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Master DonNTU Dolmatov Vladimir Viktorovitch Vladimir Dolmatov

Electrotechnical faculty, French engineering faculty

Department Electric drive and automation of industrial complexes

Speciality Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive

Hybrid control of a wheelchair

Supervisors of studies: prof. V. Borissenko (DonNTU), E. Monacelli (UVSQ)

Consultants: V. Khomenko, A. Melnik


Curriculum vitae

Date of birth: July 27, 1989

Place of birth: Torez, Donetsk region

School: school №11, Torez, 1996 – 2006

University: Donetsk national technical university, electrotechnical faculty, french engineering faculty, speciality Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive: bachelor (2007 – 2011), master (2011 – 2013)

Average score: 4,69

Languages: russian, ukrainian – perfectly; french, english – average level

Personal achievements: fourth command place in the international competition of 10 words of francophonie 2010

Hobbies and interests: historical literature, travels, photo, sports

Personal qualities: purposeful, with a sense of humor, communicative

Computer skills: operating systems: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; software packages MatLab, MathCAD, Adobe Photoshop, MS Office and others

Experience: electric machines in the conditions of the industry (worked 4 months on joint-stock company ПО КОНТИ as operator of the third and sixth categories; has worked 1 month in firm on production of light-emitting diode lighting), frequency converters ABB SAMI Ministar, Siemens Micromaster, Control Techniques

Future plans: to protect master's degree, to travel

Contact information: volodymyr.dolmatov@gmail.com
