DonNTU Master Berezhnaya Alla
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Berezhnaya Alla

Faculty: Mining and Geological

Speciality: Organisation of the Use of Land and Cadastre

Theme of master's work: Research of influence of the ecological factor on a standard monetary estimation of the earth

Scientific adviser: Gavrilenko Y.N.


My avarage mark during the whole period of study at the university is 4.78. I speak Russian and Ukrainian as a native speker. My English is enough for communication and reading. I also have an experience working with such programs as AutoCad, Digitals, ArcView, Mathcad, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word). I have learned the programming language for engineer purposes Pascal and worked with Delphi. I work with Database Desktop and SQL.

Short biography:

My early childhood:

I was born in a summer day on the 14th of august in Donetsk. My mother Berezhnaya Elena and my father Berezhnoy Sergey are well educated, nice and loving parents. Most of their life they dedicated to me and my brother Alexander. I am really thankful to them for that. I gruw up with the feeling of purposefulness, self-fulfillment, responsibility, honesty, desire to self-perfection and self-realization and love to the world around me.

In the age of 5 I was brought to a dancing school and athletic gymnastics as well.

To the personal achievements of that period count the participation in competitions and victory in some of them

School years:

I went to school in the age of seven. By that time I have learned to read, write and count, that I learned from my older brother. After the first tests in my life I went to the class that as specialized in math and English.

I studied well. My marks and behavior at school were always a pleasure to get to know for my parents. Studying and training a lot I almost didn’t have my free time, so that was the reason why I gave up gymnastics in the future.

The rest of my free time I spend in the dancing school training and participating in the competitions. I did what I really liked. It was great for me to reach those wins and awards. Nevertheless studies were always important for me. I liked sciences at school. I liked to solve math tasks of any kind.

Starting from the 9th class i decided to give all my time for studying. That’s why I had to give up dancing as well. I studied well taking part in competitions at school. Then I realized that it’s not always we must study, it is also interesting.


Before leaving school I had to decide where I want to study. I always knew I liked sciences but I didn’t dare to connect my life to it only. Then I got to know about the specialty land management and cadastre. Getting some more information about it I understood that’s what I like. Even though I knew that my future studies will be hard, it didn’t scare me.

Having passed an early test I was accepted by the university while being at my last school year. My first year was hard. I had some help from sophomores and teachers as well.

Being on my 3rd year I had a new scientfic tutor Gavrilenko Yuriy, who helped me to chose the topic of my reseach « Influence of ecological factors on the regulatory rating of holdings». This topic is very imprtant for the population of the region Donbass and the whole Ukraine as well.

In 2008-2009 i took part in the conference dedicated to the Day of Sciences in the departent of «Geoinformatics». In summer 2008 I had my bachelor degree in this field of studies. I decided to study for Master. I had my first working experiece after the 4th year of studies at «Geoingeneering» LTD.

Future plans

In the nar future I plan to attend courses and sit the test in the real estate rting in order i can gt the license to work alone. My master paper is planned for december 2009. I would like not to talk about future plans. I onl can say that I have them and know how to reach them.

© ÄîíÍÒÓ 2009 Berejhnaya