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Kuzenkova Julia

Kuzenkova Julia

Faculty of Economy
Speciality:Economy of enterprise (marketing)

Scientific adviser: Nadtoka Tatiana

About author

Economic security of еnergy enterprises

(Summary of research and developments)


Relevance of the topic. In market conditions of managing an important (if not decisive), the value becomes the economic security of all the subjects of business and other activities. Economic security firm (enterprise, organization) is a state enterprise resources (capital resources, personnel, information and technology, machinery and equipment, human), and entrepreneurial opportunities, which guaranteed the most effective use for the stable operation and dynamic scientific, technical and social development, prevention of internal and external negative influences (threats). The need for ongoing compliance with the economic security due to objectively facing each business entity task to ensure stable operation and to achieve the main goal of its activities. Level of economic security is determined by how effectively its management and professionals (managers) can prevent possible threats and repair the damage from the negative effects on certain components of economic security. Sources of negative impacts may include: 1) a conscious or unconscious actions of individual officials and business entities (public authorities, international organizations, companies and competitors), 2) the influence of a variety of objective reasons (state financial environment, scientific discovery and technological development, force majeure, etc.).

The major component of economic security is energy security. Energy security - the state power, which guarantees technically and economically secure satisfaction of current and future needs of consumers in the energy and protecting the natural environment.

Today, there are factors constraining the development of energy complex. They are both a source of threat to national energy security. These threats are already quite real.

Prevention of negative phenomena in the energy sector is the responsibility of various stakeholders to ensure economic security: public authorities, specialized private structures, public structures, internal structures of the enterprise. Ensuring a stable crisis-free development of fuel and energy complex is a prerequisite for the implementation of the tasks of ensuring energy security of Ukraine, the revival of the national economy, which is especially important at the stage of intensive integration into the global community, since the state of the FEC depends largely on the degree of economic and political independence.

The object of research is Slavic Power Company Power Plant (TPP Slav) (Specialization - production of electricity and heat), which is a structural unit of Donbasenergo.

Subject matter is the nature and assessment of the economic security of energy facilities.

The objective is to develop theoretical concepts and practical guidelines for assessing and ensuring the economic security of energy facilities and methods to improve it.

Research objectives:

Methods: analysis of literary sources, the method of systematic, analytical and economic analysis, methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of economic-mathematical methods, sociological methods and other traditional economic research methods of scientific analysis.

Scientific novelty of the research is that the theoretical and applied aspects of economic security are considered in relation to the operation of electric utilities. This allowed us to develop and prove a number of scientific and practical recommendations related to the development of energy sector and the provision of internal affairs bodies of economic security companies in the industry.


Currently, issues of growth in a company coming to the fore. Company's development is influenced by such factors as the unstable political and socio-economic situation in the country, ethnic, regional, territorial conflicts, imperfect legislation, the criminalization of society, fraud, corruption and others. All this greatly exacerbated the problem of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise (EBP) caused quite some time, and at this time, have formed categorical apparatus, there are several approaches to identifying and ensuring that security.

But the lack of a unified and complete thoughts on the economic security of the enterprise makes it necessary to seek further ways and means of solving this problem.

To understand the meaning of the category of "economic security" should be to characterize the notion of "security" and to define its essence.

Translated from the Greek word "security" means "to control the situation", ie, security - is a state entity for which the probability of change inherent in this subject characteristics and parameters of its environment is negligible, less than a specified interval.

EFPs can be viewed as a component of the general concept of "security". Any damage, sooner or later gets evaluated in monetary terms, that is can be selected purely economic component damage.

But it should be noted that the understanding of the damage or profit as a financial categories do not reflect the reality of EBP, since it characterizes only the current state of financial activity.

Confirmation of the relevance of studying the problem of EBP is the awareness of the relevance of business leaders and create the organizational structure of enterprise management of special units to provide this security, but these subdivisions are not designed and well-functioning research system security assessment, the theoretical basis of his work, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of these structural units [1].

We can distinguish several approaches of different authors to the definition of EBP (Figure 1) [2]:

a) as a defense against economic crimes. Very often, software EBP to reduce confrontation, protection from all sorts of economic crime (theft, fraud, fraud, industrial espionage, etc.). Undoubtedly, these threats are very important and should be constantly reviewed and considered, but only to reduce the EBP that is impossible. This concept is broader and more capacious [3];

b) as a condition of protection from internal and external threats. Enterprise - is first and foremost - the object of economic relations. The owner of the company, primarily puts the result of the company - to achieve its goal, which is usually of an economic nature [4].

