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Master of DonNTU Sternijchuk Marina

Sternijchuk Marina

Faculty: Management

Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics

Speciality: Management and Labour Economics

Theme of Master's Work: "Motivation of labor behavior"

Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D., senior lecturer of the department PMLE Oksana Zaharova

About author Autobiography

of the qualification master's work
"Motivation of labor behavior"





      In modern management are becoming increasingly important motivational aspects. Motivation of the personnel is the main means of ensuring optimal use of resources, mobilization of human resources. The main objective of the process of motivation is to obtain maximum benefits from the use of available labor resources that can improve the overall efficiency and profitability of the enterprise.
      Feature of personnel management during transition to the market is the growing role of the individual employee. Respectively and is replaced by the ratio of incentives and needs that may lean system of stimulation. For the motivation of the employees of the company today, using both financial and non-financial methods of remuneration. In the meantime, a certain picture of the relationship between individual aspects of motivational sphere employees today and the most effective methods of management, nor the theory of management, nor the practice of personnel management does not.
      The problem of motivation of the personnel is widely regarded today in the scientific and journalistic literature. However, attempts to adapt the classic theories of motivation to modernity in many respects not systematized, that makes practical use of the technologies and methods of motivation. The complexity of the practical organization of the personnel motivation system is defined as weak studied peculiarities of motivation of workers employed in certain sectors of the economy and types of production.


      Improvement of the operating mechanism of stimulation of work and motivation of labor behavior at microlevel.


      Qualifying work of the master was carried out throughout 2010-2011 according to scientific directions of chair «Human resource management and work economy» Donetsk national technical university.


      The purpose of the given work is revealing of structure of motivation of labor behavior of various categories of the personnel of the enterprise and working out on this basis of the scientifically-proved approaches to stimulation of their labor activity on the basis of problems:
1. To analyse theoretical concepts of labor motivation and to choose base models which are the most actual.
2. To study structure and features of motivation of labor behavior of various groups of the personnel of the enterprises.
3. To consider known scientific approaches to research of questions of stimulation of work as management methods labor behavior of workers of the organizations.
4. To develop improvement methods to stimulation of labor activity of workers of the enterprise, their labor motivation considering actual structure, features of carried out labor functions, target problems of the organization.
5. To apply in an experimental order the developed approaches on perfection of stimulation of work at level of the enterprise and to estimate their working capacity in terms of influence of the generalized indicators of labor behavior on economic efficiency of activity of the organization.
      Object of researches we will consider workers of various professional groups working on the enterprises.
      Subject of researches are structure and features of labor motivation of various groups of the personnel, and also possibility of stimulation of their work for the purpose of increase of efficiency of functioning of the economic organizations, and also achievements of high economic results.
      Methods of researches: Methodology works of leading domestic and foreign economists, sociologists, the psychologists, prosecuting have served as subjects of the theory of motivation and stimulation of labor behavior, human resource management, corporate governance strategy. The data of spent biographical and expert polls of employees of the enterprises was used. Depending on tasks in view at each stage of dissertational research were applied as general scientific methods of the logic and system analysis and synthesis, and special methods: economic-statistical methods of gathering and information processing, sociological methods of gathering of the primary information, methods of the economic analysis.


      Scientific generalization is spent and the theoretical model of research of influence of structure of motivations and stimulation on achievement of high economic result of functioning of the enterprises is developed.
      The toolkit and technique of research of typological structure of labor motivation of the personnel and motivational preferences of heads and experts of the enterprise (on F.Hertsberga's model) is approved and finished.
      The theoretical model (questionnaire) of research of influence of structure of motivations and stimulation on economic efficiency of functioning of the enterprises is developed and recommendations about improvement of system of motivation of labor behavior of the personnel are brought.


      The practical importance of work consists that conclusions containing in it, the recommendations, systems of payment concerning a choice, can be used at the enterprises. Practical realization of scientifically-methodical recommendations will promote perfection of system of payment and stimulation of work, motivation of work, increase of efficiency of industrial-labor activity of the personnel.


