
Background research.

In post-industrial society to achieve competitive advantages Ukrainian enterprises both domestic and foreign markets is possible only if the effective use of innovative resources, the knowledge economy, the introduction of modern high-tech, high quality development of new products, the creation of innovation. These circumstances require the creation of evidence-based valuation techniques, the formation, development and effective use of innovative potential (IP) development. The prospect of Ukraine's integration into the European Union calls for the introduction of the practice of domestic enterprises experience of developed countries for better use in the production of innovative resources and developing its own methodological and methodical and practical tools to create and use IP development.

Issues of analysis, formation and use of IP companies and organizations were investigated in the domestic and foreign scholars, in particular: I. Ansoff, P. Drucker, Michael Porter, B. Santo, Joseph Schumpeter, V. Alexandrov, A. Alimov, E . Galushka C., Galchinskiy A., V. Heyets, Natalia Goncharova, A. Grinyova, V. Green, O.Demina, G. Dobroff, G. Zhitsa, P. Zavlina, S. Il'enkov Il'yashenko, A . Kuzmin E.Lapin, J. Lukin, V. Medina, L. Miller, Y. Morozov, L. Neykovo, I. Otenko, P. Breaks, Vladimir Soloviev, A. neutrophils, R. Fatkhutdinova, D. Chervanev , N. Chukhray, A. Yakovlev, V. Khobta, Kravchenko, Alexander Popov, O.Fischenko and others.

However, it should be noted the lack of development of the complex problems associated with assessing the level of IP issues and the effectiveness of its use, in particular concerning the comprehensive analysis of organizational and management, production and technological, scientific, technical and market components of the IP, to ensure their coordinated interaction, optimizing the choice of and management strategies for the implementation and development. The purpose and objectives of the study. The aim of the thesis is to develop a scientific basis and theoretical and methodological framework for assessing the effectiveness of the use of IP for development of industrial enterprises through the provision of coordinated interaction of its components and align internal capabilities of the external generated by the market. Achieving this goal has necessitated the following tasks:

The object of research is the process of formation and enhance the innovation capability of enterprises.

Subject of research are theoretical and methodological approaches, principles, and methods to improve the IP enterprise development. Research methods. Methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach, the dialectical method of cognition, the fundamental position of modern economic theories, modern management concepts and Innovation. In the process of solving the tasks of research methods were used: a systems approach, comparative and statistical analysis (including correlation and regression), logic synthesis, expert assessments, economic and mathematical analysis, structural and logical modeling; semigraphical – to illustrate the findings of the study.

Information base made up of collected and processed by the primary competitor of the materials describing the processes of innovative development of the Donetsk region and Ukraine, the official data of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, Donetsk Regional Department of Statistics, legislative and regulatory documents, data references.

The practical significance of the results is the creation and implementation of methodological support to improve the tools to increase the level of SP enterprise development and the efficiency of its use. Guides to determine the level of IP enterprise and efficiency of its use have been tested and put into operation LLC Arlite (Donetsk.)

Testing results of the thesis. The main theoretical approaches and practical results of the study were presented, discussed and approved at international scientific conferences (Donetsk, 2013), (Sumy, 2013).

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В Publication. According to the results of the research paper published two theses conferences.

The structure and scope of the thesis. Thesis consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusions, list of sources, the two applications.

Список использованной литературы

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Note! When writing this abstract the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. The full version of the abstract and can be obtained from the author or the supervisor after that date.