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In the current situation of the Ukrainian economy is the problem of enterprise development. The priority factor of the effective management is interaction entity with its social environment. But in most companies preferred economic development factors such as income, profitability, economic efficiency, break-even point, and others. At the same time, social factors are ignored by most companies. Therefore, the main objective of every business should be to achieve a balance between economic and social factors. To achieve this, the strategy should be developed to ensure a balance. Strategic balance the socio-economic development of the enterprise is not only providing the resources needed to achieve the goals and performance of the company during this period, but the strategic development for the future, which is essential to the effective functioning of the market in a competitive environment.

The development and management of the development of enterprises studied by scholars such as T.B. Nadtoka, O.V. Raevneva, O.U. Shilova, O.U. Popova and others.

The purpose and tasks of the research

The aim is to develop theoretical principles, rationale and practical aspects of methodological recommendations for the creation of strategic balance the socio-economic development of the enterprise.

The main objectives of the study:

  1. clarify the concept of "development";
  2. determine the components of the socio-economic development;
  3. discover the essence of methodological foundations of the strategic balance the socio-economic development of the enterprise;
  4. the definition of "balance";
  5. balanced assessment of the enterprise.
The object of study: the strategic balance the socio-economic development of the enterprise. Subject of research: research and theoretical approaches and principles of the strategic balance the socio-economic development of the enterprise. The main scientific results are to deepen the theoretical foundation and justification of practical recommendations for strategic balance the socio-economic development of the company in a volatile environment.

The main material

The first section deals with the essence of concepts development and strategy development. Development requires a qualitative and quantitative change leading to some improvement. Socio-economic development of the enterprise - is irreversible, directed, regular change of economic situation and social infrastructure of the entity as a result of which the organization moves to a fundamentally new qualitative state. balanced development of the region is seen as a development in which economic growth, material production and consumption, as well as other activities of the society contribute to its economic security.

The second section - "Methodological aspects of strategic balance the socio-economic development of the company" were considered methodological aspects in the balance of the company. The control system of enterprise development in conditions of constant change, both external and internal environment should not only contribute to policy decisions, but also the mandatory assessment of the nature of strategies, such as organizational and production structures, procedures for monitoring and planning, staff development, and their reaction to innovations in order to competitiveness and production company.

The third section will provide a mechanism for the implementation of the chosen methods to improve cost management system in the enterprise, and to assess the cost-effectiveness of the proposed recommendations.


Development Company is a complicated concept that is on the basis of a content analysis suggested understood as a set of long-term processes of quantitative and qualitative changes in the enterprise that lead to better his condition by increasing the capacity of enterprises to adapt to the external environment and internal integration that improves ability of the enterprise to counteract the negative influences of the environment and its sustainability. The analysis of various concepts used as synonyms to the concept of development, suggests that this development is the most broad concept that includes the concept of evolution, emanation, diachrony, explication and partly genesis.


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