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Master of DonNTU Gikhar Galina

Gikhar Galina

Faculty: Faculti of economik

Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master`s work: "Development of system of marketing of innovations at the enterprise"

Scientific adviser: Shilova Larisa Ivanovna

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Article on masters work theme

«Development of system of marketing of innovations at the enterprise»


    Innovative changes can define competitiveness of the country. The susceptibility of changes in conditions of globalisation by economy is the indicator of its competitiveness. The engine and the basic customer of innovative development is the developed industry in which prevail средне and highly technological manufactures.
    Анализ Innovative changes can define competitiveness of the country. The susceptibility of changes in conditions of globalisation by economy is the indicator of its competitiveness. The engine and the basic customer of innovative development is the developed industry in which prevail средне and highly technological manufactures. National economy for illumination of complete "picture" of development on the basis of innovative changes requires the account modern трансформационных processes of a global civilisation. Strengthening Global competition near to loss of a considerable particle of the world markets by the domestic enterprises Creates considerable obstacles in a way of use by them of available possibilities of development. In the present state of affairs special value get a question concerning optimum structure of economy, processes of a competition and monopolisation, concentration of manufacture for increase of competitiveness of national economy.

Theme urgency

    By configuration and transformation consideration цивилизационной structures of the modern worl. It is necessary to understand that at sources of successes and failures are not only найпрогресивніші technologies, financial Mechanisms or military alliances, and first of all system of moral values. Century traditions, morals should To constrain the hypertrophied and dangerous representations that the meaning of the life consists in uncontrollable material, instead of spiritual enrichment, in exclusive azh_otazhno-spozhivatskih mood, stimulus.
    The specified testifies that the world changes, changes fast enough rates, changes from positions of working out and introduction of innovations, especially information-communication technologies, transformations of system of manufacture and the labour market, creation global currency-financial system, the global property of the multinational corporation, acceleration of development of international trade that of processes investment, Dictatorship of ideology unruly enrichment and consumption, rupture growth in рівні economic potential between The countries "gold to billion" that others (almost 200) the countries. In this situation each country, Its power structures should віднайти найуспішнішу strategy of improvement of well-being and quality of a life of people. This postulate concerns also Ukraine which due to define the place, the prospect, the role in integration processes in relation to the USA, the countries "G7", EU, Russia, the CIS, the countries-neighbours, functional and other groupings from positions of the concept of constant development.


  • Decline of traditional cultural wealth, replacement with their market pseudo-values leads To consumer society and profit formation. The economy, economic relations, instead of morals should be market, Cultural wealth.

  • Economic growth in Ukraine after a depression phase it is possible to expect throughout a restoration phase. Expected high starting indicators of development of economy in the beginning of a new cycle (2035-2040) will give the chance backlog reductions between macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine and the developed countries.

  • The basic backbone link of innovative development of economy of Ukraine should become First of all large business, including international (in the form of the multinational corporation), and average and small - auxiliary and The providing.

  • Activization of economic development on the basis of innovations possible under condition of change of structure of economy in a direction of increase and highly technological manufactures which are characterised most Particle develope the added cost in comparison with raw and processing areas, formation and home market development, an indulgence of dependence on a conjuncture on foreign markets.


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    2. Клинов В. Мировая экономика: прогноз до 2050 г. // Вопросы экономики, № 5, 2008. – С. 64.
    3. Бажал Ю. М. Економічна теорія технологічних змін / Ю.М. Бажал; наук. ред. М.С. Герасимчук; ред. Н.Г. Пономаренко – К. : Заповіт, 1996. - С. 21-23.
    4. Кузык Б.Н., Яковец Ю.В. Россия-2050: стратегия инновационного прорва. – М. : Экономика, 2005. – 624 с.
    5. Соціально-економічний розвиток України [Електронний ресурс] // Держкомстат України. – Форма доступу: – Дата доступу: 25.07.2008.
    6. Економічний розвиток України: інституціональне та ресурсне забезпечення: Монографія /О.М. Алимов, А.І.Даниленко, В.М. Трегобчук та ін. – К.: Об’єднаний ін-т економіки НАН України, 2005. – 540 с.

      Important note

          At writing of this abstract of thesis master's degree work is not yet completed. Final completion: December, 2009 Complete text of work and materials and materials on the topic can be got for on author or his leader after the indicated date.


      © DonNTU 2009 Gikhar Galina

  • My biography