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Economy and management faculty
Chair: «Enterprise Economy»
Speciality: «Management of innovative activity»
Group: ÌIA-08ì


  Lider: Shilova Larissa Ivanovna

  Subject: «Stimulation of innovation activity personnel of the enterprise»


  Operational experience: Mean score in training at university 4,1. Freely I know Russian, the Ukrainian language. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, know English.

  I have an operational experience with programs M³crosoft Off³ce Word, M³crosoft Off³ce Excel, M³crosoft Off³ce Access, Project Expert, Adobe Photoshop, PowerPo³nt, M³crosoft Outlook Express, MS ²nternet Exporer.

  I take a great interest in sports, like to read, look films, to communicate with friends.

  The personal data: Ukrainian, 1983 of a birth.


  I, was born on December, 17th, 1983 in the city of Donetsk. In 1987 has gone to a kindergarten. In 1990 has gone to school. In elementary grades didn't wish to study, but teachers asserted that I have abilities.

  Since five a class progress washing has sharply increased, I have understood that study to be pleasant to me, and especially the exact sciences. I have finished school with a silver medal.

  In 2001 I have arrived on correspondence faculty on a speciality «computer systems and networks» in "computer facilities" group. Having studied two years on family circumstances to me it was necessary to leave. Having fulfilled a year I has decided to arrive anew only on day faculty on a speciality «foreign trade activities management». So four years I worked and studied, successfully having protected the bachelor's degree perfectly well. I have decided to arrive in a magistracy.

  In 2008 I pass examination perfectly well and I arrive on the budget of day branch on a speciality «management of innovative activity».

  Plans for the future at me it is unlimited much. Whether time will suffice all of them to realise here in what a question? The main thing the purpose before itself to put, and the embodiment in a reality would be desire and persistence. All will turn out.

 Autobiography ||  Master's work