Ìàãèñòð ÄîíÍÒÓ Ïóùèíñêèé Ìàêñèì Èãîðåâè÷ Name: Pushinskiy Maxim
Birthday: 17 July 1988
School: 1995-2003 years  — North school of Snejnoe city
2003-2005 years  — Donetsk Lyceum "Intellect"
University: 2005-2011 years  — Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty: Electrical Engineering
Department: Electric drive and automation of industrial plants
Speciality: Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive
Theme of master's work: Analysis of technical and economic aspects of modernization of powerful electric drives machinery in metallurgical industry
Scientific advisor: Svetlichniy Aleksey

About me

  • Average mark in the period of study at the University: 4.5
  • Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages
  • In sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English
  • I have experience with the following software:
    • Programming Languages: Pascal, C/C++, Visual C++
    • Web-programming: HTML, CSS
    • Work with graphics: Adobe Photoshop
    • Mathematical Packages: MathCad
    • Working with OS: Windows /98/Me/2000/XP/Vista
    • Funds Office: MS Word 98/2000/2003/2007, MS PowerPoint
  • I love sports and active pastimes
  • Professionally dancing (salsa)
  • I have the musical education on the accordion

Snotty time

It’s already heard the clatter of her feets here. Svetlana, a maternity nurse of the Voroshilovgrad Hospital ¹ 2, with an armful of candles and a small blush entered the maternity room.

 — Here, take more  — she said quickly.

And Marina Vyacheslavovna  — the doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist of this hospital, is ready may be to the most romantic delivery in her practice. And now she doesn’t worry about the lack of electricity and light...

That July evening at 10 p.m. in close circle of beautiful women and reflections of candles, was born the author of this article. Such birth influenced on me very much, that’s why I remained the romanticist for all my life...

Early childhood wasn’t so carefree for me like for other children. I was born in a family where "teacher" is not just a profession, it’s a real vocation. So I could do many different things much more earlier than other children: the first word, the first letter, which I’d learned, and the first poem, which I’d read. But as Sukhomlinsky recommended – it’s necessary to develop the child in all spheres. And in five years, my parents found that my vocation is music. And then five years old, I proudly stand on stage and embrace my first, but the most favorite prize...


"Study, study and study again"

So, in the warm September day in 1995, holding unknown adult girl by the hand, I entered the Severnaya school. In such way my grown-up life has begun. Firstly I distinguished in good knowledge. That’s why in future I always show excellent results in study and in various competitions. But after school I did not run together with my peers to fight with our briefcases or to twist dog’s tails. I went to the art-school to study the basics of music and to train a vocal skills. I won my first regional vocal competition on the fifth form. So in such way passed my day, in the morning I ran to the one school with books, and in the evening  — in another with notes. It all lasted till the end of ninth form. I finished both schools with success and decided what to do? And here's another warm September day, when I hold again an adult girl by the hand. I stand on the line, but now in the Donetsk Lyceum "Intellect".

It’s all like as on the first time, but whether the girl was prettier, or it was the lack of care, but this adult life has been much better. And, of course, the lack of control influenced very much. Diligent and conscientious student has become idler. And only responsive control of teachers and friends helped me there ...I began to feel a lack of attention without stage, so the only place where I could compensate it was my class-room. My discipline has become very bad, and rather quickly I became the mediocre pupil. But nevertheless, my innate charm and ability to find a common language always helped me. In such way, with great fun my school years were finished. During this time I acquired not only necessary knowledge, but also true friends, for what I want to thank my school and Lyceum.


Next years

And now it's time to make a very important decision  — where to go to study after the school. Unfortunately, at that time I did not have any preference in choosing a future profession, so I listened my parents and entered the university which they chose  — Donetsk National Technical University, Electrical Engineering Faculty with a speciality Electromechanical systems automation and electric drive. Following the tradition I had entered it, holding an adult girl by the hand, but I did not. I did not realize one thing  — not every girl wants to become an engineer, and in my first group there were no girls at all. I didn’t like it, because from childhood I was very amative and needed to communicate with girls. The only consolation was that I stayed in a dormitory. So, I started my adult life again. You might say that adult life begins for me too often, but all these stages of life were really significant and to some extent it changed me. Again, I felt the lack of attention. And now the teachers of university suffered from me. But they were less aware and friendly. And my tricks turned in a very "hot" sessions. Now I was rescued only by my friends and innate charm.

On the second course I decided to get another education, and therefore entered the Institute of retraining and advanced training at Donetsk National Technical University on specialty "Enterprise Economy". So the sessions became doubly hot, because here I also do not characterized by good behavior.

During my studies I was keen on different occupations and areas as for sports and music. On the fourth course I started dancing salsa and has already reached it with some success  — I won several regional and Ukrainian competitions. I think that no matter what you do, music, sports or arts. The most important is that it brings you pleasure.

So these four years passed. They brought me a lot of positive events. I think that during all my life I will remember this time with a smile.

I would like to thank all those people who helped me during my study, supported me and brought me much fun. It’s my teachers and, of course, my friends. I would like to express special thanks to Vladimir Trandofilov for invaluable help in my education. Also I would like to apologize for all tricks that I made...


Near future

Now I am a student with two bachelor's degree, on technical and economic speciality, and I begin my new adult life. What to wait in it  — I don’t know. But I know exactly that I will achieve all what I want, because my true friends and innate charm are always with me.