Kondratyuk Dmitriy

Kondratyuk Dmitriy

Faculty of Computer Science and Technology

Department of Computer Engineering

Specialty: System Programming

Master's thesis:

Analysis of Routing Algorithms in Wireless Networks


Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of CE Krasichkov Alexey

Brief Summary

  • Birthdate:
    February 14, 1989
  • Education:
    General School ¹2, Dzerghinsk
    DonNTU Undergraduate, specialization in System Programming
    DonNTU Graduate, specialization in System Programming
  • Languages:
    Native Russian
    Fluent Ukrainian
    English (with dictionary)
    French (with dictionary)
  • Practical knowledge and skills:
    Object-oriented programming (C++, Java)
    Low-level programming in Assembler (x86) and C
    VHDL and FPGA design
    Circuit simulation with MicroCap
    Numerical simulation with Matlab (numerical analysis, digital signal processing)
    Operating systems: Windows XP\Vista\7 and Linux\FreeBSD



I was born on February, 14, 1989 in Dzerzhinsk. As well as most children was «upbringing» in preschool. From babyhood I remember only many toys broken by me (no, not nailed to the floor). It, presumably, shows my aspiration to understand essence of surrounding objects appeared.


In 6 years old went to general school #2. For people, who wanted to study, school gave fully quite good base knowledge’s, sufficient in an order independently to develop farther. In a class was an ordinary child, not especially sociable and not especially reserved. Had showed very quite good capacities and interest for mastering of exact sciences (mathematics, physics). In respect of process of teaching, to memorize a formula, going deep in its essence, I succeeded far better, than to learn a poem. Although, I has not problems with other disciplines, especially wherein it was necessary to apply logical thought. Also, was disciplined and responsible.


In 2005 has joined DonNTU’s specialty «System programming». Here I expressly put before itself a purpose – to do well, in order that to deepen understanding of it-technologies, develop self-training skills, and, desirably, to enter magistracy (and as a result – to find deserving work). I was not going to be a nerd with a average mark 5.5 to become, therefore greater priority gave to disciplines which have a direct relation to specialty.

The line linked to an information technology has selected because it was pleasant to me. The speciality linked to hardware of computer facilities, has been selected at random, and has insisted on a choice of this specialty because all responses about it were reduced to that here «is very heavy to study». My opinion on this subject was reduced to: «The more difficult – the more cheerfully!». As a result, on "most difficult" the second and a third year progress was much more above, than on the fourth and the first.

All complexity of many subjects was compensated by fascination and usefulness, in many respects thanks to teachers. For example, at Boris Gusev's lectures, was made the impression sometimes that all the most difficult material was transferred to students by telepathic.

As a result, the most important that has given me studying at university is not skills and abilities in those or other disciplines as the most part of the material necessary for performance of real projects are study without assistance. The university has given me an understanding of the world allowing more profoundly (and thanking very much even to quite good base knowledge – more fast) to learn a new information technologies. A point is not only that «they teach us to study», but also here show how much possible to go deep in studying theoretical and practical materials, understanding of processes.

In 2010 has arrived in magistracy on the budget education form. As subject of master’s work had been selected «Wireless Routing» because this way is not only is interesting, but also actual.

Future Plans

As in due course there can be new possibilities (and attitude a little bit will extend), new schedules are under construction in process of performance of the old. However, some long-distance ideas are, and will develop, step-by-step coming nearer to a reality. Present, the emphasis becomes on development of personal qualities and self-education.

In near schedules are small and attainable aims (but with dreaming about "world domination"). At first I will find the job on which it’s possible to get experience, sufficient for further professional development and worthy earnings. Most probably, I will specialize in the sphere of network technologies, parallel and distributed calculations, system programming. In the theory, creation of compilers (for knowing principles of their construction easier to study programming modern languages), functional programming (let occasionally, but happens it is useful) and many other things also is interesting. But on practice the object-oriented paradigm, which allows introducing operation over the large projects, perhaps, is useful. Besides, I’ve got very quite good base knowledge on hardware which were to be applied. And, certainly, new concepts, ideas, discovers will be studied in a parallel way, and also will be improved style of a program’s designing (so - and style of thinking).