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Kate Sytnik

Kate Sytnik

Electrotechnical Faculty 

Department of Electrical Systems

Speciality "Elektrical systems and networks"

Development of an experimental method for determining the total electromagnetic parameters of synchronous machines according to the sudden short-circuit experiences

Scientific adviser: Ph. D. Arkady  Larin

  Resume | Abstract


I was born on June 28th, 1988 in Voroshilovgrad (now – Lugansk). My parents (father – Vladimir Sytnik and mother – Lyubov Sytnik) were infinitely happy because birth their third daughter.

The childhood

In 1989, the family has moved to Artyomovsk. In three years I was sent to kindergarten, "Sun". I remembered it by good teachers, fun kids and a very long "quiet hour". In addition to teachers and my mother were active in training sisters Anya and Olya, who arranged my impromptu lessons in reading, writing and mathematics.


In 1995, I went to first grade of secondary school ¹ 1 in Artemovsk. I enjoyed learning, thanks largely to my first teacher – Nadezhda Steshenko. In addition to secondary school I also attended a musical. True, playing the fiddle is not gave me much pleasure, so I needed only 3 years.

From 5 th to 9 th grade I was in school ¹ 7. I have great pleasure in walking to punish lessons in mathematics and literature, I like reading and telling poems. I participated in school and city competitions, school performances. The most vivid recollection of those years was the visit of the delegation from our school (which includes me) in western Ukraine, where we lived in families of our contemporaries. Throughout the week we visited a variety of tours, went to the Carpathian Mountains, went to the theater, in general, very exciting time together. From school years were the most pleasant experience, so it was a little sad to leave its walls.


Technical school

After the 9 th grade, because of strong advice of my parents, I went to Artemovsky Industrial College for specialty "Installation, maintenance of electrical equipment companies and civil structures, where at that time learned to my sister. Studying in college proceeded interesting and fun, the teachers were trying to not only give us the professional knowledge, but also to instill a love for the chosen a difficult profession. Apparently, the efforts of teachers were not in vain, because in 4 years spent in college, I realized that I wanted to link their future life with energy, and decided to continue training in their specialty.


After graduation I successfully passed the entrance exams and became a student of second year DonNTU. The first semester was particularly difficult: the strange town, strangers. And besides, you have to get used to all this, so still the same and learn to (take the modules, courses, lab)! It seemed at first that it is simply impossible to reconcile, but as time went on and everything slowly falls into place. Each semester brought acquainted with new teachers and new subjects. Not everything we were taught, it remains in memory, but those items, which are contained interesting, modern and vital, I think it will help us realize the professional arena.

In general, the knowledge gained during the years of teaching at the university helped me to pass the state exam at the "excellent", to obtain a bachelor's degree with honors and go to graduate school.

Theme of my master's work "Development of an experimental method for determining the total electromagnetic parameters of synchronous machines according to the sudden short-circuit experiences" was chosen in conjunction with my supervisor Associate Professor of ESIS, Ph.D. Larin Arkady.

Plans for the future

Plans for the future I have a lot (all I will not write). Some of them have already been realized: I combine studying with a remarkable job in my specialty. Well, most of the plans have yet to be realized: the successful defense of master's work, getting the second higher education on economic specialization, in-depth study of the English language, creating a large and strong family!

Resume | Abstract