

I gathered my personalityfrommany others that Ihad seenandlived and this collecting ofthe life carriesme a lot.


I am Krush Denis, was born June 17th, 1989 in Gaisin, Vinnytsia region in a family of military officers. My parents: father - Alexander Krush, 1959 , graduated from the Donetsk Higher Military Political School of Engineering and Signal Corps, an officer with the highest military and political education, mother - Irina Krush, 1963, graduated from Donetsk State University , Accounting and Finance Department; brother - Dmitry A. Krush, born 1986.
In my childhood I visited the kindergarten, but it didn’t give me the creeps, on the contrary, I was even happy to visit it, following the example of my older brother. Despite the fact that the age difference is not large - only 3.5 years, he has skillfully raised me, showing leadership and making instructions that parents gave, so he was a good example for me.


From theBook ofProverbs(chapter IV, 7-9)
Importantly - wisdom: Get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding. High
Exalt her, and she shall exalt thee: she shall praise thee if thou dost embrace her put it on your head an ornament bring you a magnificent crown.

I started going to school at 6 years old like most children. The first comprehensive school was the school ¹ 1 in Gaisin town. I was pleasantly surprised when I faced former mates from the kindergarten. First teacher instilled the love to knowledge, starting with the first form. From early childhood, my father brought up the same love for the sport, as a result my school lessons were followed by training in athletics. I liked sport, but unfortunately I was not keen on athletics.
After the end of the 3d form my family and I moved to Donetsk, where I continued my studies in school ¹ 117. Another city, new friends, new hobbies diluted with "severe" training routine made every day of my life bright and colorful.
I want to say "Thank you" to all teachers who have had a direct relation to the formation of my personality.

I approached to the choice of the university very carefully and I chose Donetsk National Technical University. Stories of graduates of this university about student life have always been filled with special warmth that definitely played a role in my final decision.
The choice of specialty was quite quick – I decided the electronics major. I believe that knowledge of basic principles of electronic technology in the rapidly-developing world of hi-tech is very important for any modern person.
Outstanding achievement is always the result of remarkable cooperation between different
people. I am lucky to learn from people who are truly unique. While studying at the University I have had a great benefit from the study of natural science, as well as items related to programming and electronics. Therefore I'd like to express my gratitude to all faculty departments, as well as Redko AL (Physics), Loktionova IK (Mathematics), Chernousov VP (TFE), Fursova VI (Field theory).

Having successfully passed the Bachelor exam I entered the master’s program. Theme of my master's work is "Improvement of the metrological reliability of absorption meters of methane" and from the first steps it has been very interesting for me. My supervisor professor of "ET" department Khlamov M. G. is helping me in my research. I believe that this topic is relevant now, as it plays an important role in ensuring the safety of operations at coal mines providing the reliable control of the concentration of methane in the mine atmosphere.

"Set such goals to achieve which the life is not enough"

Future Plans
I cannot stop mastering my skills. After all, the price we pay for professional development is nothing compared to the price that we pay for ignorance. Therefore, the task for the near future that I set is the maximum realization of my creative potential, personal and professional growth.