DonNTU Master Berezhnaya Alla
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Berezhnaya Alla

Faculty: Mining and Geological

Speciality: Organisation of the Use of Land and Cadastre

Theme of master's work: Research of influence of the ecological factor on a standard monetary estimation of the earth

Scientific adviser: Gavrilenko Y.N.



Currancy, motivation and scientific innovation:


The ecological situation is one of the most important factors that have a great influence on both the territorial structure of the socio-economic life and the production efficiency. Since a couple of years it has been changed negatively. Both the current state of the extractive and processing industry with its becoming obsolete technologies and excessive urbanization of the some districts are the factors that had an influence on the ecological situation.

Monitoring of the ecological factors that have an influence on the real estate rating and especially the holdings could be considered as quite new and perspective direction from financial and scientific point of view [1].

Talking about all the fields of human activity the ecological factors must have their affect on the regulatory rating of the land holdings.

The regulatory rating of the land holdings can be used with the aim to define the land taxes, the government dues in the case of exchange, inheritance and deed of gift according to the current legislation, the amount of the rental fees for state or private property, the loss in agriculture and forestry [2]. 

The qualitative state of the natural-anthropogenic environment has the great impact on the rating of a certain objects of real estate. The demand for the objects of real estate depends on the state of the ecological situation of the environment. Therefore the value of a certain real estate has the direct relation to the level of atmospheric pollution, noise and any other kind of pollution of the surroundings. Unfortunately at the present moment the regulatory rating of the land holdings and the amount of taxes and rental fees for natural and juridical person as well do not reflect the influence of the ecological factors on the prices [4].

I think it would be more rational to consider the possibility to use the economical index while working on the regulatory rating of the land holdings.

At the present moment in Ukraine the ecological factor is being used for regulatory rating purposes only at the local level. Therefore there is a big difference of the ecological situation in different regions of the country.


Aim and tasks:


The aim of the research is the analyzing of possibility and suitability to count the ecological situation in the centers of population during the regulatory rating of the land holdings. It concerns as well the selection and examination of the material about the amount and degree of the pollution of the territories that are being explored. It’s also concerns the statistic information about the sickness rate among the population that depends upon the environmental situation. It allows making a conclusion about the possible use of the information to define the index of the ecological factor in the regulatory rating of the land holdings.



In order to reach the aim we had following tasks:


- selection and examination of the information about the level of environmental polution.

- selection and examination of the statistic information about harmful emission to the atmosphere

- selection and examination of the statistic information about the sickness level of the population [6].

- comparative analyzing of the statistical information concerning the harmful emissions to the atmosphere and the data about the sickness level of the population in order to define a certain dependence [7].

-conclusion about the possibility and suitability of the evaluation of the ecological situation of the centers of population in the regulatory rating of the land holdings.

It is a common fact that the state of the environment has its influence on all the fields of human activities including the human individual as well.

I will make an attempt to define the diversity of the planting, the presence or absence of pollution to the atmosphere, land pollution of certain cities, that will be defined as the ecological index. I will also define its influence on the regulatory rating of the land holdings. One of the most important questions of the current research is how to define this index?

Through the comparison of data in the cities with pollution and ecologically clean areas I would like to show the situation that is based on present information about diseases among the population (considering the ambulatory and stationary treatment) .




Therefore the in-depth research of the gathered information allows making a conclusion about the disease level of the population in the region that depends on the state of ecological situation. This conclusion allows using the results of the research in order to define the index of ecological situation in the regulatory rating of land holdings.

The master paper hasn’t been finished yet while this author’s abstract was written. The final version is planned on the December 2009. The whole text or data concerning this topic are available from the author or his/her supervisor of studies after the stated day.


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