

I was born on December 23, 1988 in Donetsk. Father Vladimir Viktorovich Potatuev was born in 1957 worked as head of a mine site shahtoupravleniya behalf of the newspaper Pravda. Mother Natalia Leonidovna Potatueva born in 1958 worked as an operator of computer technology. As well I have a brother Vitaly Demikhov 1981. Childhood I had a light-hearted, my parents loved and pampered. In kindergarten I was sent to 2.5 years. In the garden was a model boy. In childhood I liked to play chess, board games, soccer.


The first class went to 7 years in school № 149. The first teacher was Natalia Nikolaevna. At school, I feel good was given to mathematics, although the multiplication table, I did not know before third grade, but in the humanities (the Russian language, Ukrainian language), I had a problem — I simply did not like. Having graduated from primary school (the first three classes), with only one FOUR on the Ukrainian language, I went to school number 150 — for knowledge.

Moving to a new school, I quickly joined a new team. As an elementary school in the exact sciences, I went on a good deal, but with language and literacy were real problems, even had to go to extra classes. In seventh grade, walking to school, I concurrently during the year he graduated from computer courses "Community" perfectly well, as from the third until the eighth grade I went for a swim in the pool "Sparta".

While studying at school, I participated in the school and regional competitions in mathematics, physics and computer science. Just participated in the Mathematical Olympiad, the "Kangaroo" and the Olympic Games in Physics "Tiger". As we approach the ninth grade I at least took time tuition and behavior became so much the worse. More and more I accidentally forgot to blog at home, as more and more teachers wanted to see my parents and talk about me. And this was reflected in my final evaluation, they are not very pleased with my parents, but soon forgotten.

After grade 9, I decided to go on for knowledge, and moved to the Lyceum of International Economics and Finance, having passed the entrance exams for good. In high school paid great attention to the economic sciences and English. Because of this I decided to take up their future education with economic sciences..


When choosing a university, I considered three options for income Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk National University and Donetsk State University Economy and Trade, all of these universities offer a high level knowledge in economic sciences. I have successfully take the entrance examinations, but in one day coincided exams in all three universities and then I finally chose DonNTU. I have done on a specialty economy of the enterprise budget form of learning.

The first two years of training were devoted to general economic sciences and general subjects relating to small economies (philosophy, sociology, etc.), which had to spend more time than on the profile. Most remember two things: a teacher Galina Mikhailovna Usachyova, her pairs were always interesting and entertaining, and my only three, all time education, sociology, as soon as I explained to the teacher, it's not a profile subject, but ...

Learning the basics of economics, began items that have already given an idea of ​​the specialty. Had different teachers, some of the lectures, it was unbearably boring — monotonous dictation, lectures, others were very interesting — waged a lively discussion between the audience and the instructor, one of them was Sergey Ivanovich Kravchenko. He forced us to think outside the box and prepares us for adult life. This influenced my choice of supervisor.

On the choice of the theme of master's work has affected global financial crisis, in connection with what I have chosen the theme of master's thesis "Diagnostics of the crises for enterprises" in which I have tried to improve the diagnosis process of crisis situations.

Future Plans

The first and most important thing at this point — is the protection of master's work. Upon completion of graduate I would really like to get a job of getting my degree because I believe that my university studies gave me the necessary knowledge to the work I was able to prove itself worthy of a connoisseur of the business.