DonNTU > Master's portal of DonNTU
Магистр ДонНТУ Синегуб Анастасия Борисовна

Sinegub Anastasiya

Electrotechnical faculty
Speciality "Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption"

The analysis of use of remote methods of training in
electrotechnical specialities

Scientific adviser: candidate of technical sciences Chursinov V.



The contents

1.General information on the topic of master's thesis

1.1 Urgency

1.2 Purpose and objectives

1.3 Practical value 

2.Information on distance learning (DL)

2.2 Requirements for creating DL courses

2.3 Means of DL

2.4 The general structure of distance education

2.5 E-Learning platform of support of distance learning

2.6 A system of distance learning STELLUS

2.7 Benefits of Distance Learning

2.8 Disadvantages of Distance Learning



1.     General information on the topic of master's thesis


Urgency of the topic of distance learning is that the results of social progress, which were previously concentrated in technology, today concentrated in the information area and the development of Internet-technologies there is a new form of learning that involves other methods, means and forms of interaction between teacher and students.

Distance education is becoming increasingly popular because it allows you to take a training course in any discipline on the job for those who work or for those who do not have the opportunity to study the full-time.


1.2 Purpose and objectives

The purpose of master's thesis is to analyze the use of distance learning methods in electrical occupations.
Objectives of the work:

• Study of modern methods and technologies for distance learning;

• Market research of computer training;

• Analysis of the use of platforms for distance learning;

• Preparation of the distance learning course on the subject "Electrical apparatus".


1.3 Practical value

Distance learning has shown itself as a progressive educational technology of the XXI century.

Ddistance learning  is a very convenient way of learning by the fact that in contrast to distance education, it provides direct communication and constant feedback between student and teacher.

The practical value lies in the application of DL in industry and in teaching the course "Electrical apparatus".


2.     Information on distance learning (DL)


2.1  What is distance education

Distance learning (DL)  set of technologies that provides students with the basic delivery of study material [1], interactive communication between students and teachers in the learning process. 

The main feature of DL is to provide students the opportunities to obtain independently the required knowledge, using advanced information resources provided by modern information technologies [2]. Information resources: knowledge and information bases, computer, including multimedia, training and control systems, video and audio, digital libraries - along with traditional textbooks and create a unique distributed learning environment, accessible to a wide audience. 


Figure 1 — The general circuit of remote training [3]


2.2 Requirements for creating DL courses

Formulation of training objectives. Students' understanding of its goals and objectives of the study, which should be clearly stated in the program.

Motivation. Motivation  component of training, which must be maintained throughout the learning process. It can decline rapidly if the level of tasks does not correspond to the level of training of the student.

Create prerequisites for the perception of educational material. To do this, support materials can be used (guidelines for students) included in the kit package ready or prepared by the teacher.

Submission of educational material. The strategy of the material is determined by the educational problems being solving. An important problem is the design of training, applied to the display screen. You must use a well-known principles of readability.

Assessment. During the work student should be aware of his progress. Most important in distance course is the organization of communication "student - teacher - the student."  For these purposes, we recommend the organization of work of students in projects or cooperative learning, discussion.

Feedback. This criterion is crucial for the student, less - in a testing program, and more - in the training [2]. Computer is able to provide feedback assistance, this may be an individual.


2.3  Means of DL

The material can be represented by several means of training (publications, audiovisual, etc.), each of which has its didactic capabilities. The instructor should be aware of these opportunities, be able to distribute educational material on various media, to form one set of learning tools (case), as a system of carriers of educational information designed to address the totality of teaching tasks. Means of  DL may be:

1. Computer training system in normal and multimedia variants.

2. Educational books (hard copies on paper and electronic version of textbooks, teaching aids, manuals, etc.)

3. Network training manuals.

4. Audio training and information materials.

5. Video training and information materials.

6. Remote laboratory workshops.

7. Simulators with remote access.

8. Databases and knowledge with remote access.

9. Digital libraries with remote access.


Figure 1 — Process of distance learning [8]

2.4  The general structure of distance education

The main actors in the training center are: administrator, curator, teacher and students.