Will there be in the process of achieving any threats, will be fighting with them, it will be - the owner, most likely, anyway. Threats, as such, is often not the purpose of creation and ownership of an enterprise of their economic activity. However, arguments about the feasibility of addressing the threats likely arouse the interest of the owner, since it directly affects their material interests, as the conduct of this struggle requires the implementation costs, and gain non-obvious [4];

c) as a condition of efficient use of resources or capacity. Approach, which tries to avoid using the concept of threat in the definition of EBP is based on economic concepts of the goal, the functioning of the enterprise, ie is a resource-functional approach.

d) as having a competitive advantage. Approach, whose adherents believe that the competitive advantages resulting from appropriate material, financial, human, technical and technological capacities and organizational structure of its strategic goals and objectives will provide him some level of economic security. But the mere presence of the advantages and potential, without their use and sales, the company does not guarantee economic security;

e) as the realization and protection of economic interests. Relatively new approach, based on the realization and protection of economic interests of the Company determines EBP as its vital security interests against internal and external threats, it is a defense company, its human and intellectual capacity, information technology, capital and profit, provided by the system measures of special legal, economic, organizational, informational, technical and social nature "[6].

The relevance of economic security leads to the feasibility of forming scientifically sound theoretical framework, aimed at improving aspects and review of economic security, given today's understanding of economic concepts, development trends of enterprises in the market environment and economic situation in the country.

The main problems encountered during the formation of the theoretical foundations of economic security can be grouped under the following criteria:

- Acute - urgent problem issues requiring urgent decisions and revisions;

- Essential - current problematic issues that arise when considering key aspects of economic security, but insignificant effect on the formation of the security;

- Perspective - complex problematic issues that must be taken into consideration in the future and require innovative solutions.

Development of research on economic security began in the last thirty years of the last century, when businesses are faced with the need to address the risks. Economic security in the foreign literature called ecosecent (economic security of enterprise). It should be noted that with respect to determining the content of the concept of "economic security" at the present stage, there are many opinions.

Among foreign authors, dealing with economic security, should include the following: Geyets V. Abalkina L., Pasternak, G. Tapuschenko, Gunsky B. Reverchuk N. Reverchuk S. Kulchitsky I. Lysenko, Y., Rudensky P Spiridonov AA, Kuzenko T. Kozachenko G., Ponomarev, A. Liashenko, Mishchenko, A. Novikov, Pokotilenko R., T. Sokolenko, Sumets A. Tumar M. et al

However, an analysis of recent publications devoted to defining the essence of the concept of "economic security", indicating a lack of attention the authors to define the role of the management system of the enterprise in achieving the necessary level of security.

Consider the current and most relevant opinions of national experts regarding the definition of "economic security".

So, Kozachenko AV, Ponomarev, VP consider economic security "as the harmonization of the time and space, the economic interests of companies with interests related entities of the environment, operating outside of the enterprise" [1]. But in this case is not considered the ability of the management system of the enterprise to effectively manage resources to ensure a certain reserve of stability for an adequate reaction to changes in internal and external environment.

Yatsenko, NM and Mikhailyuk SA [8] consider the economic security of the enterprise as a subsystem of the national economic security, and define it as the economic condition of the enterprise, stable with respect to internal and external changes in financial and business activities not related to force majeure. Such determination shall consider the economic security in the static and ignores the need for response to change.

In Greater economic dictionary has this definition: economic security - a state of legal, economic relations, institutional relations, material and intellectual resources of the enterprise, which guarantees the stability of its operation, financial and commercial success, the progressive scientific, technological and social development [9]. It should be noted that this definition does not specify the role of the management system to ensure economic security.

Sokolenko TM economic security is considering as a condition in which the strategic potential of the firm is located near the borders of adaptability, and the threat of loss of economic security is growing as we approach the degree of adaptability of strategic potential to limit the zone [10]. The factors affecting the economic security of the enterprise, the author distinguished the degree of possible risk management decisions need to be approved and enter the zone of acceptable risk (when the magnitude of potential losses does not exceed the possible profit).

Oleynikov EA condition most effectively use resources to overcome the threats and ensure stable functioning of enterprises today and in the future [11].

Grunin A. Status of the economic entity, in which he the most efficient use of corporate resources up to prevent, mitigate or protect against existing threats and threats, or other unforeseen circumstances, and mostly achieves business objectives in a competitive environment and economic risks [12].

Ortinsky VL Immunity-building enterprises (manufacturing, logistics, financial, economic, social) from the negative impact of external and internal factors, direct or indirect economic threats as well as the ability of the subject to play [13].

Novikova AF state of protection of economic interests of individuals, society and state from the economic threats and other threats to national security that affect them [14].

Different authors use different definitions of economic security, but most of them are united in the fact that the company's management should ensure the efficient use of resources involved to overcome the threats to achieve business goals, and that a wide range of problems related to economic security, requires a system of their distribution in the subsystems (components).

The first conclusion from the analysis of the definitions of the need of using the cost-effectiveness of the safety assessment, which is not always possible, especially since there are other methods of safety assessment: a normative method of calculation of integral index, etc.

Thus, under the economic security we mean the state of protection of businesses from the threats of internal and external environment of the effective functioning of the enterprise today and in the future.


