Danylich Igor

Danilich Igor

Faculty of radiotechnics and special trainings

Department of radiotechnics and protection information

Speciality Radioelectronic devices, systems and complexes

Research of adaptive radio detector for non-Gaussian background noise for improving performance

Scintific adviser: Ph.D., A. V. Smirnov

Brief resume

Name Danilich Igor
Date of birth Apr. 13, 1991
Place of birth Settlement Olginka Volnovakha Donetsk region
  • Secondary school I-III stages settlement Olginka
  • Donetsk educational complex № 119
  • 2008-2012 - Donetsk National Technical University, Speciality Radioelectronic devices, systems and complexes - Bachelor
  • 2012-2013 - Donetsk National Technical University, Speciality Radioelectronic devices, systems and complexes - Master
Average score 4,44
  • English - Pre-Intermediate
  • Russian - Perfectly
  • Ukrainian - Perfectly
Hpbbies and interests I'm dancing since 1997
Personal achivements Diligent, responsive, responsible approach the task at hand, punctual, hardworking, easy to train
Personal qualities
  1. Windows OS and GNU/Linux;
  2. Application Software: Mathcad, Maple, MSOffice, LibreOffice, SystemView, P-Cad, Kompas 3D;
  3. Languages and programming enviroments: Delphi, Assembler, Html, Php, C/C++, LabView, Xilinx ISE, Derive
  4. Developing and modeling of antenna devices among MMANA, HFSS and EDEM
Additional courses, interships, grants Attend additional English language courses to improve knowledge
Professional expirience
  • 2012,2011 - Trial Practice Groupe at the Donetsk branch of radio broadcasting and television
  • 2010 - Trial Practice at Complex Automation Research InstituteA
  • 2008 - TRC Horizont
  • 2006 - Patrol station Aldis
Future plans
  1. Finishing of education
  2. Serve in the army
  3. Find high-paying job that brings moral satisfaction
Contact information

skype: i.danilich

e-mail: i.danilich@yandex.ru