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DonNTU DonNTU Masters
Donetsk National Technical University Rubtsov Michael

Rubtsov Michael

Faculty: Computer Informational Technologies and Automatics

Speciality: Informational Controlled Systems and Technologies

Theme of master's work:"Development of models of processes of dispatching manufacturing and assembly of products in mechanical engineering"

Leader of work: Sekirin A.


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Mean score during learning at university 5.0. My native languages are Russian, Ukranian. I speak English, but not fluently. I have base knowledge of German.
I have an operational experience in MS Access, MS SQL Server 2000, MS FoxPro 7.0, development experience with Borland C ++ Builder, programming with Pascal, C/C ++, Visual Basic, VBA, Visual C ++. I have the general representation and the elementary skills in system "1c:Ïðåäïðèÿòèå 7.7"; skills in Web-programming with Javascript and PHP.


I was born on May, 10th, 1986. I do not remember anything about weather conditions on the day of my birth. The only thing I know I was born three earlier, than it had been waited. All facts about my early childhood I have known from my parents – Rubtsov Viktor and Rubtsov Olga.
I visited childrengarden not far from my house. Then I visited school #16, which is also situated nearby. But three years later I’ve changed the school for the school #35 has been thought to be much more better to study math, physics and others. I’ve finished this school in 2003.
Also I have visited musical school #4. I’ve trained playing violin. I’ve finished musical school when I was fourteen.
I have entered Donetsk National Technical University in 2003. I have chosen studying computer sciences for the specialists in this sciences can get a well paid job. And from a variety of specialties I’ve chosen The automated control systems because I wanted to perform systems, but not only make programs.
I enjoy my university life very much, because I’ve met here many new friends and my studies are really interesting for me.
Also I study economical sciences at the same university. At this time I’ve already get the bachelor degree in computer sciences and in economical sciences. And now I am studying to get the Master degree in computer sciences. The theme of my master's work is Development of models of processes of dispatching manufacturing and assembly of products in mechanical engineering. I've chosen this theme because of its actuality. This theme was reserved in our University by the Ministry of Education so I think this work is quite actual.
In my free time I am going in for such sports as badminton and powerlifting. And sometimes I have outdoor walks with my friends in Crimea Mountains.

DonNTU DonNTU Masters
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