Tolkach Vladislav

Master of Donntu Tolkach Vladislav

Faculty of Engineering Mechanics and Engineering

Dept. of technology of mechanical engineering

Speciality "Technology of mechanical engineering"

Improving the quality of treatment of details by means of magnetic-pulse processing

Scientific adviser: Medvedev Vadim




Tolkach Vladislav

Date of birth

October 22 th, 1989.

Place of birth

city Donetsk

Secondary education:

1996 — 1999 years. Donetsk school ¹120.

1999 — 2006 years. Donetsk school ¹122.

Higher education:

2006 — 2010 years. Donetsk national technical university (Donntu). The Faculty of "Mechanical", specialty "Technology of mechanical engineering".

2010 — 2012 years. — study in a magistracy of faculty of "Engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering" , specialty "Technology of mechanical engineering".

Grade point average over the period of education — 4.23.

I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently, and English on a technical level.

Professional knowledge and skills:

I Have experience in the following software packages: KOMPAS - 3D; AutoCAD, T-FLEX CAD, SolidWorks, APM WinMachine, MathCAD, Àâòîïðîåêò. I have skills of programming in the language of PASÑAL and in the DELPHI environment.

Personal qualities:

— purposeful;
— responsible;
— energetic;
— attentive;
— conscientious.


Technological practice on the "Donetsk experimental repair and mechanical factory". Predegree practice at a factory GROUP "NORD".

Contact details:


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