Магистр ДонНТУ Lvova Katya

Katya Lvova 

Faculty: Economics


Theme of master's work:

Investment ensure socio-economic development of the enterprise

Scientific adviser: candidate of scines, asenior lecture Popova Olga;

Матеріали до теми випускної роботи: About author

Research of optimization methods for control automaton



       Of particular importance to socio-economic development of the company acquired during periods of increasing volumes of industrial output, which should be competitive. It is known that the financial basis for social development of the industrial enterprises generate the results of industrial and economic activities undertaken by employees. Therefore important for the economy as external to the enterprise, and internal, created at the plant. Industrial enterprise is open socio-economic system that actively interacts with the external environment consists of economic and social subsystems. The economic subsystem is the material basis for the development of the social subsystem, which, in turn, creates conditions for the achievement of performance targets and business development. This is an important and relevant in the new economic conditions, due to the improvement of market relations in the industry.

Main results

       Level of socio-economic development of enterprises is constantly changing under the influence of factors internal and external environment. Enterprises that implements an active strategy of providing enhancement of competitive position, increase profits, attractive acquisition contracts, etc. permanently in a state of accumulation and processing of information for opportunities for streamlining efforts to achieve the expected levels of indicators of socio-economic development as planned.
       Studies indicate that technology in enhancing socio-economic development (SED), the company provides a consistent implementation of the steps identified in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Stages of technology in enhancing socio-economic development of the enterprise

       As seen from Fig. 2, in determining the values of indicators of socio-economic development of enterprises can be used several benchmarks.

Fig. 2.Guidance in establishing the values of socio-economic development of the enterprise

       The most common ones are: values of previous periods, values of companies in the industry; values of the leading competitors, the values of parameters, established on the basis of forecasting supply and demand in the industry. To establish the expected values of indicators of socio-economic development may serve one or more landmarks. This choice depends on: The capability of the organization, its place in the market, our strategy development, etc.
       When setting acceptable levels of indicators of socio-economic development of the enterprise, as well as the formation of solutions to achieve them one of the key tasks is to identify factors influencing the value of socio-economic development of the enterprise, as well as reveal their nature. This task requires constant expansion and combination of sources of information about these factors. Fig. 3 shows the most used business leaders sources of information about the nature of the factors influencing the value of indicators of socio-economic development.

Fig. 3. Sources of information about the nature of the factors affecting the socio-economic development of the enterprise

       Based on the processing of information about the list and nature of the factors managers of the enterprise selects the methods to influence them to promote the factors that increase the importance of socio-economic development of the enterprise, as well as limiting the factors that reduce the company achieved the level of socio-economic development.       



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