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Strukov Rostislav

Strukov Rostislav

Faculty mechanical engineering and machine building

Chair "Technology of mechanical engineering"

Speciality "Machine building"

Technological equipment rotor lines with application of modular technologies

Scientific adviser: Ishenko Aleksandr




Theme urgency
The purpose and research problems
Scientific novelty

Theme urgency

Rotor lines are one of the higher forms of automation of technological processes as intermachine and intramachine transportation of a stream of processed details is carried out continuously with constant speed that facilitates management of productivity and quality of processing. Automation of productions includes a complex of scientific and technical actions for working out of the intensified technological operations and creation on their basis of the high-efficiency equipment which is carrying out the basic technological and auxiliary operations without participation of the person. Automation levels differ degree of coverage of the basic and auxiliary operations of production. On base rotor lines complex automation of the productions including processing of details by punching and cutting, assemblage, packaging, a complete set, marks and packing is carried out. Experience shows that for separate kinds of manufactures creation of the shops-automatic machines equipped only automatic rotor with, gives considerable economic benefit [7].

The most important part of the given work is application technological equipment on the basis of a modular principle. The modular principle is widely used in machine-building branch, and also in a number of other branches. Basic novelty of application of a modular principle consists in machine-building manufacture that it penetrates consistently all basic links of machine-building manufacture in the form of modular designing of products of technological processes, and also technological means and the production organization [6].

The purpose and research problems

The purpose is application of a modular principle on the basis of processing of products on ðîòîðíûõ lines. Working out of means of technological equipment based on a modular principle.

Scientific novelty

As above already it was mentioned above basic novelty of application of a modular principle in mechanical engineering consists that it penetrates consistently all basic links of machine-building manufacture in the form of modular designing of a product of technological processes, technological means and the production organization. Thus between modules of the specified links there is an organic communication when the module of the subsequent link is module function before going a link [6].

Modular technology or modular principle in the technician - as a modular principle we will understand construction of various technical systems with various characteristics by their configuration from typical modules of the limited nomenclature

Modular technology or modular principle in the technician - as a modular principle we will understand construction of various technical systems with various characteristics by their configuration from typical modules of the limited nomenclature

Use of a modular principle is widely applied in various types of the modern industry. Also the modular principle has found the application and in mechanical engineering. Namely when products in mechanical engineering, and also their technological equipment is under construction of separate modules. Realization of a modular principle in machine-building manufacture from positions of the system approach demands working out:

  1. Replacement methods îáüåêòà machine-building manufacture by set of modules;
  2. The general principles of construction from modules of a product and means of technological maintenance (technological processes, the equipment, equipment)
  3. Terminological maintenance
  4. Methods of unification of modules of products and means of their technological maintenance
  5. Methods of an estimation of efficiency of modular construction of products and means of their technological maintenance

The module of a product can be divided on design and physical. It is possible to present the given division on an example of a cogwheel or it is admissible a shaft, a parity of dimensional parameters of the given products will act in roles of the design module, and products as material îáüåêò, in a role of the physical module.


Let's consider the module of a surface of a detail of a cogwheel.The module of a surface details (MT) is a combination of surfaces (or a separate surface), intended to carry out corresponding office function of a detail and to give details the constructive form caused by requirements of operation and manufacturing.

As the basing surfaces forming the complete set of bases of a cogwheel are: âíóòðèííÿÿ a cylindrical surface, an end face and key a groove.

As working surfaces lateral surfaces of teeths with which help act the twisting moment is transferred.

Let's consider processing of base surfaces of cogwheels on a processing example on ðîòîðíîé lines with application of the combined tool. As processing of base surfaces we will consider an internal cylindrical surface and an end face. As the tool we will use combined a drill-totsovyj-vertical drill on draft processings, for fair processing probably use a vertical drill-totsovyj-vertical drill, and as development-totsovyj-vertical drill depending on demanded accuracy of basing surfaces. As the equipment the line has been chosen ðîòîðíàÿ since rotor the line has high efficiency and high level of automation of manufacture [4].


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  2. Klusov I.A., Safrjans A.R. Rotornye of a line. – Ì: Mechanical engineering, 1969. 195p.
  3. Ostafev V. A, Maslov V.P.Rotornye and rotorno-conveyor lines in metal working. – Ê: Technics, 1988. 135p.
  4. Ginzburg E.G.manufacture of cogwheels. Leningrad: "Mechanical engineering" 1978 – 521p.
  5. Koshkin L.N.complex manufacture automation on base ðîòîðíûõ lines Ì: "Mechanical engineering" of 1965-280.
  6. Tajts B. A. Manufacture of cogwheels. Ì: "Mechanical engineering" of 1975-512s.
  7. Bazrov V.M.Sovershenstvovanie of manufacture of details on the basis of modular technology. Ì: the Information device, 1989.
  8. Bazrov V.M. Modular technology in mechanical engineering. – Ì: Mechanical engineering, 2001. – 368 with.
