Boguslavskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna

The subject of graduate work:

«Analysis of the influence of various factors on the specific consumption of fuel 3 zone heating furnaces »

Scientific adviser: profesor Anatoli Tuyahov


Middle mark in the period of teaching in an university – 4,92; Freely I own the Russian, Ukrainian language. In a volume sufficient for reading and correspondence, I own English; Professional skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, VBA, Adobe Photoshop; I like to draw, I conduct the active way of life.

Short biography:

The first flashbacks

By a clear, warm morning on May, 10, 1988 in the maternity hospital of the Shahterska city I was born . Allow to appear. I – Boguslavskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna. My mother – Boguslavskaya Natalia Urievna, works as a brigadier on a sewing-knitting factory Shahterska. The first flashbacks are related to the nursery school «Merry rabbite», in which I found the first friends. Already in babyhood I took active part in morning performances, theatrical stages and sporting measures. Thanks to attentive and sensitive educators the time, conducted in nursery school, was bright and memorized. Farther I was waited by a new vital stage.

School years

And came on September, 1, 1995, and my first in the life school bell prozvenel for me. School years passed in the walls of general school ¹ 18 Shahterska. The life at school was new and keen. By the favourite articles of steel of mathematician, physicist, history. I participated in city olympiads on physics and history, where took not last seats far. Also wrote work on history in Small Academy of Sciences. I finished school with the gilded youth, getting an excellent knowledge base and small, but however experience of life and still human vzaimootnosheniy.

Donetsk national technical university

Studying in a 11 class, I actively prepared to the receipt in an university. Did an accent on mathematics and participated in the rating tests conducted by the Donetsk national technical university. And preparation did not pass for free. In summer 2005 years I became the student DonNTU, acting on speciality the «Industrial heating engineering» of Physico -metallurgical faculty. The enthralling student life began. To study was interesting and enthralling. Did not give the great number of new acquaintances to miss. Handing over the first session, the more of confidence in the forces appeared. Getting the diploma of bachelor on speciality the «Industrial heating engineering» in summer 2009 years, entered city council, where and I continue teaching. When time of choice of theme of master's degree work came, my scientific leader Tuyahov Anatoliy Ivan came for help. He in detail explained me the importance and necessity of problem. Penetrated by this problem, the theme of my master's degree work began to sound so: «Analysis of influencing of different factors on the specific expense of conditional fuel of a 3õ area methodical nagrevatelnoy stove».

Plans on a future

After ending of university I want to find job, where I was able samorealizovatsya, where possibility of karernogo growth would be. Herein knowledges and skills acquired in an university will help me. Except for it, I plan to create strong family and live the interesting life.