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           MASTER'S WORK

Economy and management faculty
Chair: «Enterprise Economy»
Speciality: «Management of innovative activity»


  Lider:  Shilova Larissa Ivanovna
  The autoreferat has made: Antonova D.N.


  In modern competitive conditions before each subject of managing and the country the problem of achievement and deduction of competitive positions in general was. For the countries, which steels on a way of construction of market economy, the victory in a competition means, first of all, a victory in working out and introduction of innovations. This question gets the paramount value, after all those countries which will be not capable to compete really to the countries of "gold billion”, will be economically suppressed the next years and вытесненны on world economy periphery.

  To relatives by analogy there is an enterprise position. Only mastering of innovative model of development which economically developed countries adhere, can give strengthening of competitive positions of the enterprise in the internal and external markets. At the same time, world experience convinces that economic and social progress, finally, depends not so much on control systems of quality, the organisation of manufacture, its hardware, how much from creative activity of the person, its desire to work with high labour return, enthusiasm, aspiration to constant updating of knowledge and their realisation of labour process more and more.

  Today only every tenth enterprise has a direct bearing on an innovation, creativity and invention on manufacture practically isn't encouraged, menacing scales were got by ageing of scientific shots, critical border has reached a deterioration of park of the scientific and technical equipment. Absence of the developed infrastructure of innovative activity throughout many years, necessary motivation of commodity producers to application of innovations as means of competitive struggle, - these and other factors have defined backlog of Ukraine in innovative sphere in the beginning of market transformations.


   The job purpose is development of theoretical positions and a substantiation of methodical bases, stimulation of innovative activity of the personnel of the enterprises. For purpose achievement in job constant following problems:
  - to consider essence and functions of stimulation of job;
  - to show kinds of stimulation of innovative activity;
  - to establish a choice of strategy of stimulation of innovative activity;
  - to prove scientifically - methodical bases of creation of system of motivation of productivity of job of the personnel at the enterprise;
  - to prove the basic directions of a diversification of systems of material stimulation of job at the enterprises;
  - to analyse stimulation of job and a manufacture expense;
  - to define material stimulation of job in innovative forms;
  - to show stimulation of innovative activity of the personnel.

  Obligatory element of a general characteristic masters jobs are object and object of research definitions.



   In the first section „stimulations of innovative activity” will be considered. In this section the labour behaviour of workers is studied. As stimulation as usual understand influence on labour behaviour of the worker through creation personal - meaning conditions which induce it to operate with a certain rank. Thereby, on the one hand, favorable conditions for satisfaction of needs of the worker are created, and from the second - the labour behaviour necessary for successful functioning of the enterprise is provided, i.e. there is an original exchange of activity.

  In uniform стимуляционном influence on real labour activity of people the moments of compulsion and attraction often not separated, simultaneous, indissoluble; at the same time real enough there are also such situations when dominates either rigid, or liberal stimulation.

  In a social life it is extremely important to choose basic strategy of activization of workers, their stimulation to high-efficiency job. As a methodological basis for definition of strategy of stimulation of labour behaviour the theory of influence of punishments and compensations on behaviour of the person, stated in the form of system of theorems can serve.

  In the second section „methodical approaches to the organisation of stimulation of innovative activity” it will be scientifically opened - methodical bases of creation of system of motivation of productivity of job of the personnel at the enterprise, and also material stimulation of job in innovative forms, the basic directions of a diversification of systems of material stimulation of job at the enterprises are considered, and also to show stimulation of innovative activity of the personnel. Requirements of workers of the Ukrainian enterprises - подпочва for formation of motives to actions. A role of interests, intentions, aspirations, feelings, emotions, belief, ideals, etc. in prompting of the worker to positive actions the incontestable.

  Activity of workers of the Ukrainian enterprises caused by real needs - aspiration something to reach чи something to avoid. Nobody can make be - that, without satisfying any of the needs which are display of need something that it is felt by the worker, and from time to time it is necessary to satisfy it.

  The diversification of systems of material stimulation of job at the enterprises is caused mostly by variety of labour processes and special requirements to their performance. Than more widely a circle of systems, especially possibilities to select the most effective for a concrete kind of jobs. In them the essence and value of separate systems of material encouragement of the working Ukrainian enterprises is considered. In the third working out of recommendations rather material stimulation of the innovative form of managing.

  Research, the analysis and generalisations operating in new инновационныхформах managing of the organisation of a payment with revealing of positive tendencies in it that assist its material stimulation in the conditions of market economy development, and working out of theoretical and practical recommendations from improvement of stimulation of job in an economy.

  The exclusive role of wages in enterprise functioning is caused by that it carries out a number of the important functions: reproduced, stimulating, regulating and social.

  As the basic source of means for the expanded reproduction of a labour the wages motivate highly effective job and to the basis market конъектуры become a specific regulator of redistribution of a labour between regions, areas and the enterprises, influencing its migration and fastening of shots on manufacture.

  Besides, social justice maintenance in relations between employed workers and owners of the basic means for distributions of incomes, and also for an establishment of the private neogenic income employed workers according to the labour contribution of each principle with observance is wages function: for equal job - an equal payment. From resulted above functions of wages primary is reproduced that should provide to each worker of possibility with own job completely to recreate the labour of corresponding qualification and to support a worthy standard of living.



  1. Підвищення ефективності мотивації персоналу в управлінні локальними електричними мережами/ Г.О.Коваленко, О. В.Амельницька //Актуальні проблеми економічного та соціального розвитку виробничої сфери /Донец. нац. техн. ун-т, фак. Економіки та менеджменту. -Т. -2005.-е. 172-178.

  2. Економiчна соціологія /А.В. Дорин. -М.- 2004.- с.12-134.

  3. Соціологія праці: підручник для ВНЗ/М.П.Лукашевич.-К.-2004.-231-245.

  4. Человек. Цивилизация. Общество./П.А. Сорокин. -М. -2000.с.32-45.

  5. Вартість робочої сили в системі Мотивації та стимулювання/А.В. Череп// Актуальні проблеми екрноміки//Донец. нац. техн. ун-т, Фак. Економіки та менеджменту.-Т.І, -2005.-С.44-51.

  6. Українське суспільство: десять років незалежності /За ред. В.М. Ворони, М.О. Шульги-К. -2001. -с.605.

  7. Стимулювання праці-необхідний елемент економіки ,що впливає на витрати виробництва /А.В. Череп// Економіке.Фінанси.Право. -2005.-№2. -с.7-10.


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