      Dominating function of management - influence on others to induce executors to carry out work in a direction of achievement of the planned purposes. A prominent aspect of this function is the motivation a great interest to which it is caused by increase of a role of subjective factors in a social production, complication of conditions labor and out of labor activity, enrichment and development of the person. At all times work was a source material and cultural wealth, therefore the problem to work never lost prompting of people of the urgency. Attempts to explain behavior of people and to promote increase of motivation of labor activity became already at stages of origin of a social production. Subsequently under different names and from different positions scientists and experts have started to investigate that is called today as a motivation problem, that is various aspects of activation, encouragement, stimulation. Heads always understand that it is necessary to stimulate the worker to work by various ways to raise labor productivity growth [5].
      The motivation (English motivation) is a process of prompting of the person, or group of people to achievement of the purposes of the enterprise and includes motives, interests, requirements, hobbies, motivational installations or disproportions, ideals, etc.
      In wide understanding the motivation is sometimes defined as behavior determination in general.
      If motivation to consider as influence process on behavior of the person of factors - мотиваторов theoretically it can be divided into six stages, following one behind one. Such quantity of stages is a convention: in practice their accurate sequence and accurate differentiation of processes of motivation not always remains. However for finding-out of logic, technology of process of motivation it is expedient to consider it on stages, fig. 1.1.

Scheme of motivating process

Figure 1.1 - Scheme of motivating process(Animation: volume - 146 KБ; the size - 234х350; quantity of shots - 8; a delay between shots - 100 ms; a delay between last and the first shots - 900 мs; quantity of cycles of repetition - 8)

      Practical law in the field of motivation and stimulation of work of the personnel is presence of a wide spectrum of external and internal motives, and also stimulation methods, than is officially used at the enterprise. And it is connected with specific features as heads, and subordinates. Therefore the knowledge of specific features of each worker helps to understand better its motivational and stimulating field, and also behavior strategy [6].
      Hence, there should be strong stimulus which motivate the personnel to search new, to experiment, aspire to achievement of overall aims of the company such stimulus it is recommended to a management of the enterprises to create in each sphere of life of collective: material, moral and psychological, organizational. Each employee who aspires to find and offer something new in activity of the enterprise, department, in own work, should be encouraged with awards, move ahead on a post [1].
      Thus, the motivation of work is a prompting of the person to industrial or non-productive activity for satisfaction of the is material-household needs and inquiries which is reached at the expense of its work. In theoretical aspect working out of questions of motivation is carried out in two basic directions: first, developments of the theory of satisfaction by work that defines positions which induce to activity and stimulate it; secondly, developments of theories of process which concentrate attention to a choice of the behavior, capable to provide the necessary results [9, p. 250-251].
      All people by the nature different, so, неодинаковы and their sights concerning the power, recognitions, success, responsibility, promotion, financial compensation. Persons with internal motivation work with high return, coverage by feeling of satisfaction from results of the work. Persons with external motivation are guided on external satisfactions of desires and requirements which they test more. Стимулированного high level of productivity of work it is possible to reach, using various systems of motivation that remunerate for the first-rate quality of labor activity [3, p. 201-202].



      The urgency of the analysis of labor indicators speaks, first of all, that security of the enterprise highly-skilled personnel defines possibility of rhythmical work from release, to production realization, increase of its quality, and also that expenses on payment make a considerable part of the cost price of production and elimination of non-productive expenses on payment fund, and also losses from marriage, define possibilities of increase in profit [11].
      Overall objective is calculation and the detailed analysis of concrete labor indicators where the primary goals of work are:
- To analyse number, structure and structure of workers of the enterprise;
- To track labor movement;
- To analyse security of the enterprise a manpower;
- To analyse influence of labor indicators on overall performance of the enterprise.
      The purpose of the analysis of labor indicators is finding-out of possibility of the further increase in output at the expense of growth of labor productivity, more rational use of number of workers and working hours, definition of reserves of decrease in the cost price of production on the basis of rational use of means for payment, elimination of non-productive expenses. Presently according to changes in economic and social development of the country also the policy in the field of payment, social support and protection of workers essentially changes [10].


