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1. Theme urgency

Religious prohibitions are important for both points of view, the profane world sacralization in daily life and religious identity. Many believers automatically executes them, and do not always understand their deep meaning. Therefore, there are religious prohibitions as norm of daily life, established traditions i.e., it becomes a factor in consumer sacralization.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

Purpose - to trace the characteristics of a religious taboo as a process in a history, especially in the Abrahamic religions, and modern sacralization of daily life. Explain the nature of system impact on religious prohibitions.

Based on the purpose to establish the following objectives:

  1. Expand the concept of sacred and profane.
  2. Expand taboo, as object of religious studies discourse.
  3. Consider the characteristics of a religious taboo in primitive society.
  4. To highlight the prohibitions and requirements in the Abrahamic religions.
  5. Identify religious taboos in modern life.

Research object:the sacred in the religious consciousness.

Research subject: a religious taboo as a process of sacralization of everyday life.

Research methodological basis is the system of scientific principles and methods, based on the dialectic and the achievement of national and world religion-science. The research is based on a systematic manner and the problem - chronological and comparative methods, has allowed a systematic and comprehensive coverage of the events, facts and phenomena. Methods, forms and means of scientific knowledge based on the principles of scientific objectivity and historicism.

3. Main content of the research

In primitive religions of the system is based on taboo prohibitions that proclaim chief and shaman, chosen by the gods and otherworldly forces, for the transmission of its laws and prohibitions. The development of the material conditions of life leads to the fact that at a certain point in history, in early generic society fold epistemological prerequisites for the religion. They are associated with the ability of abstract thinking and imagination in the context of limited knowledge to break away from reality, embody the mysterious forces of the environment, and the absolute dogmatise certain features of cognitive activity, to create images of supernatural belief in the cause of its existence and its ability to influence people and their everyday lives. The presence of these reasons and prerequisites of religious belief has led to the belief in the existence of special, mysterious forces of nature and the idea of the possible effects of witchcraft on them. The peoples of Polynesia are the most accessible to our earliest direct observation stage of human development, namely the society of the tribal system in its pure form [13, 21-27]. Polynesia - a group of islands in Oceania located in the central of Pacific Ocean. Taboo - common in traditional Polynesian society system of prohibitions, the violation of which is punishable by supernatural forces. It is of special interest to researchers. The custom of taboo was first described by James Cook in his descriptive characterization of Aboriginal Tonga (Polynesia) in 1771. In turn, the first James Frazer has put together all the facts relating to the taboo and introduced this phenomenon in the form of the term in the scientific revolution. Taboo was considered as "sacred" and "damn." In the form of the sacred, it was actualized for the chiefs and all that was associated with their activities. The property, temples, even walked the grounds where the leader is considered prohibited.

Move the leader of the island

Figure 1 – Move the leader of the island


Figure 2 – Kerf
(animation: 6 frames, 7 cycles of repeating, 88,6 kilobytes)

One of the oldest ethno-national religions is Judaism, which holds a special place in the history of religion and culture. Judaism - one of the oldest religions of ethno-national, which is based on the idea of one God - the Creator. Unlike the original ban, which had been particularly verbal, Judaism is submit to the written laws and prohibitions. Jews hold on to the 613 Torah (Mitzvot) requirements. 365 of them (the number of days of the solar year) prohibit certain acts, such as "Thou shalt not kill," "do not steal", 248 (the number of organs in the human body) prescribe for example "Honour thy father and thy mother." Each of these requirements is designed to trivia. Conscious violation of the prohibitions is punishable by destruction, not conscious - a man is bound to bring cleansing sacrifice (gown). difference between destroying (coaches) and death, sent from heaven is that which is destroyed punishment awaits after death, that is, after he will leave this world's death, sent from heaven, is redemption.

As for the later Abrahamic religions, we can say the following. The main directions of Christianity: 1) Catholicism 2) Orthodoxy (there are 15 autocephalous Orthodox (independent) churches, recognized as canonical, as well as at least 10 autocephalous, but not recognized by others, several autonomous churches) 3) Protestantism (Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism) - And many denominations, many of which have become independent of the church. Christian-based religious prohibitions of the Scriptures, but in contrast to Judaism, revered as the laws of the New Testament. Also, for many centuries, Catholicism was introduced supporting laws and prohibitions that are already registered Pope (encyclical - the main papal document on the various issues addressed believers, bishops, archbishops. Pope addresses it to the church. It is the second most important document after the Apostolic the Constitution. practiced in the Catholic Church since the writing of the encyclical pontificate of Benedict XIV. general, all this creates a world of religious prohibitions and laws prescribed primarily for the faithful of the Catholic tradition.) Laws and prohibitions apply to the faith and way of life, food and drinks for the whole day to day world. [3-17].


The aggregate of taboos imposed by the priests and rulers, covered various aspects of life and spread the words of (the prohibition to utter the names of people dead, spirits, gods, names of animals, etc.), people (women, warriors, rulers, etc.) , the human body, sex and marriage, the various forms and types of behavior, activities of daily living (open face, a way out of the home, etc.), food and drink, animals, plants, various objects and symbols of objects (land, weapons, amulets, and etc.), visiting certain places. According to the existing prohibitions, the violation of the prohibition entails a penalty of supernatural forces (in the form of a cause, illness or death).

The prohibitions and requirements in terms of the Abrahamic religions are different from each other. Judaism is the first and oldest monotheistic religions system. This religion with all its dogmas and rituals, rich in historical and cultural traditions, which are recorded in the scriptures in every person's life there are taboos that they prescribe or take out of the list of any laws. As for the Jews, it is the foundation of their bans mitzvot. This is a list of prohibitions is punishable by law, they can not violate the moral side. A believer will never step over the prohibitions of God, because he cannot continue to live in peace. 7 mandatory prohibitions attributed Mitzvah becomes a way of life for every Jew. From childhood he reveres these prohibitions, and it becomes the norm that a person lives and not think about it, that it is due to follow them. It's all "in the blood", a man living by the rules, which have become a tradition. In general, Christianity and Islam have similar aspects. Religious prohibitions provided for in both cases in the scriptures (in Christianity, this is due to the Bible, Islam Sharia (based on the Quran and the Sunnah). But unlike Christianity, Islam controls the daily lives of Muslims, even the most intimate moments, and from this it is impossible to deny. In Both religions ban monitor their food, marriage, and ethical issues. Failure to something gives a person the opportunity to test their will power and patience in God and is a means to "curb the passions".


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