DonNTU   Masters' portal


Personal growing

I was born on February, 11th, 1991 in Mariupol, Donetsk region, in a family of musicians. The father – Skorych Igor was born in 1964. Mother – Skorych Lyudmila was born in 1967. At the age of two years I have moved together with my parents to Donetsk, where I live now.

As my parents say, I was the quiet and obedient child in the childhood, I have early learnt to speak and read – already in five years I could easily read unknown article from the newspaper.

I remember a lot of moments from my early childhood. One of the brightest remembrances is the first trip with parents to Crimea when I was four.

In the childhood I was the sickly child. So, my mother was busy with my preschool education and upbringing. Her work has not passed for nothing – already from the first class I became the best school-boy in my class.

At the age of 7 years I went to school ¹125. My first teacher was Gritsenko Svetlana. At the primary school all subjects came to me easily.

At the lower-secondary school the mathematics was the most interesting and easy subject for me. Since then I do not like the humanities. But it not prevented me from receiving excellent marks by all subjects.

From the sixth class I started to take part in the school's olympiads. When time came to define the participant from the school, many teachers set one's choice on me. Thus, I must participate at the same time in olympiads by mathematic, physics, geography, history, biology, Ukrainian language and literature. Strangely enough, but I have reached the greatest successes in biology, though I was never interested in this subject and was never engaged in it.

Professional growing

In the eighth class I had received a personal computer. Certainly, in the beginning it was used only for games. Approximately at that time a subject of computer science was begun in my school, but the level of preparation left much to be desired. So, parents have made the decision on necessity of additional studying by me for computer sciences. So I became the student of Small Computer Academy at Computer Academy "Step". There I have received the base skills of work with computer, the basic knowledge about the hardware and programming. It is possible to assert that it had defined a choice for my further education.

Thus, the choosing of university and faculty was quite short. The faculty of computer science and technology give the best education in the field of computer technics in Donetsk and is one of the best in Ukraine. The choice of speciality was more difficult. Eventually I have chosen a “Computer systems and networks” because wanted to receive knowledge of the disciplines which are connected both with hardware, and software.

So, in 2008, according to results of rating tests I became the student of Donetsk National Technical University. The beginning of the first year was simple enough, and that has allowed to get used to the new timetable and the new system of education, that was definitely differing from those that I could observe at school. But already from the second term I have understood, that the receiving of diploma will not as simple as it seemed in the beginning. It was necessary to make much more efforts to preserve the progress.

At the second year I moved to a group with study of German language. I consider that studying of the second foreign language is the good precondition for the further employment.

In 2012 I got a bachelor degree and successfully passed the exams for Master courses. There were no questions about the continuation of my education, because I decided to get a Master diploma of my speciality still the first course.

My scientific adviser is a professor of the Department of computer engineering Volodymyr Svjatnyj. I choose my Master work’s theme "A priori analysis of virtual parallel models for controlled network dynamic object with distributed parameters" because this is one of the main research directions of Department of computer engineering and it is important for the international cooperation of university.

In the tenth term thanks to cooperation of DonNTU and universities of Germany I got an opportunity to participate in study courses at the Stuttgart University. The basic theme of my work there was complex program solution “Science Experimental Grid Laboratory” (SEGL) – the system for description of high-efficiency scientific and industrial numerical experiments.

Plans for the future

The main priority for me is the successful termination of the fifth year of education, writing and defence of a graduation project and, as a result, getting the degree of master of computer engineering.

My aspiration as the IT-specialist is reception of interesting and highly paid work which will allow opening the professional skills and talents.

It is obvious that the chosen speciality assumes constant training, perfection and extension of knowledge throughout all professional career, because knowledge and technologies in IT are replaced with huge speed. Therefore the successful termination of university I consider not as the termination of study, but only as its first stage on a way to success. I consider that only such approach presumes to realise the person itself in the modern world as individual and as professional.