      Research demonstrates that on the given work respondents consider achievement of a high prosperity possible that employees realize that the wage level depends on labor efforts, preparation of the worker which substantially define interest of administration in the concrete employee.
      The aspiration to achievement of respect of associates is traced, completely to realize the abilities which is necessary for developing and supporting.
      For increase of motivation of work it is recommended to use in parallel both material, and moral incentive [8, p. 115-116].
      Systems of material stimulation:
1. Increase of level of a constant component of a salary will provide confidence of tomorrow, stability of work.
2. Increase of level of additional bonus payments:
3. Introduction of system of payments of the monthly or quarterly awards, defined in percentage of cost of realized production - for the employees, capable to influence sales volume (managers of the top echelon, chiefs of departments);
4. Payment of quarterly awards for absence of failures in supply of manufacture and casing of warehouses by finished goods [4].
For work improvement of quality systems of penalties and cancellation of bonus payments - with a view of maintenance of economic safety, compensation of the caused damage to the enterprise as a result of plunders, marriage, absences can be used.
      As moral "stimulus" can be applied:
- Stimulations by free time. That is following the results of work of each worker for the certain period compensatory holidays, additional days off can be given at will;
- Labor stimulations - granting of possibility of promotion, a direction of employees in business trips to raise a role of employees in participation by operation of business;
- Possibility granting has well proved in results of work to employees possibility of additional training, improvement of professional skill, payment of grants "Honours pupils" [2].
      The principle of direct coordination is put in a basis of last given variant growth of compensation of the worker with growth of the received profit on production realization.
      The analysis of system of motivation of work at the enterprise has shown that enterprise human resource management is carried out by means of a combination administrative, economics and socially-psychological management methods. The basis of system of stimulation of the personnel is put by use of organizational-technical methods which optimize construction of a control system by efficiency of work.
      Used socially-psychological methods effectively carry out spiritual stimulations, creating a favorable psychological climate in collective and sensation of an accessory to the organization. The stable rate of commission of the personnel established at the enterprise prevents to increase in turnover of staff and reduces expenses for search of a new manpower [7, p. 386-387].
      For formation of a control system by career at the enterprise it is necessary to carry out following actions:
      1) to spend creation of bases of functioning of system of development of career of employees on the basis of management introduction on the purposes, training and management of adaptation and vocational counseling, works with a reserve on promotion, individual psychological consultation concerning career, formation of good communication system on the enterprises, public regular informing on vacancy in firm;
       2) on the basis of studying of requirements and interests of workers to spend the further development of career system of the enterprise and used methods of stimulation [12].
      As a whole, efforts on development of a control system by career at the enterprise are well formulated can to help workers with definition of their own requirements to advancement, to give the information on corresponding possibilities of career in the enterprise and to combine requirements and the purposes of the worker with the organization purposes.
      The basic directions of perfection of socially-psychological methods in motivation of the personnel can be:
- Maintenance of a favorable psychological climate in collective on the basis of development of a control system by conflicts;
- Formation and development of organizational culture on the basis of creation at the enterprise of system of the prevention of conflict situations, stimulation of their positive consequences will allow to provide high efficiency of functioning of a control system at the enterprise, maintenance of a favorable psychological climate in labor collective [13].
      As a whole it is possible to draw a conclusion that introduction of the offered measures in a combination to perfection of other management methods will allow to raise interest of employees in results of the work and efficiency of all control system of the enterprise.


      In a theoretical part of the thesis have been investigated essence and features of motivation of the personnel at the enterprise. Modern features of motivation of the personnel are investigated, the basic methods of motivation of the personnel in modern conditions are defined, and the basic problems of motivation of work at the Ukrainian enterprises are opened. In work it is defined that the motivation of the personnel is a process of activization of motives of workers (internal motivation) and creation of stimulus (external motivation) for their motivation to effective work. The motivation purpose is formation of a complex of conditions, motivating the person to realization of the actions directed on achievement of the purpose with the maximum effect.
      There is an accurate tendency of increase in replacement of number of the personnel and it is possible to speak about maintenance with the enterprise personnel. According to values of factors of reception and leaving, most of all workers it was accepted in 2005, less than workers have been dismissed in 2005 turn Factor on leaving annually decreases that speaks that workers have a desire to work at the enterprise and they can trace prospects of the career development.
      Within the limits of an analytical part of the thesis the analysis of labor indicators of activity of the enterprises within last three years has been carried out.
      In the third section of the thesis the analysis of motivation of labor activity of managers of the company for the purpose of definition of degree of satisfaction of the personnel on a condition of motivation of work has been carried out. The questionnaire is developed for research of satisfaction of the personnel to a condition of motivation of work. Questioning of managers of the higher and average link has been carried out. Satisfaction defines adaptation to external and internal living conditions. On classification of respondents by force and an orientation we see that in department the preservation orientation, and force of motivation behind a unique exception prevails, average that speaks about satisfactory level of motivation at level of valuable orientation. At the questionnaire analysis the lowest index which answers confidence of tomorrow of workers of the enterprise that can be caused lacks of work of service of human resource management has been found out.
      At definition of type of motivation which prevails it was revealed that among respondents pragmatical orientation prevails. Under the analysis of the given questionnaires offers on perfection of methods of motivation at the enterprise are developed. For increase of motivation of work moral incentive is recommended to be used in parallel both material, and.


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