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Baglikov Vadim Gennadievich

Faculty: Computer Information Òechnologies & Àutomation
Speciality: Information control systems
Theme of masters work: Development of a computer subsystem biometric identification on face image
Leader of work: Merkulova E. V.

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About myself

        Mean score during training at university was 4.6. Freely know Russian and Ukrainian languages. In sufficient size know English. I was working as system administrator for 1.5 years. I have small experience of development of forms and programs on C++ Builder. I know languages C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, VB.


        I was born on July, 25 of 1986 in Donetsk. From little up grew a sociable and independent child. I remember preschool, its educators and pupils. Led many friends with which communicate and now at that time. In 1993 went into general school 62. In initial classes actively behaved on lessons and out of them, that could not tell on estimations and conduct, in general, diary was red. Took part in sporting competitions on judo from school. In a seventh class participated in a district olympiad on history and physics. Because all district olympiads passed in the period of winter vacations, they went down in memory by an exceptionally frightful cold in classes and that wrote them not taking off a jacket and cap. 9th class appeared for me truly by an issue, as parents decided that it is time to change school on more serious (for what by him enormous thank).

Our choice fallen on Donetsk kollezh. Studying there was difficult and interesting. I went in a class with an economic slope, new objects appeared. Unfortunately 2 years passed very quickly, and time to decide came, where to continue education. I did not especially choose because already at the beginning of a 11 class knew where want to study and in the middle of January I and 4 my class-mates came on ratings of DONNTU. All went well and in May we already were students on 99%. So I became student of speciality Information control systems the Donetsk national technical university. Due to the successful handing over of ratings, I was able quietly to make off teaching.
The first course passed under a sign new acquaintances and impressions. Our group appeared very friendly and sociable, so that a 1 session stole up unnoticed. Handing over it, felt myself as the real student. On the second course decided to act on a military department which made off in 2007, getting an officer rank. The first four courses swept over absolutely unnoticed (until now I remember our first pair of September, 1 with Mokriy G. V.). In 2007 I got the diploma of bachelor with a difference and entered city council.
Time to be determined with the theme of master's degree work came in the same period. Work my is devoted: to processing of images, namely to biometricheskoy authentication. With a theme my leader helped to be determined – ê.ò.í., associate professor of department to ACE Merkulova Ekaterina Vladimir, which is a specialist in this area.
In the future I plan successfully to protect master's degree work and find good and prestige job on my specialization which would enable me samorealizovat'sya and apply all of my knowledges and abilities in practice


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