Sergey Danilenko

      Faculty: computer information technology and automation (CITA)
      Department: automation and telecommunications (AT)
      Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks (TSN)
      Theme of Master's Work: «Research and improvement
      of synchronous generator which is based on PLL with
      the improved characteristic of capture and tracking»
      Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. professor A. Voroncov


Date of birth: January 18, 1988
Average mark in bachelor's degree: 4,99
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English
Work with the programs: MatLab, Compass, AUTOCAD, Photoshop, System View, Microwave Office, Cisco Packet Tracer, Algorithm Builder, LabView
Programming languages: Pascal, C++
Hobbies: body-building, table tennis, KVN


      I was born in Donetsk on the 18th of January, 1988. Since the childhood I was very vigorous, inquisitive and sharp-witted child.. At the age of three years I began to go to a kindergarten. In general about that wonderful period which I have spent in a kindergarten it is possible to tell long. But if to be laconic it is possible to notice that in a garden it was cheerful and that I had a kind and patient nursery governess.


      At the age of six years I have gone to a school #2 with the deep study of English. Teaching at school was given to me easily enough, and I always found time to go on various sports sections. I always liked to look, how children which are senior than me play table tennis. Therefore, as soon as I have grown up, and could see what occurs on a table, I have begun studies to play tennis. This hobby remaines until now for me, therefore, when I have time, I try to find possibility to play tennis. From about the age of eleven I began to take a great interest in volleyball. I engaged it enough long time during which I was the captain. At the eighth class in parallel with volleyball I have started to be engaged in tourism. At the tenth class I was forced to leave off such mobile kinds of sport and had started to be engaged in bodybuilding and do it until now. But do not think that all described period has been connected exclusively with sports. It went with successful enough teaching and simple school pleasures. In the senior classes I participated in the various olympiads, basically on the mathematician and chemistry because, since initial classes, I always preferred more the exact sciences. By the way, it became defining at a choice of the future profession. In the eleventh class I already accurately knew that I wish to enter on TCS. Therefore, having finished the eleventh class perfectly well, I, without deliberating, has entered in Donetsk National Technical University on faculty of a computer information technology and automatics on a speciality which is called telecommunication systems and networks.


      Studing in an university was not so difficult, as I imagined, when I studied at school. For all of five years of teaching in an university I had got only one “four”.  I additionally participated in different conferences and olympiads because I like study. In the university olympiad on the TOE I took the third place. Since the third course, I began to get the grant of  regional council for the gifted students.

       In the university I did not only study. Since the first course I took a great interest in KVN. With my friends we created the command KVN and named its “Vtoraya Smena”. The very outset was very difficult, but with every game our level grew and now our command is the best in Donetsk, what its achievements testify to: Bronze prizewinners of the Opened Donetsk League 2009; Possessors of Cup of КВН-newspaper of Ukraine 2009; Finalists of the Student league 2008-2009 associations of KVN of Ukraine;  Winners of the second round of Championship of association of KVN of Ukraine 2009-2010; absolute champions of Cup of Rector DONNTU (3th in 2007,2 in 2008 and 1th place in 2009); winners of National league KVN in a season 2009-2010. Playing in the association of KVN of Ukraine, we visited the different cities of Ukraine (Lvov, Kiev, Lutsk, Rovno, Lugansk, Odessa), where we have got the enormous amount of friends. KVN gives a lot of positive emotions and skills which help me in my life.

       After four years of teaching, I got the red diploma of bachelor and entered into magistracy. My scientific chief was become by the professor of Alexander Voroncov. He gave me an advice about the direction of researches, and I began to improve a synchronous generator which is based on PLL. With support of Alexandr Voronсov I enough successfully moved up in this direction and obtained good results.


      I want to finish an university with a red diploma, and to get a job, related to planning and exploitation of telecommunication networks, where I will be able to continue the development in this direction. With my development I want to make and achieve new aims, but always to find time for my family and friends.

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