's Cambridge Research Laboratory, is trained via an algorithm that selects a small number of critical visual features to train extremely efficient classifiers. The classifiers are connected in a “cascade” configuration, which allows irrelevant features to be discarded very efficiently. The face recognition component [8, 9], developed at the MIT Artificial Intel- ligence Laboratory and the Center for Biological and Computational Learning, is based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers [10]. 4.1 Training the Face Recognizer Training images are obtained by naive users using the handheld computer's cam- era. Users are instructed to attempt to capture images from various illumination and background settings, such that a larger range of lighting and background conditions is taken into account when training the SVMs. The application devel- oper can hand-select the training images in order to eliminate bad data caused by incorrect face detection.

The gray values of the training image pixels are con- verted into feature vectors, one 1600-dimensional vector per 40 ? 40 image, for Fig. 2. The runtime face recognition process for four possible people in the training set. A face detector localizes and extracts the face . The pixel values of the extracted face are converted into a feature vector which is fed into an array of linear SVMs (A, B, C, and D). Each SVM returns a score representing the likelihood of the image matching the person that SVM has been trained for. An n -best list of the scores is returned. training the SVM classifiers. These classifiers are based on the one-vs-all strat- egy (see [10]), in which each classifier is trained to distinguish one person from all the other people in the training set. 4.2 Runtime Face Recognition In the process of runtime face recognition, the face detector is first used on the input image to extract the face . The face image size is then normalized to 40 ? 40 pixels. As during training, the gray values of the image pixels are converted into a feature vector. The number of SVMs present is equal to the number of people in the training set, and each one distinguishes a single person from the rest. Each SVM is evaluated against the input image and produces a score representing the likelihood that the image matches the person for which the SVM was trained (distance from decision hyperplane). The SVM with the highest score is picked as the first choice for the identification , the next highest is the second choice, etc.

Currently, there is only a very simple score-based rejection mechanism (based on raw score or on closeness to other scores). We are exploring other rejection methods, which may prove more robust. 5 Experiments 5.1 Face Recognition Accuracy Comprehensive experiments gauging the accuracy of the system are yet to be completed. However, preliminary results have been encouraging. Figure 3 presents the accuracy of the face recognizer for various training set sizes. Accuracy fig- ures are shown both for two data sets, with or without hand selection of images. The data were obtained using a training set of three people, and a test set of 15 images for each person, with no overlap between the training and testing data sets. The peak recognition accuracy was shown to be at 95.6% at 90 training images for the hand-selected data set, and at 84.4% at 45 training images for the raw data set. These data show that hand-screening training images yields a 6.2% relative average accuracy improvement, and a 13.2% relative maximum accuracy improvement. 5.2 Network Latency/Component Runtime We have conducted several initial experiments to gauge the runtime of particu- lar technology components and network latencies. The component configuration used for this experiment was that of Figure 1. The following table illustrates average runtime/latency figures over 100 test runs. Task Runtime/Latency(ms) Send raw image over 802.11 networking 444 Convert image to grayscale 260 Run face detection 193 Total time excluding face recognition 897 Run face recognition (3 people/70 training images) 878 Run face recognition (4 people/70 training images) 1203 Run face recognition (5 people/70 training images) 1622 Sending a 160 ? 120 color images captured by the handheld camera (57.8KB) over 802.11 networking took 444ms, and would take 380ms for 40 ? 40 post- detection grayscale images (1.7KB).

Thus, most of the latency associated with sending images over TCP sockets is due to the connection overhead, and moving face detection to the handheld would not yield a significant improvement in network latency. However, it may be possible to reduce overhead by maintaining a persistent socket connection. Additionally, capturing grayscale images in the camera would eliminate the need for an expensive (260ms) secondary conversion. Our face detector code runs in 193ms on a 160 ? 120 image; however [6] reports runtime to be 67ms on a larger 384 ? 288 pixel image. This is most likely due to process setup overhead (since we fork off a separate face detection process for each image). This suggests that gains can be made by either using process pooling, or continually running face detection on the handheld and sending off face images when a detection is made (see Section 7.1). The data show that runtime for one-vs-all SVM-based classification (see [10]) scales linearly with the number of people in the training set (for N people, runtime ? (( N + 1) ? 400) ms ). Thus, scalability is a significant issue for this implementation of the technology. For realtime performance, face recognition domains would probably be limited to 20 people or less (around 8 seconds) when using non-parallel desktop servers, and only a handful of people when running the recognition code on handheld computers.

The memory footprint of the face recognition algorithm is (3+ N ? 0 . 006) MB for N people. This scales to around 9MB for 1000 people, which is reasonable for handhelds. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Training set size (#images) Accuracy (%) Face Recognition Accuracy vs. Training Set Size Hand?selected training set Raw training set Fig. 3. Preliminary testing results showing the accuracy of the face recognition system when trained to recognize three people. Two data series are given, representing the accuracy with and without hand selection of training data. 6 Applications to Pervasive Computing Since virtually any computer in an intelligent computing environment can benefit from the ability to identify its users, there is a vast number of applications for face identification technology within pervasive computing. Examples include: – Login: The user is able to log into a computer using his or her face . This ap- plication is especially useful for handheld computers, since it is cumbersome and time-consuming to type logins on the small screens. – Face identification -based location services: Face identification is combined with a location information system such as Cricket [11] to provide informa- tion about the position of people present in a user's environment.

Conclusion In this work, we have designed and implemented a modular infrastructure for handheld face identification in the context of the Project Oxygen pervasive com- puting environment, which allows non-expert developers to create applications using this technology, and non-expert users to enroll in and use the applications. 7.1 Future Work We are pursuing several strategies for improving face identification performance and usability. One such method is improving rejection performance, by using a generic SVM trained on pictures of people not in our positive database. Another method is to synthesize images based on a 3-D head model estimated from a much smaller training set (around 5 images) as described in [12]. We are also porting the face detection code to the handheld StrongARM processor, to make it possible to keep the face detector constantly running on the handheld, and trigger a face recognition process in the background when a face is detected. We intend to collect a much larger training data set in the near future, and much more complete test results should be available by the time of the conference. Lastly, we plan to develop a toolkit that allows the developer to control the entire application: image capture, training set screening, training, and runtime recognition, from a web interface similar in philosophy to [13].


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