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Gladkaya Elena Sergeevna
Faculty:  of Ecology and Chemical Technology
Department:   Geotechnology and production management
Speciality: Environment in mining
Theme of Master's Work: Development and foundation of the ecological and economic measures for the creation of landscape parks - recreational area within the territory of waste dumps of the Donetsk region by example of mine "Ilovaiskaya"
Supervisor: professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kostenko Victor Klimentevich


The main thing about myself

Date of Birth: 25/07/1988

Average grate point during education: 4.64

I have a bachelor degree in “Ecology in Mining”, diploma in “Design and computer graphics”. I have no experience in environmental activities.

I have no experience in environmental activities.

Languages: : russian, ukrainian (fluent), english (basic)

Computer skills, as well as software package : : MS Office 98 – 2007, Adobe CS2 - CS4 (Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, After Effect, PremierePro), Maya 6-8, 3DsMax (2005 - 2009), Autodesk AutoCAD 2007

Personal qualities: purposefulness, responsibility, sociability , desire to study, ability to listen.

Curriculum vitae


I was born on 25th of July, 1988 in small town of Donetsk region, called Ilovaysk. My parents called me Alyona and I was registered as Helen Sergeevna Gladkaya.

Before finishing the school I have spent there all my childhood. I was helped to learn the world by my beloved parents: mother- Svetlana Vasilievna Gladkaya and father - Sergey Nikiforovich Gladkiy, as well as my sister Xenia, who is 2 years elder than me.

From the first day I was surrounded by love and care of my parents. They're wonderful, the best in the world! I was very calm, silent child. When I was three years old, I had been given to a kindergarten. Firstly I was really missing home and crying all the time. But later I have overcame my fear, became interested in what was going around and started to be more confident and unselfconscious child.


On the 1st of September 1995 I became a schoolgirl. My first teacher was Tatiana Nikolaevna Saenko. I liked her from the first moment, as well as all my classmates. The same year I started attending various amateur clubs - painting, dancing, singing, playing the piano. I had not any extraordinary talents but I always trying to do my best.

IMy favorite subjects at school were math, astronomy, philosophy and art. In general, I finished my school with honors and acquired a lot of knowledge, skills and friends.


And then it has begun my student life...

The firThe first course was the most difficult for me: new city, new people, a large flow of information... My life was different: winners and losses, disappointments and joy, but all this helped me to learn how to do with difficulties and go forwardly and confidently to my dreams and reach my goals.

During the years of training I got learned a lot of courses and branches of knowledge, which were absolutely new for me.

In 2007 began my studies in Computer Academy "SHAG". It was very interesting for me, because I have been always fond beautiful things around. In 2009, after finishing CA "Shag" I received my diploma in "Design and Computer graphics". The same year I received a bachelor's degree and continued my studies as a Master.

In 2007 began my studies in Computer Academy "SHAG". It was very interesting for me, because I have been always fond beautiful things around. In 2009, after finishing CA "Shag" I received my diploma in "Design and Computer graphics". The same year I received a bachelor's degree and continued my studies as a Master.

Future plans

After graduation I hope to find a job which would let me to use my knowledge, skills and to receive appreciation. Perhaps it will be connected with the design. In parallel with the career I intend to build his family, which will be no less important part of my life.

After a while I would like to achieve significant success in its business, to be confident in the future and fully devote themselves to the work he loves and the family. And for this I am ready for a long time and work hard, develop and improve.In future I would like to achieve significant success in my business, be confident in the tomorrow's day and devote myself to my job. To achieve this I am ready to work hard for a long time, constantly developing and improving myself.

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