Soloviov Maksym

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Specialty: Telecommunication systems and networks
Theme of master's work: "Research of features of guaranteeing QoS in multiservice networks by adoption of new servises in GSM standart."
Scientific adviser: Voropaeva Victoria



  • The average mark during the study at the University is 4,78. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. My level of English is good enough for reading and speaking quite easily. I have work experience in the sphere of telecommunications, in projecting and installation of corporative local computer networks. I like to spend my free time playing billiards.
  • Childhood

  • I was born on 14 of February, 1988 in Donetsk. The fact that I was born this day was very symbolic. As my parents told me, the time of my formation was associated with number 13. Wherever they went, for example to the cinema or to the theatre, they always happened to get tickets for the row number 13 or the sit number 13. That is why they were absolutely sure that the day of my birth would wear the number 13. But I decided to wait and to appear on the Saint Valentine’s Day.
  • There were lots of quarrels concerning my name. They thought about enormous number of names among which there was the name of Valentine (in order to connect it with the day of my birth). It is not known for sure who gave the idea to call me Maksim but it hit the bull’s eye. I like my name very much. The name of a person is said to formulate his character and attitude towards life. I’m absolutely not against it.
  • In the kindergarden they almost didn’t have any troubles with me. I was very quiet and got on very well with other children. I liked playing with toy cars and also the games devoted to the development of logic and thinking. I didn’t see any problem in arranging puzzle or toy construction set of LEGO. Having become older, I felt more and more interest in sport. Any kind of active game was everything for me. It was exactly that time, when I got a bicycle. My race with my kindergarten teacher left a very bright impression in my memory. I was a leader during 2 circles around the kindergarten, but my teacher appeared to be quite a good rival. During all 2 circles she was on my tail and had an intention to catch my back bumper, but I wasn’t so bad. Finally, riding the 3 circle I decided to take breath an of course I got into my rivals’ hands.
  • School

  • When I was 6, I started my education at school number 70. The school head refused to accept me saying that I would sleep during my lessons. But it didn’t happen this way. I liked school and I found it quite interesting. Everything was new for me. I had new friends, new things, and new tasks. I finished primary school with excellent marks.
  • Then the fifth form followed – a lot of teachers, new form master. I am grateful a lot to strict Svetlana Petrovna. She was the head of the curriculum department and as we were under her eye, we organized almost all activities held in school. If we were to defend the honor of our school, we were in front positions. Our school team in a game “Debates” won regional and city competitions. I took first places in competitions in History and Economics, I was a candidate for president of school republic. I finished my school with gold medal. It was great time.
  • University

  • When I was at the point to finish me school, the moment to choose future profession came. It was quite difficult for me. I studied in the form oriented to economical and political sciences, and my free time I devoted to computers. Computers won and I chose the speciality “systems and networks of telecommunication” at the Donetsk National Technical University. There is no other place where they teach it better. I didn’t have any difficulties to enter the university as I had gold medal and I passed interview easily. So I entered the university and got a free of pay place.
  • My acquaintance with the group was very smooth. We found common interests and became friends quite soon. I didn’t feel any problems during the study. At the same time I had a lot of free time to do something else.
  • So, I won the competition in research works that was held by company “Kievstar”. Almost at once the selection for the team for research work of company “MTS” started. I was lucky to become a member of this team. After months of preparation and development of the project we defended it in front of governing body of the company and in front of the representatives of the higher educational establishments of Ukraine. Politics played its role. We got the third place. During the announcing of the names of winners, the auditory was shocked to hear us to be the third. But I think that it’s all right and we will have progresses.
  • In the process of choosing the theme the associate professor of the department of Automatics ant Telecommunications, Voropaeva V.Y., helped me a lot. I liked her subject very much and when the time to write the scientific research paper of a student came, I choose her without any hesitation. As a result, works for mobile companies, some researches for scientific paper of a student and publications formulated my theme: “Research of features of guaranteeing QoS in multiservice networks by adoption of new services in GSM standart”. This theme is new and quite actual.
  • Future

  • After my successful graduation I plan to get a prestigious and highly paid job and work as an engineer of telecommunications. I believe that my tenacity will help me to get to the peak of a career ladder. And whet I get through this thorny path, I plan to become a Member of the Board of the large corporation. Speaking about plans for distant future, I intend to visit all the Grand Prix Formula 1, to acquire a cottage on the outskirts of Monte Carlo with a huge terrace overlooking the sea, have a walk on a yacht every weekend and enjoy life.