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Master of DonNTU Krivosheeva Irina Master of DonNTU

  Krivosheeva Irina

Faculty: "Computer sciences and technologies"

Department: "Applied Mathematics and Informatics"

Speciality: "Economic Cybernetics"

Theme of Master's Work:

"Development and analysis of algorithms for operational control of technical market indicators"

Scientific adviser: Smirnov Oleksandr


The average mark during studying at the bachelor course is 4,83.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (intermediate level).

Experience: credit specialist.

Professional skills:

  • 3ds max;
  • MathCAD;
  • MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access);
  • 1-C:Bookkeeping;
  • GPSS;
  • BPWin, Rational Rose;
  • Visual Basic, Delphi;

Hobby: painting, music, reading books.



~~ Childhood ~~

     I was born in a wonderful warm June day, namely June 10, 1988 in Donetsk in the family of a serviceman. My family consists of 4 persons: father, mother, brother and, of course, me.
     My mother is the commodity researcher, now the housewife. Since the very first days she has surrounded me with care and heat, near to her all problems seem frivolous and quickly resolved.
     My father is the military man. Since the childhood he played up with a favourite daughter, but at the same time has taught me to independence and instilled love to reading.
      As all children grew sociable and a disobedient child, who brought a lot of trouble to his parents. Kindergarden is not terribly fond of, despite the caring teachers and a large number of friends: they were forced to daytime sleep, so most of my childhood I spent with my mother at her work and in the yard with the kids. Since 6 years, I have started attending the School of Art, graduated with honors.
    The most vivid memories are related to travel to my grandmother in the Stavropol Territory, where I was the first time, together with my godmother went to hike in the mountains.

~~ School years ~~

    In 1995, 1 September, I went to school number 57 in the city of Donetsk. My first teacher was Pridybaylo Svetlana, who immediately fell in love with our whole class. I liked studing: the lessons were interesting, and even with homework their were no problems. In addition to studying I involved in swimming, drawing. And in high school became involved in horse sports and psychology.
    Already in school I realized that I was attracted by the exact sciences. In school, mathematics and chemistry were two of my favorite subjects. But I can not say for sure that only those items I liked in school, also I enjoyed history and literature very much.
    From class to class, I passed with admirable and letters of thanks, so I finished school with a gold medal. Throughout the school I participated in competitions in mathematics, chemistry, history and geography. My achievements are prizes involved for district competitions.
    I am very grateful to the teachers in my school that have influenced my development, and in particular: Kolesnikova T., Artemova N., Davydova T.

~~ University ~~

    One of the difficult moments in my life is the selection of the future direction of study: I was torn between the choice of profession as an economist and psychologist. But I opted for DonNTU, namely specialty – Economic Cybernetics. This choice was not accidental, since this discipline combines the economy and the programming elements that in the future did not disappoint me.
    And preparations for the ratings started, there were no problems with math, but I had to learn computer science in the short term (because the school did not teach it), for which huge thanks Kravchenko A. In the end, I went to university, on the budget form of learning, learning in school.
    Education in the first year was a little difficult, it was necessary to learn many new things. Teachers at first seemed to be strict and demanding – Skvortsov A., Rudchenko T. But they gave us the foundation of our specialty.
    That's flying student years, during which we have learned many new things: conference, modules, exams, tests.
    In 2009 I got diploma of bachelor degree with excellent marks. By results of state exams I decided to study at master course, to acquire new knowledge.
    Regarding the choice of research supervisor, there was no problem for me. I chose the strict and exacting teacher Smirnov Alexander. The theme for the thesis: "Development and analysis of algorithms for operational control of technical market indicators. This is extremely relevant and interesting direction: now everyone can take part in games of exchange, transactions on the exchanges are very popular in our country, but you must not forget that when improperly doing business could suffer large losses. In addition, this theme is very poorly studied in the Ukraine. Therefore work on the proposed topic under the guidance of Smirnov Alexander is very interesting for me.

~~ Plans for the future ~~

     If the person plans, it means lives a high-grade life. As any person, I have many plans for the future,moreover, I am dreamer. In the near future, of course, I plan successfully complete a magistracy, to obtain a diploma. I would like to find a work on my specialty in a large company engaged in analytical work, in order to use accumulated knowledges and skills.
    Wise people say, that the person should study throughout all life, therefore I plan to continue training. Proceeding from the developed world tendencies, I am going to be engaged in deep studying of English language and obtain a second formation in psychology.
    As for work, then most of all me the analitical sphere interests. I understand, that the student right after university without an operational experience does not need to suffice a star from the sky, expecting appointment to supervising posts. Therefore in plans it is possible to write down and a raising on a career ladder. I consider, what exactly accumulation of professional experience in much promotes the given phenomenon. Well and career growth also is necessary to receive supervising posts. Naturally, I want, that these posts were not below the average level. For this purpose I am ready to make efforts and to involve all persistence.
    In addition to the above, I would like to travel around Europe, namely, in France, England, who are attract to its restrained grandeur and beauty. Story goes, the road will be overcome by one, who go, and I try to go without stopping too.



© 2010 Krivosheeva Irina, DonNTU