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Masters DonNTU Volkova Julia Pavlivna

Volkova Julia Pavlovna

Faculty: Geotechnologies and production management

Specialty: Safety of labour activity

Theme master’s activities:

" The analysis of a condition of airing and development of actions on decrease in outflow of air in conditions OP " SHAHTOUPRAVLENIE "TRUDOVSKOE" "

The chief: Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer Niñkolaev Å.B.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

About myself

   During studies at donetsk technical national University my average mark was 4.3.
   Now I am obtaining two higher educations such as engineering and technical ones.
   I have got an experience of work with people and also by profession when I was doing practical works.
   I have got an excellent command of Russian and Ukrainian. I have got an experiance of work at Microsoft Office, STATISTICA and creating basis of all the data at Microsoft Access.
   I consider myself as the responsible, purposeful and a person of principle. These qualities help me to set myself as objects and put them slowly into effect.

   I am going to defend a diploma in the nearest future, find a highly paid work, become a highly skilled specialist and devote myself to obtain a promotion in the nearest five years. And only then I'll be occupied with the regulation of my personal life. I'll make all my efforts for realization of all my plans and dreams. I eagerly want that my plans come true.


My childhood

  I was born on September, 24th, 1987 in the city of Donetsk. My father - Volkov Pavel Grigorievich, was born in 1960, in Donetsk too. He is the second group invalid of labour (in 1988 he got an industrial injure in "the Novogrodovskaya Mine 1/3", Donetsk region, where he worked as a foreman master). My mother - Volkova Galina Vladimirovna, was born in 1962. Now she works in the ÎP "ShY" Trudovsky" as a worker of the foufth grade. My sister - Volkova Natalia Pavlovna, was born in 1990, as a student of 2nd course of DonNtU of faculty GTU by speciality "Safety of Labour Activity". We lived in Selidovo, Donetsk region from 1987 till 2000.

   My children years were spent in surrounding of people who loved me very much. By their stories - reminiscences I was a spoilt, stubborn, hard, capricious child. I never bored when I went to play as I was an organizer of many games and than was why I had got many friend. The most vivid memories are connected with broken knees and injuries as I was also a vary liveliness and curious child. My parents brought me up. They learnt me to be self-dependent, responsible, honesty and diligency. My granny also brought me up. I attended "ladushky" kindergarten where I took part in different theatrical-dancing arrangements. I also attended folk dances and a drawing circle.



   I went to a providing general aducation school ¹2 from 1994 till 2000. My first teacher was Safronov Helen Nikolaevna. I olways "fought" with pleasure for the honour of our form. I took part in basketball competitions among girls of 5-7 forms and in competition of wall-neuspapers. I passed my first exams on maths in the sixth form and got 'four' mark. The trips to "Artec", "Berestky" and to Kiev on the "President's fir-free" were the brightest occasions of my childhood.
   Our family moved ti the native town Donetsk in 2000. Showing myself to be a good pupil, having,passed tests I started to studyat school ¹114 in the form with a proud name "the 8-A". This forn was very stong, with a mathematical bias. It was not easy to study as everything was new and unknown: new teachers,other demands.There were so-called modulusesinstead of lesson at this school. It was difficult but possible. Everything reflected in our marks. The most ceremonial occasion in my school life was presenting a school-leaving certificate of a full secondary education. there wasn't a sigle low mark in it I felt proud of my school-leaving certificate.



University years   

   Howing successfully finished the 11th form, passing by preparations to the entrance examinations in 2004 I entered Donetsk national technical University (It is one of the oldest universities of our region and it has a good reputation of a high level preparatory of graduating students) on the faculty Geotechnologyy and Management Production by a speciality 'Safety of labour Activities". It is a basic of my life and labour activities.  
   As for choosing of the education institution at which I was going to study there were no variations. I clearly put befure myself the aim to enter this speciality. My father advised it to me, having described it perspective, new and interesting one.
   I wasn't sorry about my choise and understood at once importance and necessity of my future speciality in our region coalmining industry is main and a percentage of unfortunate accidents is very high, as in fact 95 percent of unfortunate accidents is violation of technical safety; that's why manes need aualified specialists who must be engaged in this problem and keep vigilant watch on fulfilment of all standards. I began to display a keen interest to my speciality from the third course when we started to learn subjects which were directly connected with my future profession. And I also obtain the second high education by speciality Enterprise Economics at the institute of post diploma education at Donetsk National technical University. Of course it is difficult to combine studies on different specialities but I found enough spiritual strenght and persistency for getting such marks as "4" and '5",
   Though students years are not only studies, examinations and stresses. First of all it is intercourse with people who became real friends for me. It is unpriced time which I had spent in the circle of irreplaceable people. And jokes and unordinary situations which we lived through together, will always rise my spirits. I have got a bachelor's diploma by speciality in 2008. Now I go on with my studies. The magistrates is in the front. I am preparing the diploma of air state and exploitation of arrangements upon lowering of air escape on conditions of :trudovskaya' mine. my research leader Nickolaev Eugeny Borisovich helps me in it.

© DonNTY 2009 Volkova Y.P.


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