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Boris Legenkiy

Faculty of Computer Science and Technology

Department of Computer Engineering

Specialty "System Programming"

Research and development of enterprise portals using external programming interfaces


Abstract on the final work


Currently more than 5 million companies provide their WEB API. Market Data software solutions are saturated and in virtually every industry in the Internet Service Providers have their own API. This API from large companies Google, Yandex, Vkontakte, Facebook and many others. Of particular interest in this work have Google Earth API, as this decision is the basis of master's work with a number of models developed in the Google Sketch-Up.

На данный момент более 5000 тысяч компаний предоставляют свои WEB API. Рынок данных программных решений очень насыщен и буквальна в каждой отрасли в Internet есть свои API провайдеры. Это API от крупных компаний Google, Yandex, Vkontakte, Facebook и многих других. Особый интерес в данной работе имеет Google Earth API, т.к. данное решение лежит в основе магистерской работы с рядом моделей, разработанных в Google Sketch-Up [1,2,9,10].

Overview and evolution of 3-D models of cities

"Computer models of the urban landscape in recent years are increasingly common, as independent projects and in close integration with geographic information systems (GIS), CAD and other software. Until the early 90s quite realistic landscape models have been developed and used almost exclusively for military and aerospace industries as well as the implementation of these projects required the use of least costly высокопроизводительныхграфических stations " [17].

In 2012, already has many tools for the development of virtual cities. Here come to the aid "Titans» Google and Yandex. Figure 1 shows a general view of the portal Google Earth [1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12].

Рic.1 – Page Google Earth.

Google Earth with Google Earth API provides a tremendous opportunity for the development of virtual cities. First we need to develop models of buildings in one of the media. This may be a 3D MAX, Google Sketch-Up, or other software products. Model should be followed carefully and meticulously building, as all of your design will first undergo a rigid inspection before it will be published on the Internet.

With Google's technology, you can create a model for a wide range of use, or you can create a model and connect them only at its portal, is not spreading in Google Earth. This provides flexibility in developing their own resources, as a good result for the program Google Earth.

Technology "Yandex" can also provide a good range of software and features for various ideas, including "Yandex-Card", which you can specify the required space, paving the way to see the panorama of places, use their portals to adjust the path (for example a detour of obstacles , caps, etc.). In Fig. 2 shows a general view of the data cards.

Рic.2 – Type "Yandex.Maps"

The development of virtual Donetsk and comparison with other cities of Ukraine

In Donetsk, there are many models of buildings, but they are almost entirely situated on the main street of Artema. Here there are building shopping centers, "Donbass-Arena", homes, drama theater and opera and ballet.

In Kiev, virtual models of buildings built up almost the entire city center, but the suburbs and "bedroom" area also remain intact. Panoramic views of the city of Kiev with Google Earth in Figure 3.

Рic.3 – Panoramic views of the city center of Kiev

Kharkov is still very poorly represented by 3-dimensional models in Google Earth. Even the city center built up bad 3d modelyami.Goroda Odessa, Simferopol, Lviv and Poltava are basically just in the center. On the outskirts of almost no models of houses.

We should also mention the city Vinnitsa, which is a leader in Ukraine in the fullness of 3d buildings. Even two years ago was a portal, which provides photo-realistic model of the entire city. However, in Google Earth Vinnitsa presented far from the whole.

What gives and can give a virtual city in the future?

Virtual City is very useful now, in the future will be even better and clearer, which will allow to use it in an entirely different field. Science fiction has recently claimed that people would be near the computer at home, walking on a realistic virtual model of the city, there to communicate with your friends, make new friends, make a purchase. All these elements are already present today. However, all these features are presented on different portals. Now, a virtual city in the future will be the main portal where people can have their own realistic 3d model will be able to walk the streets and do everything normal and usual in daily life activities. You will be able to go to the store, open the door to the shop to see the same picture as in reality, just select the products to do different kinds of manipulation.

Today, virtual city allows you to travel a bit, find out how the building looks in real life, learn the location of streets and houses. That is to say, this kind of information portals have a role to play. In the future, such portals can become almost a full replacement for reality. Although it is certainly likely to have a lot more disadvantages to society than the pros.

Possibilities and prospects of quantitative and qualitative growth of virtual cities

Now open up good prospects of development of virtual cities. Anyone can make a contribution to the development of the city, create your own model, and show it to the public. Companies can create their own portals, implementing fully the entire city. Although this task is time-consuming, but well paid. The project is a virtual city is estimated at $ 150,000. The theme of my master's thesis also addresses the problem of creating models of cities. In Fig. 4 shows the animation of my model building.

Рic.4 – Step by step demonstration of the model building (animation: 8 frames, 7 repeats, 305 KB)

4D city

4D modeling allows you to create elements in 3D, which change their state over time. It is very popular in game development, design of buildings and stuff [8].

"The implementation of large-scale industrial projects such as building a skyscraper, the construction of nuclear power plants or build an aircraft that is not possible without adequate planning, effective monitoring and management. To solve such problems are usually used methods for calculating the critical path, earned value assessment and risk analysis programs, which constitute the mathematical basis of most modern project management systems.

Among them is software system Synchro, which, along with traditional means of network planning calendar provides new opportunities for analysis and 4D visual modeling projects. As a result, data consolidation calendar network planning and design documentation in the form of 3D models is formed by a single, coherent space-time plan of the project. Means the system can be visualized, analyzed, verified and, if necessary, adjusted to reflect the identified conflicts. The results are documented in the form of illustrative materials, series of images and video presentations".


Topic modeling of buildings, creating a virtual city portal is very interesting and relevant for today. To implement these ideas have been many software products, API, for example, Google Earth API and others. Should probyvat forces and try to develop Google Earth, which can serve as a good school for the full implementation of this virtual city with new cutting-edge capabilities and solutions.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.

The list of sources.

  1. Google Earth [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  2. Google Eath API [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  3. 3D Vinnitsa [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  4. Google Sketch Up [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  5. Cinema 4D video tutorial Modeling bolt and nut [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  6. Basics of modeling in Cinema 4D.10 [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  7. Introduction to 4D Construction Modeling and Planning [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  8. 4D London Eye in Google Earth [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  9. Yandex API [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  10. Yandex Maps [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  11. Three-dimensional modeling with SketchUp and Eclipse [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  12. Simulation of terrain in Google SketchUp [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  13. Modeling in SketchUp based on the CAD drawing. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  14. Google Earth - Wikipedia [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  15. Google Earth 3D browser plugin [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  16. Virtual cities of Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
  17. The technology of building a constructive model of the building on the working drawings. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: