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Faculty: Computer Science and Informatics
Specialty: Software of automated systems
Theme of the master's work: Improved performance CMS
Scientific leader: Ph.D. senior Andryukhin Alexander Ivanovich


Content Management System - This software package, to automate the management of the site as a whole, also entities within the site. Pages Layouts, Template output data, structure, content, users and access rights. As well as the possibility of providing additional services: mailing lists, statistics, search, the interaction with users, etc.

The need for content management systems start to emerge at a time when the amount of material on web sites start to grow rapidly. This resulted to that the traditional «hand» technology creation and support sites when the site consisted of static pages and a set of additional specialized scripts could not keep pace with rapidly changing business conditions. Writing data to the site required knowledge of technology HTML / CSS layout, change the structure of sites involved with the cascade of interrelated changes in a large number of pages. Various automated tools, such as guest books and news feeds, embedded on the sites as separate scripts, and usually written by different specialists, no longer meet safety requirements.Therefore, there was a need with one hand in the unification of policy decisions, and the other in the separation of design and content, into two independent components.

CMS divides the site into two components: design (the look of the site as a whole, individual pages, specific blocks of information) and content (content). The design of the site is contained in the templates and change much less than the content.

Content management systems solve two main tasks. From the perspective of users - this is tool that allows you to post news, make new pages on the site, and perform other operations on the contents through a user-friendly interface.The user may not possess the technology of the site, but it must be understood as a designed site. From the viewpoint of developers - it is a tool that accelerates the creation of complex sites, allowing the link solutions of the complete blocks, changing to some extent the logic and design.

One of the most popular cms, on which you can create a functional and easily-managed sites without significant financial cost are Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, TYPO3 as well as recent is Oxite.

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