herbdonnty Master of DonNTU
Hodich Yuliya
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About author

Materials on the theme
 of master`s work


Master of DonNTU Hodich Yuliya
Name Hodich Yuliya
Educational and Scientific Institute  Higher School of Economics and Management 
Faculty Management
Departament Personnel Management and Labour Economics
Speciality Personnel Management and Labour Economics
Theme of master`s work The planning of number of the personnel
Sientific adviser Svets Irina


of the Master's Qualification Work

"The planning of number of the personnel"



The object  the mechanism of planning of number of the personnel of the enterprise.

The subject  approaches, methods and principles of planning, definition of optimum number of the personnel of the enterprise.

The purpose – studying of planning of necessity of the enterprise in personnel, and also consideration of practical application  of optimization of requirement on an example Donbassenergo scientific research institute Teploelektroproject.

The objectives of the work are:

1)      To study essence of planning of number of the personnel;

2)      To define principles of personnel planning;

3)      To consider approaches and methods of planning of personnel;

4)      To define features of personnel planning;

5)     To offer recommendations about improvement of planning process and optimization of number of the personnel of the enterprise Open Society "Donbassenergo" scientific research institute "Teploelektroproect".

Methods of researches  a dialectic method, a method of the system analysis, supervision, a settlement-analytical method, the qualitative both quantitative analysis and synthesis, forecasting.

Research urgency. The questions connected with planning of requirement of personnel are investigated in works of Vesnin V. R, Kibanov A.J., Shekshknya S.V., Bazarov B., Kobets Е.А, Danjuk V. M, etc. as in works of foreign economists, such as by Meskon and Dessler.

Effective personnel planning is influencing positively on results of activities of the enterprise thanks to optimization of use of the personnel. Therefore complex studying of theoretical and practical bases of personnel planning and forecasting of requirement of the personnel is an important base of enterprise activity. The urgency of the chosen subject is consisting in that.

Communication of work with scientific programs, plans, themes. Master's qualification work is executed during 2010-2011 ages with a scientific direction of the department "Personnel Management and Labor Economics" of Donetsk National Technical University.

Presumable scientific novelty of the received results is development and generalization of the theory of planning of number of the personnel for the purpose of providing of effective functioning of the enterprise.

Prospective scientific novelty of the received results. The considered problems and results of their decision in scientific work are representing a methodical and scientifically-practical basis for improvement of processes of regulation of number of the personnel.

Approbation. Main positions of work had reported and discussed at 2 scientifically-practical conferences.


Essence of personnel planning. Its place in management system of the personnel


Element of the general system of planning of the enterprise is personnel planning. It solves problems of providing with labor force of necessary number and quality, its effective use, perfection of social relations [2, с.116]. Planning necessity in the personnel is one of the major aspects of personnel planning which allows to set a qualitative and quantitative structure of the personnel on the period of time.

Planning process includes five basic stages: the estimation of presence of personnel, the estimation of the future necessity in the personnel, the work at the program of satisfaction of future necessity, the definition of necessary expenses, the personnel control.


Methods of planning of number of the personnel


The questions of planning of number of workers and other categories of the personnel are enough well developed in the methodical plan.

In the conditions of planned economy, number of the industrial personnel was one of the indicators, supervised by the top management of the country (the branch ministry).

However this experience of definition of optimum number of the personnel concerned the enterprise, functioning of which was rather stable for the long period.

In the conditions of market economy, the planning of development of the personnel, definition of volumes of vocational training of workers is carried out by the enterprise independently.

Many methods, which are applied for definition of optimum number of the personnel, are presented in table 1. They are used independently and in together, as a part of a technique which increases their efficiency and accuracy.

Table 1 - Methods of definition of needs in the personnel

The method name    Essence
1    Extrapolation  Consists in transferring of an actual situation (proportions) at the future. Appeal of a method of extrapolation consists in its general availability; limitation  in impossibility to take into account development of enterprise and changes in environment.
2     Expert estimations 
This method is based on using of linear experts for definition of needs in human resources. Method lack is connected with of process of gathering and processing of views of linear leaders, and also with subjectivity of their opinions.
2.1    Method of Delfi  Represents written dialogue between department of human resources and a commission of experts.
3     Computer models  Represent sets of mathematical formulas which allow to use simultaneously methods of extrapolation, expert estimations, and also the information on dynamics of factors which influence needs of the enterprise in labor.
4    Balance methods Are based on mutual coordination of resources and needs in them within the limits of the planned period. It is realized by means of system of balances.
5      Normative method    In a basis of planned problems for the certain period (in a basis of balances) lay down norms of expenses of different resources (human) on a unit of production (working hours, a wages fund, etc.) for the certain period.
5.1     Report-statistical Actual results are compared with time expenses, and then specific expenses of time are defined.
5.2    Skilled-industrial Is based on timing of the operations which are carried out by the most skilled and prepared workers, an estimation and generalization of the received data.
5.3   Analytic-reckoning   Based on the physiological potentials of a human body, which were defined on the basis of special medical and biologic researches.
6.    Math-statistical Optimization of calculations on the basis of any models.
6.1   Stochastic models  Are based on the interdependence analysis between need in the personnel and other variables.
6.2   Linear programming   Decision of system of the equations and inequalities, which connect a number of changing indicators, allows to define their optimum sizes in mutual connection.
7     Nomenclature method  The skill level and a profile of the expert which should hold a corresponding post under the list of staff are reflected in the nomenclature of posts. Thus, the list of staff displays the quantitative party of the personnel, and the nomenclature of posts  qualitative that allows to define need in experts on separate groups for the planned period.
8    On the basis of a saturation   Is based on coefficients, which show a standard correlation with a personnel aggregate number, fixed capital cost, volume of output etc. Coefficients are defined by experts.

        The described methods are used for planning of number of the personnel of working trades. However the most labor-consuming is definition of need in the administrative personnel. It is heavy to calculate
laboriousness and to normalize administrative operation. Method of Rozenkrants is used to define the need in this category of the personnel. The formula of Rozenkrants represents set of coefficients, which are enough heavy for calculating in practice, and sometimes and it is impossible. Therefore definition of need in the administrative personnel is set on the basis of norms of controllability  quantities of employees which one leader has in submission.



 All the described methods have advantages and disadvaptages, which complicate process of planning of number of the personnel. The task of the present stage of development of a society is definition of an optimum method of forecasting of need of the enterprise in the personnel which would take into account many the external and internal factors influencing the enterprise, a stage of its development and specificity of activity. Methods, which had used at the time of planned economy, are becoming outdated and not suitable for introduction in modern conditions. For more objective estimation of necessary number of personnel it is necessary to unite all above-stated methods in one technique of optimization of number of the personnel on functions, and specifications to use as tools which represent mathematical models at calculation of optimum number.

Not less important there is a problem of organic association of participation of the state, enforcement authorities and the enterprise in the course of personnel planning.



When this abstract is writing the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 15, 2011. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.


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