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Master DonNTU Saparov Fakxriddin Abdimitalibovich

Saparov Fakxriddin Abdimitalibovich

Faculty: Mechanical

Speciality: "Technology of machine-building"

Theme of master's degree work: “Improvement of quality of cylindrical gear wheels by applying the technological method of treating the sprockets”

Supervisor: Professor. Polchenko Victor Vasilyevich

Summary of master's degree work

        I was born on October 18,1980 in Almalyke,a town in Tashkent area,the Republic of Uzbekistan in 1986.

        I went to secondary school 19. I studied well and in my free time I went in for sports. I finished 9 forms.

        Studying in college

        In 1995 I successfully passed an interview and entered the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Vocational school for the specialize “electric mechanic”. I chose this specialty because I like working in mining production, and it is interesting because there is a Mining and earth moving equipment Company in my town.

        I enjoyed studying in the vocational school very well, as this specialist is important to my future career. I completed in 1999 and worked as locksmith in the Mining and earth equipment company (Carmaker Mining Company)in my town. I worked as a locksmith in the 3rd range of Almalyksaysk workshop ¹2, where I repaired power-shovels EKG-8.

        Military Service

        An may 11, 2000, I went to serve in the army, at the Committee of state Border Defense (KOGG). The border between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I had a military rank of sergeant, I served in the office as senior book-keeper and writer. Years in the army were my best, very interesting and unforgettable.

        Work experience

        In 2002 I went back to work in the Carmaker Mining Company as an electrical mechanic in the 4th range. In the central quarry you can always see power-shovels EKG-8, EKG-10, EKG-12.5 boring machine-tools SBSH-250 and SBSH-320 and heavy industrial lorries Belaz 90 t, Belaz 110 t, Swiss track Terex 100 t, pumps CNS-180. It was very interesting to work there.

        About a monogynopaedium

        Father Saparov Abdimitalib Mamatalibovich was born in 1953.He works as mechanical engineer in “TES”

        Mother Saparova Aygul Salimboevna was born in 1957.She Works as a child garden ?28 to the educators.

        In August, 15 2007, I got married.

        Wife Saparova Marvarid Abidkhanovna was born in 1984. She completed Arabic International University and specialized as a «translator» in Arabic, but she also freely speak English, Arabic, Turkish, Russian and Uzbek language.

        Studying at DonNTU

        In 2004 I was offered an opportunity by my enterprise to study in Ukraine. In 2004 I entered Donetsk National University by the direction from “Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Plant” according to an intergovernmental agreement for the specialty “machine-building”.

        After receiving the diploma of bachelor I pursued to the Masters degree at DonNTU. Associate professor of machine building Department Polchenko Victor Vasilyevich became the supervisor of my master’s degree dissertation. “Improvement of quality of cylindrical gear wheels by applying the technological method of treating the sprockets”.

        Scientific spheres, developed by my supervisor occupy a, front-rank place in science and technology. Victor Vasilyevich always takes into account professional interest of student’s his able to interest a listener and engage students in research.

        It seems to me that studies in DONNTU can not pass without a trace. Highly skilled teaching staff of department « machine-building» shows large demand to students work. It is expressed in conducting of educational process at a high scientific and methodical level, in the development of scientific issues, in a sound defense of term papers, projects and diplomas.

        After such teaching a student becomes a good engineer, deeply capturing the speciality. High level and wide type of preparation, the purchased skills allow to be constantly perfected in the process of work and guarantee rapid adaptation of graduating students of DONNTU to any types of scientific and practical activity.

        I consider that student science gives an impulse to subsequent work, opens new possibilities and prospects, perfects and improves the professional growth of future specialists.

Summary of master's degree work

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