Магистр ДонНТУ Чеботарев Артем Андреевич

Chebotarev Artem

Quality standards certification
Quality control
Theme of master's work:
СImproving the quality of consumer goods in the relationships between trade and production
Alexander Momot

About me

Average score during the University training > 4. Fluent Russian and Ukrainian languages. Some passive knowledge of English (for reading and communication).I have computer`s skills.

About me: purposeful, thoughtful, sociable, responsible, punctual, teamworker.



I, Chebotarev Artem, was born on June 9, 1988 in Snegnoe, Donetsk region.

My mother, Marina S. Chebotareva, is a nurse in BTF № 1 hospital. My father is a miner.

Since early years I was enough capricious and loud child. When I was three, parents took me to kindergarten, where I found my first friends. By the way, we are keeping our friendship now.

Perhaps, like all children, didn`t be fond of sitting at home. All my time, from early morning until late evening, I spent at the parks, gardens, yards and knew every corner of my town.


Like most children I went to school, when I was seven. My school wasn`t be different in compare with other schools, but any place was not without good people. From the very beginning at my school, I increased the amount of my friends, whose friendship was very important for me.
When I was eight, parents advised me to go to the sport club. I tried acrobatics. Since that time sport has become one of my top priorities in my life. The amount of my sports sections weren`t limited. When I was 14, I took place in championship of the Donetsk region in football. At first I played football in club «Olympus» in Snegnoe. Then, I was a member of FC «Shakhtar» Snegnoe. Football`s competitions made my view of life wider. Every week I visited new, previously unknown city.
Middle results in study during my final years were a reason to left football and thought seriously about the future. I began to take an active part in the creative life of the school, and this gave me a chance to finished school susseccfully.
During my last year at school, I decided to study the chemistry and wished to enter to the Chemistry Department in the Donetsk National Technical University. On February 2005, I began to attend chemistry classes with teacher Lomakina Lyudmila. I am appreciate for her help.


On summer 2005, I passed my school exams successfully and became a student of the Donetsk National Technical University. First time I was lasy in study. Other sides of student`s life attracted me more. I was fond of nightlife, and as the result had troubles with attendance. Hostel`s life changed my thinking too.
Close to bachelor's degree I behaved myself and «took up the mind». I began to think seriously about changing major. On 2009, I passed my final exam successfully and got a bachelor's degree. This summer I began to study the «quality standardization certification. I became one of the masters in Donetsk National Technical University. I didn`t regret about my choice. Moreover, I think it was one of the right actions . New majority led the changes in my life. And I hope it is right.
On December 2009, the head of department Momot Alexander offered to write final paper «Improvement of the quality control of consumer goods in the relationship of trade and production». I realized the actuality of problem, which connect with goods on the Ukrainian market in times of economic instability in country, and took this job with big pleasure. I hope in future my efforts will be guided by a broad range of trade areas in the country.


Personally, I can dream about my future without end, like any other person, who only start to live. I have to apologize, because I want to break the tradition of this site and not share with my plans. You will see the results ...