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Магистр ДонНТУ Бобелюк Екатерина Борисовна

Bobeluk Ekaterina 

Educational and Scientific Institute "Higher School of Economics and Management" (IEM)

Faculty: "Management" (M)

Department: "Personnel Management and Labour Economics" (PMLE)

Speciality: "Personnel Management and Labour Economics" (PMLE)

Theme of Master's Work: "Personnel rating organization"

Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor of PMLE Department Nataliya Kotova

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on the theme of master's work

Personnel rating organization


Personnel rating is the process of determining compliance with the qualitative characteristics of the staff (skills, abilities, motivations) to the position and job requirements. A personnel rating provides a comparison of certain personal characteristics: professional and qualification level, business merit, work performance with the appropriate parameters, requirements, standards. This kind of assessment encourages employees to work more effectively, develop initiative, sense of responsibility, consciousness and encourages working better. Transfer to another position, promotions, dismissals, monitoring of a subordinate behavior at work, making decisions about pay rises, bonuses and awarding are based on it.

Responses regarding theoretical and methodological issues as for personnel rating, can be obtained by examining scientific works of foreign and domestic scholars such as: Dessler G., Brian E., Ulrich D., Egorshin A.P., Vinogradsky N.D., Kolot A.M., Lukyanihin V.O., Danyuk V.M.,Osovskaya G.V., Petyukh V.M., Krushelnytska O.V., Kibanov A.Y.

Urgency of the master’s work is conditioned by the fact that when hiring new employees, selecting candidates for a new position, planning career, assessing performance of the enterprise as a whole a need for assessment procedures arises and is of vital importance.

The purpose of the study is to consider the essence of the personnel rating, the main types and characteristics of the most common methods to assess and analyze the organization of personnel evaluation at the enterprise level, using national and international experience. To achieve this goal it is necessary to accomplish the following tasks:

1. To determine the nature of personnel evaluation, as well as its basic functions and principles.

2. To study the major types and components of the personnel evaluation.

3. To describe the most common methods for evaluating personnel.

4. To identify the problems of personnel rating and find any possible keys and modern approaches to their solution.

5. To study the international experience of companies on the personnel rating.

6. To analyze the general organization of evaluating personnel in the enterprise, to suggest recommendations for its improvement.

Relevance to academic programs, plans and themes. Masters qualifying work is carried out in 2010-2011 in accordance with the scientific direction of the department "Human Resource Management and Labour Economics", Donetsk National Technical University.

Alleged scientific novelty of the results. In the qualifying Master's work existing problems in the organization of personnel rating were discussed. Solution of the above said problems based on the analysis of foreign experience of some developed enterprises, using different types of assessment procedures, and on this basis, the modification of existing systems for evaluating their personnel are suggested.

The practical significance of the results. All data obtained can be used in enterprises, institutions and Ukrainian companies in order to achieve the most effective personnel management. Namely: the organization of evaluation procedures, identify problems in personnel evaluating and their effective solutions.

The object of the research is the organization of personnel rating, as aprocess of determining the effectiveness of the workers as a result of implementation of the company’s goals.

The subject of the study is methods of organizing the personnel evaluation and mechanisms for its implementation.

Research methods. The methods of analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, induction and specification are used in this research.

Unfortunately, theory and practice of personnel rating in Ukraine is at the stage of formation. There are many problems in its organization and implementation, it is fragmented and non-systemic by its nature, it does not correspond to many basic principles. All these problems must be taken into account and considered in the development of personnel rating systems for a particular enterprise or organization. When properly designed and organized system of evaluation enables enterprises to assess properly the effectiveness of personnel management, detect weaknesses and make recommendations for improvement, because it affects a lot the performance of the enterprise or organization as a whole.


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  3. Колот А.М. Мотивація персоналу: Підручник. - Вид. 2-ге,без змін. – К: КНЕУ, 2006. - 340 с.
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  13. Гаврилова О. Обзор систем, методов и методик оценки персонала. [Electronic resource]/ - Access mode to article:
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  16. Ярных В. Оценка персонала: поиск эффективных решений. [Electronic resource]/ - Access mode to article:


When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 2011. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.

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