Theme of Master's Work:

Financial provision of innovative activity of the enterprise

Scientific adviser:

Oksana Fishenko

Faculty of Economics

Department of Economics of Enterprise

Speciality:«Management of Innovative Activity»

My story

As one of the greatest student's groups (DonNTU) in «» was created.

ow I will tell to you about how I have created one of the greatest university groups in a social network of «Vkontakte». After occurrence in a network the Internet of a site of a social network of «» many people have rushed to register the personal pages in this project. I about two years was away from this service as didn't understand, what for it is necessary, after all for dialogue I easy used phone calls and sms. But later when already almost all my fellow students have got over on this site, I have decided to be registered too. And after couple of days I have understood that it is rather convenient site the v-first stage for fast search of the acquaintances, secondly for an exchange of the message with them. The site has been created, so at filling of all registration data, about the person it is possible to receive objective representation. The site supported video, audio of record, therefore it was possible as to learn and about preferences of the acquaintances, and also to share with them with what or interesting records. Also there was a possibility to create the albums with photos that too allowed to watch the events occurring in life of acquaintances. Possibility to make comments and trace the renewed information on acquaintances was one of success factors also. The group section was one more of services given to clients. In it all interested persons could either create the interest group or enter already existing group.

So studying in DonNTU, I periodically had questions on which I wanted to receive answers, but my acquaintances didn't own the exact information, therefore once I have decided to address to «Group» section. In the field of search I have entered inquiry of «DonNTU» and to me have given out about 30 groups. Their basic difference consisted in quantity of participants and an information stuffing of these groups. In 28 groups was about 30-40 users in everyone. In one nearby 400 persons. Well and the greatest group was group with the name of DonNTU (DPI, DonGTU) in it consisted nearby 2000 persons, I have decided to enter this group. After the introduction has started to communicate with participants of group, but the necessary information couldn't receive in any way including and at the founder of this group. Therefore I have decided to leave a railroad train of this group and to base the group with almost same name of DonNTU | DonGTU | DPI i.e. as a matter of fact, I have created clone group in which name have replaced symbols () on | | and rights of use of group. In group which I left access was opened, therefore all interested persons there could enter, because of it quite often they in group had a lot of spam, therefore membership in the group I have limited and accepted people who studied or study in DonNTU.

After creation of group I have laid down to myself the aim to reach 5000 participants (with the limited access it was rather problematic). And itself first of all began to collect the possible information for its placing in the group. Various discussions (at present about 150 discussions), cозданы photo albums with teachers in whom it is specified First name, middle initial, last name the teacher and chair on which it works have been created. Thanks to such minisection students can leave the information on the teacher, beginners of DonNTU can learn, who and that waits for them on steams. Besides in comments it is possible to esteem many the amusing moments of events on steams at the given teacher. And teachers who, by the way, as are participants of the given group, can esteem opinions of students on them, learn about the advantages and lacks, both of, and of the teaching and can always try to change it if necessary. It is literally after I have typed the first 500 persons to me the founder of group from which I has written the letter left. The letter essence was that that it is bad idea to create group of a clone and that it won't be a success. This letter has set on me, and I have started to involve even more strongly participants by mailing of usual invitations and letters of acknowledgement already entered. In letters of acknowledgement I thanked people that they have entered group, asked actively учувствовать in group and to report about new group DonNtU to the friends. The given scheme has worked, and the quantity of participants has increased to 5000 persons. Then I have laid down to myself the aim of 10000 persons. The purpose was heavier, therefore I have invited in managers of group of the friend. Then we have started to renew group strenuously. We have created the graphical menu and have added a lot of helpful information, polls and competitions. Also have continued attraction of new people. At the moment of a clause writing in group 11000 persons consist, in group pass active discussions on various subjects, on the average group every days visits 250 various participants.

Every year there are peaks of visitings quantity of unique visitors reaches 1000-1200 persons a day as a rule it occurs one week prior to September, 1st and on December, 31st and after. All participants of group receive answers to their interesting questions. Therefore one purpose is reached.

But on it we won't stop group annual growth on 2000-3000 persons and constant renovation of the helpful information both for trained students and for graduates waits.

All students of DonNTU | DonGTU | DPI which haven't entered yet group – enter more likely and call friends.

If who has claims and wishes come into section contacts and we communicate with me.