Svetlana Kryuchkova

Svetlana Kryuchkova

Master's thesis: The investigation of the possibilities of final energy consumption reduction by energy efficiency increasing with integration energy management technologies

Scientific adviser: associated professor Sergey Gridin



The tendency of constant increasing of energy resources cost and increasing of requirements to ecological purity of industrial power system objects cause the necessity in new decisions and effective technologies.

The primary sources of energy ensuring the functioning of economy, basically are un-resumed, each of them is characterized by certain environmental and technical parameters, advantages and risks which are given by its use. In view of the limited natural potential restraint of prompt growth of energy consumption is the most important task solving of which also causes social and ecological effects. There is no doubt that fact that power resources can be used more efficiently, and rational consumption of energy is a significant alternative in increasing energetic capacities.

There are three basic approaches to the reduction of energy consumption, namely:

Increase of energy consumption should be restrained by all measures acceptable from the point of view of economy, including in the radical way – reducing of energy consumption, which can be achieved by reducing the demand for it or using energy efficient technologies. For all this only the second variant promotes a suitable development and is aimed to use energy resources without reducing living standards.

The full cycle of energy transformation– production, distribution, utilization should be subjected to the analysis and improvement of existing technologies since energy losses occur at all stages. Power industry can't and shouldn't be limited only by generating and transportation sectors on which attention traditionally is concentrated.

The best possibilities of energy savings caused are frequently concentrated in sphere of final consumption, conditioned:


Increase of energy efficiency is the problem related to any industries and technological processes. Indicators of energy efficiency – it is of the most exact indicators which characterize not only the technical level of production, but also the level of management Actions periodically realized in our country as for increasing energy efficiency so far are not systemic and integrated, approach to their implementation, mainly directed on solving the current problems and ensuring smooth trouble-free work of equipment, have a superficial character.

Therefore transition from a component wise energy saving, some separate technical solutions to a common strategy of energy efficiency based on the use of modern reliable means and implements, professional approach to elaborating and inculcation methods of improving energy efficiency, including monitoring and control, the account of all significant aspects and correlations, and integrations of energy management technologies is important.

The purpose

The purpose is working out of recommendations on integration of energy management technologies to raise efficiency of using energy on purpose to consecutive reduction of its consumption as well as securing of the achieved results.

To achieve the goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Basic provisions

Any effective management mechanism of control and accounting must be complex first of all, when economic, organizational, information and technical elements are organically interacted. System approach allows to evaluate from the point of view of the efficiency of energy use any production activity. System design, technical condition of energy-consuming equipment are often the cause of excessive energy consumption.

Maximum efficiency can be achieved through consideration of the enterprise as a whole, as well as its interrelated processes or systems, otherwise the result of optimization of the individual components can be investments in inadequate scale equipment, when the most significant opportunities will be missed (although certain results can be achieved through the optimization of individual components, the greatest energy-saving potential is nevertheless associated with using a systemic approach).

Improving energy efficiency is based primarily on engineering, based on high technologies, but a significant role in its implementation, and in general in carrying out energy-saving activities plays the organization of all activity, which is aimed at achieving optimal energy consumption [1].

A key element of ensuring energy efficiency on the enterprise level, the object is the creation of an appropriate management system, because the energy is the same resource for production, as well as others, for example, finance, human resources or raw materials; energy consumption allows management to reduce losses and provides cost savings.

Energy management is presented as a complex, system of measures of publicity-informational, marketing, consulting, technical, organizational (including accounting and control energy fluxes), financial, aimed at reducing to a minimum the expenditures on energy consumption [1].

The energy management task consists in the correct organization of aim and choice of mechanisms and means to achieve it [1].

Adequate a qualified assessment of increasing energy efficiency potential (energy saving) in the industry at the same time with definition the optimal ways of its realization is an important component of the energy management [1].

Creation an enterprise energy management system allows you to:

The company, after creating and establishing the functioning system of energy management, gets an opportunity:

The transition to energy-efficient way of development should be started with the energy audit, the recommendations of which should be necessary put into practice.

Such instrument is an effective energy management, as the target energy monitoring, when the energy is considered as a component of cost of production, gives up to 10% energy savings and in the perspective allows keeping energy consumption at the level close to the minimum possible.


Increasing the energy efficiency by integration technologies of energy management today is the most profitable strategy, giving the immediate result with obligatory energy savings and significant reduction of the environmental load.


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© 2011 Svetlana Kryuchkova, DonNTU