DonNTU Master's portal
Master of DonNTU Meznikova Katya

Meznikova Katya

Faculty: Electromechanics and automatics
Chair: Mining equipment
Speciality: The mining equipment

Subject of master's thesis: Increase of a technological level of remote haulage system of shearer UKD 200-250

Supervisor: Candidate of Technical Science, Professor Semenchenko Anatoliy

Briefly: An average grade during the studying at university 4.9. I know Russian and Ukrainian freely. In a volume sufficient for reading and correspondence I know English. I have a skills in the software packages: Compas, MathÑad etc.



My father is Meznikov Arthur. He was born on May 26, 1964. He works as head of one department in the state enterprise.

My mother is Meznikova Helen. She was born on July 2, 1964. She works in Donetsk management institute as the senior teacher.

My brother is Meznikov Dmitry. He was born on November 28, 1984. He works as the engineer-designer at 2nd categories in the state enterprise.

I was born 29 january 1988 in a family of the teacher and the engineer and I already had a big brother. When I was 5 years old our family has moved to the new house. I did not like a kindergarten , and I have decided, that it was already time to go to school.


In 1994 parents have sent to me school ¹1. I studied well, but knew humanitarian subjects badly. I have left school with a silver medal.


In 2003 has started to attend on preliminary courses on the math in DonNTU. My teacher Gatyn Viktor was magnificent, though also strict enough.

I have handed over the first rating perfectly well and have passed on a budgetary basis. The second rating too. In couple of months has understood, that I have chosen wrong speciality and I passed 3’d rating by another speciality.

Since 2004 I have started to study on faculty electromechanics and automatics, on chair of mining equipment, a speciality is “Computer designing of the equipment”. Teachers were strict, but we have understood, that they are remarkable persons. When we meet them in corridors or in the street we are smiling to each other.

After four years of studing I have chosen a direction of next researches in the master’s programme, have passed examination perfectly well and have arrived in budgetary group MaSh-08m.

Now I write master work on a theme “Increase of a technological level of remote haulage system of shearer UKD 200-250” together with supervisor of studies Semenchenko Anatoly.

Plans on the future

After the finishing of the master’s program I will work as the assistant on chair “Theoretical mechanics”.

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