Mospan Anna master of DonNTU

Theme of master’s research paper

"Cobweb Model for Economic Dynamics of the Prices"

Average mark 4,83.
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, English.
Have an experience in progamms MathCAD, Project Expert, Mathematica, Statistica, Adobe Photoshop, 3D Studio Max, acquainted a bit with programming on HTML, Visual Basic, with programm MATLAB .
I am keen of photography: enjoy as taking photos, and be photographed as well. Dabble at painting. I am interesting in work of Moris Druon, Henrik Senkevich, Boleslav Prus, Haruki Murakami. Fond of Japanese culture (manga and anime).


  I was born in the early summer of 88-th. Two years after living in Donetsk, my parents, conscientious doctors, were sent to Volnovakha, where they work and live till now. Childhood in doctor’s family, as surely in families, whose parents have other professions, has its own peculiarities. Perhaps precisely because of these peculiarities I did not enter to Medical University (though, took over some experience from my parents in this field).
  Like most children, I attended such institutions as the Kindergarten. This place gave me my first friends, some of whom, I keep in touch with so far! (it is wonder even for me). In 6 years I realized that the kindergarten can’t give nothing new for me, and, successfully, moved a step higher, at School!


  At Sept. 1, 1994 I came to the first form of school ¹ 5 in Volnovakha, where I was studying until 2005. However, somewhere in 2002, if I do not mistake, the general school was renamed in a multiple-discipline Lyceum (but fundamental differences were not caused). I chose informatics and mathematics bias. Perhaps, to some extent, that predetermined my future.
  What can be emphasized for these 11 years? The main thing, is that I was a diligent and excellent pupil, and it was pleasant for parents, and for teachers. Except of studying at school, I was fond of drawing (and like doing it up to this day) and went to art school. Symbolically, the few months at the vocal circle can be taken into consideration.
  Suddenly entering to university sneaked up and I drill hard into the study. During the 11 form I was persistently engaged in Mathematics and Geography (!), because I was going to enter to DonNU (Donietsk National University) at Faculty of Economics, where Geography was required to take as the main discipline. In general, I graduated from school with honors. Then was graduation party, traditional dawn, entrance exams, summer ...


  From the previous section is not clear yet in what way I got into, already native, DonNTU (Donietsk National Technical University). After graduation, suddenly, I decided to try my strength in another university. The specialty was chosen, I can say, spontaneously. It was the Economic Cybernetics, which I will finish now. It is clear, that exams I passed successfully. Therefore, on July 4, after reading the results of enrollment, the summer holidays came for me.
  Starting from the Sept.1, 2005 I am studying at the Donetsk National Technical University at Faculty of Computers and Informatics (now renamed at the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology).
  What impression I have now, after almost five years, about studying? Right away I can say that study is interesting, in some cases is not easy, but in some cases is not understandable why are you learning it (probably, this conclusion is not original, but true). There were so many lectures, laboratory works and presentations, essays, reports... However university is not only science but also a good time with group-mates and friends (especially if you have a "gap" and a break in half an hour (!).
  In addition, during the study, I was learning English at the Faculty of Foreign Languages in DonNU. Being a 4th year student I got into the Polish Technical Faculty ( Polski Wydzial Techniczny, PWT). The dean of this faculty is Alexander Y.Makeyev, his faithful assistant and our beloved friend is Morgun Catherine. Thanks to these people, there is always a friendly atmosphere on the PWT. In December 2008 the PWT gave me a chance to go for ten days in Poland in Lodz. And six months later I had the possibility to be accepted for one semester in Warsaw School of Economics. More about my impressions from Poland and foreign study can be found in the section "Poland".
  There are remained quite a bit at the university: last semester and writing a master work. My scientific adviser is my favorite (I'm confident she is favorite for all the other students), Irina A. Nazarova. I would like to say a special thanks to Irina A. Nazarova for her ability to give knowledge and establish and keep a warm relationship with students.
  Also I express many thanks to all the teachers who conduct our subjects and to the dean of the faculty Alexander Y. Anoprienko.


  At this stage of life there are the end of the university, periodic world travels (in particular I dream to go to Japan), career and family among my plans for the future. Yes, I know that all this very global! Note only that especially I would like to get a job that would be my favorite!

Experience in Poland