

Relevance of the topic

A review of research and development

The purpose and objectives of the study

The practical value of the work

Current results

Conclusions and research perspectives


Relevance of the topic

World experience of developed countries shows that the development and implementation of innovations – is no alternative way to increase competitiveness, and a strong incentive to economic development.

A review of research and development

The study of innovation and the competitiveness of enterprises devoted a large number of scientific papers. Theoretical basis of the nature of competition laid classical economic theory A. Smith, D. Ricardo, E. Heckscher, B. Olin, J. Schumpeter [22] and other scientists. Modern foreign researchers of nature, forms of competition, the competitive environment and the competitiveness of business entities is M. Porter [14], I. Ansoff, F. Kotler, K. Prahalad, P. Drucker [9], as well as Russian scientists R. Fatkhutdinov [19], G. Azoev [4], A. Yudanov, A. Chelenkov A. Grads. Among Ukrainian authors is useful to note the following: A. Amosha, A. Galchinskiy, B. Heyets, B. Kvasnyuk, J. Zhalilo, N. Tarnavskaya, who investigated the formation of a competitive environment and management systems at all levels of competitiveness.

The purpose and objectives of the study.

The purpose of the master's work is the further development of theory and the creation of guidelines defining the competitiveness of innovative enterprises.

To achieve the aims of the study were established following tasks:

The object of the study are innovative and competitive processes that are planned and implemented in the workplace.

The subject of the study are the principles and methods for evaluating the competitiveness of innovative enterprises in the contemporary economy of Ukraine.

Research methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is scientific work of national and international scientists in the field of innovation and competitiveness. The sources of information made legislation of Ukraine, the statistical data of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.

The practical value of the work

On the basis of theory and analysis of competitive and innovative processes in the present conditions of Ukraine will be developed and recommended the use of a technique for evaluating the competitiveness of innovative enterprises. Provided in the recommendations were the introduction and can be used to determine the competitiveness of innovative enterprises of different ownership forms and spheres of economic activity.

Current results

Various scholars characterize innovation and innovation processes, depending on the subject and the object of his research. Thus, based on the analysis of the positions of researchers in the innovation process have been given their own definitions of basic concepts:

Innovation – is the end result of the innovation process in the form of completely new or improved type of product, services, technology or organizational and technical solutions to meet the existing needs and the achievement of certain economic or social effects

Innovation activity – is an activity that is associated with the transformation of research and development into a new or improved product, offered in the market, a new or improved process or a new approach to the production and provision of necessary social services

Innovation process – is a coherent set of interrelated, interdependent sequence of actions, as a result of which there and spread the innovation (innovation).

The general structure of the innovation process at the plant includes 9 steps:

  1. The study of existing problems (process, product, marketing, etc.)
  2. The collection of ideas to address the problems identified
  3. Selection of ideas
  4. Development of an innovative project
  5. An analysis of the feasibility of the project
  6. Develop a mechanism for implementing an innovative project
  7. The technical implementation of the project (the creation of the industrial design, utility model, etc.)
  8. Start of the production process (the launch of a new product, the introduction of a new production line, etc.)
  9. Providing a market outcome (increased market share, profits, etc.).

Given considered in the definition of competition and competitiveness were summarized basic concepts:

The competition, on the one hand – this is economic competition for the best results in a specific activity, the struggle of producers for more favorable economic conditions, achieve the greatest profits, on the other – it is an integral component and an essential element of a market mechanism for the interaction of market participants;

The competitiveness of the enterprise – this is an estimated subjects of the environment has the advantage on selected market segments over the competition at this point in time, achieved without prejudice to others, it determines the competitiveness of specific products and the level of competitive potential, that shows the current and future design, manufacture, sell and service goods (services), surpassing by price / quality counterparts.

You can select the following features innovative enterprise:

  1. a high level of research capacity and the availability of research facilities;
  2. the presence of a business idea;
  3. mobility, agility and speed of decision-making;
  4. flexible tactics of managers and general flexibility;
  5. risk-taking and a willingness to innovate;
  6. the presence of feedback between the company and consumers;
  7. the presence of the constant changes within the company;
  8. a high level of communication within the company;
  9. susceptibility to innovation.

The main factors that have the greatest influence on the competitiveness of the enterprise include:

  1. the core competitiveness of enterprise due to the introduction of innovations;
  2. the financial condition and stability of production and business activities of the enterprise;
  3. the volume of production and the availability of appropriate resource base of the enterprise;
  4. the positioning of the first places on product quality.

One of the main elements of the competitiveness of enterprises is the introduction of innovative technologies. It is on the scale of the introduction of modern approaches to the organization will depend on its continued stable development. To meet these challenges, companies need to constantly update their technological base and constantly attract investors.

For the development of a competitive innovative capacity of domestic enterprises should be implemented some immediate challenges, the essence of which is:

  1. the development of the reform strategy of economic relations in the investment industry in Ukraine, particularly in Aerospace Engineering
  2. in the formation of a favorable investment climate in the regions
  3. in the creation and support of new organizational structures focused on scientific and technological development
  4. in the formation of economic development mechanisms to ensure the quality of structural changes due to resource conservation.

Each of these tasks is complex and requires for its successful implementation of the participation of a large number of stakeholders, including government, community organizations, businesses and citizens.

Conclusions and research perspectives

In order to speed up the formation of the innovative potential of the development of domestic enterprises is essential to promote the dissemination of modern network structures, allowing to intensify relations between suppliers, producers and consumers, eliminating redundant steps.

Successfully manage the competitiveness of innovative enterprises can, to balance the interests of the parties at different levels of management, allows to combine innovative development initiatives, and create favorable conditions for improving the business climate, in particular, the formation of networks of enterprising companies that coordinate the activities of entrepreneurs and form the socio-economic infrastructure in particular region. The task of the government and the regional government is to promote qualitative changes in the economy, in particular by increasing the role of science in public life, energy saving, optimal geographic distribution of economic entities, social orientation change.

Investigated through the use of economic-categorical system within the prospects of further research is necessary to develop methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the innovation process in the enterprise and the formation of recommendations to improve the competitiveness of innovative enterprises.


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