Among the challenges facing businesses in achieving an acceptable level of economic security, there are the following:

  1. Preference for the use of reactive approach, that is, expectations of negative effects of threat and have further activities in the aftermath instead of early analysis of possible ways to avoid this influence.
  2. Need to improve the collection of information not only about the competitors, but also about the state of their own activities, including the priority of setting goals and business strategy.
  3. Insufficient application of cost-benefit analysis of the enterprise for economic security.
  4. Neglect of the available opportunities Enterprise and direction of all
  5. economic security system to work with the threats.
  6. Imperfect legal framework on this issue, the lack of a clear definition of rights and responsibilities of business and government in this area, which leads to the use of illegal actions and the indifference of the state or the inability of its influence.
Overcoming these problems requires a system to ensure the economic security of domestic enterprises, which would perform the following tasks:
  1. Development of a preventive approach, ie priority of developing ways to avoid potential threats and to minimize negative impacts.
  2. Increasing the role and share information and analytical work in the security business. This can cause an incredible rate of growth of value of information as a production factor.
  3. Simultaneously ensuring the transparency and confidentiality of information about the activities of the enterprise.
  4. The development of the relationship between economic security of the enterprise on the national economic security. In the context of globalization to ensure that national interests must maintain an appropriate level of domestic enterprises, it becomes possible only when there is a certain level of economic security.


For the use of economic security in the economic system must address the following issues: the establishment of grading economic security, the establishment of methods to assess the status and level of economic security, the establishment of indicators of economic security of the enterprise, establishing ways to ensure the required level of security.

The main methods of assessing the economic security of the enterprise are:

1. threshold method, which is used in different variations and can produce either two grades: dangerous / safe, a larger number of gradations, such as the normal state of pre-crisis, crisis, critical, and others. The essence of this method - are determined by threats or methods of protection, for each defined threat indicators and thresholds. The threshold method uses a criterion: if at least one indicator does not match, then the state is dangerous.

2. resource functional method - a method of cost-effectiveness. The essence of this method - the company has designed a variety of activities to protect against threats, and each evaluates the economic result. Based on this method, the level of economic security are invited to assess based on the set of criteria by weighting and summing individual functional criteria determined by comparing the possible magnitude of damage that may be caused by an enterprise (organization), and the effectiveness of measures to prevent such damage. Set of criteria of economic security should be compared to the previous and current year. If the value increases, the level of economic security is improving

3. complex method - based on the calculation of integral index of economic security

4. method based on the theory of economic risks. – Essence - the various threats calculated damage. Damage compared with the magnitude of profit, income and property.


The paper identified and systematized by the degree of severity and significance of major issues of forming a theoretical and methodological apparatus of economic security, classified depending on the nature and content of the views of existing approaches to defining the category of "economic security" and identified their main weaknesses, to update the interpretation of economic security enterprise, which, unlike most existing views is more meaningful, specified and reflect the present state of the theory of crisis management, the purposes of economic enterprise security. The functional components of economic security. This article examines the importance of evaluation to ensure the necessary level of economic security. The methods of assessing the level of economic security.

Economic security is a universal category, reflecting the protection of subjects of social and economic relations at all levels, beginning with the State and ending with each of its citizens. Economic security - a security of its activities from the negative environmental impacts, as well as the ability to quickly remove various threats or to adapt to existing conditions do not affect its activity. The contents of this concept includes a system of measures to ensure konkurentostiykist and economic stability of the company but also contribute to the welfare of workers.

In a market economy, economic security depends on the economic security of the state, region, or based on their available financial, resource and production potential, development prospects. Significant impact on the economic security of the enterprise has a degree of perfection of the legal framework, taxation, access to global markets, the investment attractiveness of the region and the state as a whole.

The economic security of the enterprise has its own figures, based on which are determined by the ability of companies to withstand certain types of risk. Indicators of economic security is - productivity (the ratio of manufactured products to the amount of wasted resources), financial stability (determined by the coefficient of autonomy and efficiency ratio of the enterprise), solvency (the company's ability to fulfill its obligations to creditors and maintain its own production). In addition to these indicators will also apply the general liquidity ratio (the ratio of the amount of money in securities for short-term debt), sustainability, profitability, efficiency of capital accumulation, economic performance (the company's ability to achieve this goal and fulfill its own mission in strategic terms), and others .

Economic security, being a multi-faceted problem that includes several functional components: financial (achieving the most efficient use of corporate resources), technical and technological (the extent to which used modern technology in the enterprise world counterparts to optimize the cost of resources), the intellectual and human resources (conservation and development of intellectual capacity enterprises, effective personnel management), information (effective information and analytical support economic activities of the enterprise), political-legal (full legal support of business, compliance with current legislation), environmental (compliance with existing environmental regulations, minimize losses from environmental pollution), power (ensuring the physical safety of the employees and the preservation of its property).


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Important Note

When writing this master of the abstract work is not completed yet. Final Completion: December 2011 Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.