Biography Abstract
DonNTU master Pashinskaya Anna Vladimirovna

Pashinskaya Anna Vladimirovna

Faculty: Computer science
Speciality: Software Engineering

Master's theme: Processes of crystal growth in liquid melt: searching, modeling and rendering
Leader of work:Karabchevskiy V.V.

Average greade – 4.96
I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently, English (intermediate level).

Professional knowledges and skills:
  • C/C++, MS Visual C++
  • Pascal, Delphi,
  • Assembleer
  • Lisp, Prolog
  • Perl, PHP, Javascript, HTML
Operational experience with data bases:
  • MS Access
  • MySQL
  • MsSQL
Program packages:
  • Autocad, 3Ds Max
  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
  • Mathematica, MathCad
  • Rational Rose
  • MS Office.

I was born on November, 25th, 1986 in Donetsk, Ukraine.

Mather: Pashynska Olena Genrichivna
Father: Pashynsky Vladymyr Victorovych

I began to walk to preschool «Dyuymovochka» in age two years. This was a wonderful place with plenty of toys, patient kindergarten teachers and obligatory «quiet hour» after dinner. In that place I began to play in performances for the first time. One of the most striking memories of that times is firat meeting with russian and foreign rock music, becouse my parents liked it very march. It was wonderful and carefree period of my life.

In 1993 I started physico-mathematical comprehensive school ¹17. It was one of the strongest school in Donetsk. Interesting events were not in junior classes. But in 5th form I entered in specialized physico-mathematical class. It defined my future interests and fascinations.

I want to remember two my teachers especially. Braga Anatoliy Victorowich was my teacher of physic and Naymkina Oksana Vladimirovna was my teacher of chemistry. Ferrous character and staggering sense of humour were combined in them. Although I worried and couldn't sleep before every written test , I remembered them with thanks until now. Learning in school was combined with participation in contests (favourite subjects were geography and world history), playing piano, english lessons, theatre study group, designing and sewing clothes. I entered in an art school for children in 1999 and understood that painting became my first true love. Thereafter I took part in all possible picture competition. Several times I won. After finished an art school (9th form) I start paint in oils. At the end of 10th form I made a decision to continue this lessons for a long time. But, like we knew from history, lifes of many famous painter was very hard in financial sphere. That is why I choosed my future profession rest upon arguments of reason, not feeling. At the beginning of 11th form I started learned math and informatics seriously. It lets my entered to Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) in spring 2004 used rating system.

So I became a student. Studing in university brought pleasure after too strict rules of conduct and high educational load. Practice to study patiently hard to understand subjects helped me. Therefore I didn't have big problem with education. I met my second true love on the 1st course. It was archery. Unfortunately in 2007 I had to quit training, becouse I didn't have enough free time. In this four years I took part in several major competition - cups and championships - like a member of combined team of Donetsk region (trainer - Kugjel Ludmila Arnoldovna), and received 1st grade in category "women". On the 3d course I began to work and choosed theme of my future science work. Karabchevskiy V.V. became a leader of work, theme of work: processes of crystal growth in liquid melt: modeling and rendering

As for my future I want to continue my science research, work in the University, acquire expirience of teaching. Also I want take part in international scientific activities, conferences. I hope that archery and painting will accompany my career.