The administrator organizes the work of the Training Centre.

Curator organizes the training process.

Teacher prepares training materials, conducts group and individual counseling with students.

Listeners are combined in learning groups. All students study the same learning course [4]. Number of students in the group is not limited. It is attached to the curator in charge of organizing the educational process, and the teacher leading the training. 


2.5  E-Learning platform of support of distance learning

E-Learning (short for English. Electronic Learning)  a system of electronic (virtual) training.

E-Learning platform developed with the support of various management system relational database and application server.

A student who is trained to help before, can use distance courses from different manufacturers, which are united in a common bank. However, multiple platforms of distance learning are not fully compliant, and the migration distance courses from one platform to another is not always possible. Creating a web portal with a multi-platform support for up to using popular e-learning platforms and tools for migration, distance learning courses is a resolution of this situation. It should be noted that should obey the relevant international standards for selected platforms support distance learning, in particular standard SCORM [5]. And also should take into account the massive use of DL, speed of its evolution and complexity of platforms to support distance learning and information technologies, which are used in the development of e-learning platforms. 


2.6 A system of distance learning STELLUS

STELLUS  versatile, modular, multimedia hardware and software package, built using network and web-based technologies to support distance learning.
STELLUS allows you to:

• manage the teaching process (create individual and group schedules);

• plan the teaching load;

• Prepare training materials and tests;

• conduct tests in an automatic mode;

• Receive statistical reports for analysis.

All events in the learning process are recorded in databases. These data can be used for statistical analysis.

STELLUS can be easily integrated into the learning process of any educational institution. The complex provides all the necessary tools to create distance learning courses, programmed learning materials and test items [6].

Users have access to the courses and tests, posted on a corporate network or the Internet using standard web-browser (IE 5.5 and above). 


2.7 Benefits of Distance Learning

• the opportunity to engage in a convenient time, in a convenient location and temperature;

• Parallel to the professional activity study, ie job training;

• Reduce costs of training;

• recourse to many sources of educational information (digital libraries, data banks, knowledge bases, etc.). Communicating via the Internet and through e-mail each other and with teachers;

• a concentrated representation of educational information and multi-access to it, increasing the efficiency of absorption material;

• the possibility of training a large number of people;

• equal educational opportunities regardless of their residence, health status, elitism and material well-trained;

• use in the educational process of the latest achievements of information and telecommunication technologies, which educates and work with them;

• import and export of world achievements in the educational market [7].


2.8 Disadvantages of Distance Learning

• lack of communication with other students to share experiences;

• lack of practical skills and opportunities to discuss with the teacher questions that have arisen in a specific example. 

3.     Conclusion

Distance learning expands and updates the role of a teacher who will coordinate a cognitive process, continually improve the courses they taught, to improve the creativity and skills in accordance with the innovations and innovation.

The positive influence of distance education and the student, enhancing their creative and intellectual potential through self-organization, the pursuit of knowledge, ability to interact with computers and independently make responsible decisions.

The quality of distance education is not inferior to the ideal quality of full-time education, and improved by attracting outstanding staff of faculty and education use the best teaching books and supervising tests on subjects.



    1. The free encyclopedia Wikipedia [electronic resource]. — Mode of access:
    2. The methodical recommendations for creation of a rate of distance learning through the Internet / V. Kanavo // site  «Бизнес-образование в России» [electronic resource]. — Mode of access:
    3. Figure [electronic resource]. — Mode of access:
    4. Distance learning  // site  «Маркетинг в интернет, интернет и бизнес» [electronic resource]. — Mode of access:
    5. E-Learning platforms of support of distance learning / V. Valuyskiy // site of the Kiev national technical university [electronic resource]. — Mode of access:
    6. About system of distance learning STELLUS // site of computer systems «Стэл» [electronic resource]. —Mode of access:
    7. Advantages of distance learning in Ukraine // site  «Телекоммуникационные системы и сети» [electronic resource]. — Mode of access:
    8. Figure [electronic resource]. — Mode of access:
