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Relevance of research topic. In today's world economic trends main factor in improving the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy is innovation , and the only option for development - innovative development. Today, innovative way of development is an integral component or even determining part of economic growth of any country in the world. Experience in other countries shows that only through broad implementation of innovations as possible to fill the Ukrainian and world markets with competitive products manufactured domestically.

A broader category of innovative development is the development of the enterprise. Different approaches to the theory of development are presented in the works of Lucas, B. Lewis, G. Myrdal, R. Solow, Schumpeter and others. In domestic science enterprise development problem addressed by such scientists[1-23]: N. Afanasyev, V. Vasilenko, I. Vorozheykin, V. Goremykin, N. Zakharova, A. Kozlova, Kuznetsova, A. Pushkar, A. Raevneva, V. Rogozhin, V. Rudyk, N. Tsopa, S. Shimshilova and other. The analysis of existing definitions shows that no unequivocal understanding of the category "development of the enterprise". Basis for taking different points of view, given a certain degree of detail. Scientists use different terminology. The complexity of the analysis of research that characterize the development, lies in the different levels of the hierarchy object of research, as well as the depth of theoretical research.

In its turn the problems of innovative development of enterprises devoted to the works of many Ukrainian and Russian scientists[25-27]: K. Filippova, T. Tovt, M. Davidova, A.V. Marchenko, J. Govoruha, A.I. Marchenko, L. Smolar and other, which emphasize the need for state support for innovation. Given the significant scientific developments remain insufficiently to the disclosed aspects of activate innovation development.

Purpose and objectivesThe purpose of the master's work is the further development of theory and the creation of of methodical recommendations to stimulate the development of innovative enterprises in the current economic conditions in Ukraine.

To achieve the purpose in the work need to solve the following objectives:

- Determine the nature and characteristics of economic categories development and innovative development;
- Reveal the content and stages of scientific - technical development as the main component of innovation development;
- Determine the the specifics and peculiarities of innovative development company;
- Analyse innovative activity of domestic enterprises;
- Investigate the sources of financing of innovative activity as a tool for activate innovation development;
- Conduct analysis of development of the enterprise in economic conditions in the Ukrainian economy;
- Suggest instruments improve management efficiency of innovative development of enterprise;
- Investigate methods to motivate of personnel as the main component of activate innovation processes in the enterprise;
- Evaluate the effectiveness of recommendations of active the innovative development of enterprise.

Object and subject of research.The object of the work is the innovative processes that are planned and implemented in modern enterprises.

Subject of research - principles and methods of forming innovative development company.

Dataware.Basis the Information of the work are official reports and analytical publications leading international economic organizations, Ukrainian and foreign statistical compilations, Ukrainian laws, decrees of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine resolution.

Approbation of results of the work. The main ideas, position, proposals have been tested by 3 international, Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, such as: V International Scientific and Theoretical Conference of young scientists, postgraduates and students “Creative search of youth - focus on efficiency” (February 25, 2014, Khmelnitsky, KhKTEI), Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Modern problems of investment and innovation" (March 27-28, 2014, Donetsk, Donetsk National Technical University), II International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Theoretical Conference "employment problem" (April 30, 2014, Donetsk, Donetsk National Technical University).

1. Theoretical Foundations of development of the enterprise

In Section 1, "Theoretical Foundations of development of the enterprise" In Section 1, "Theoretical Foundations of development of the enterprise" describes the main theoretical views on the development of the enterprise in order to allocate the economic category of innovative development, resulting in were synthesized copyright definition of these categories. Are investigated the advisability of planning scientific and technological development and specific features of innovative development company.

For creating an effective mechanism for financing innovative development of enterprises necessary to use diversified tools state supporting, which should take into account international experience and national characteristics of the activities of domestic enterprises [31].

Ways of activation of innovative activity should be divided into external and internal, proposed at this point the master's work. They demonstrated their acceptability in foreign practice, however, given the specificity of the national economy of Ukraine there are some problems in the way of activization of innovative activity:
- Deficit of financial resources;
- Imperfection of legal and regulatory system of regulation and stimulation of innovative activity;
- Inconsistency of the corporate structure, which is formed in Ukraine, with the essential requirements of innovative development;
- The imperfection of the current system development priorities scientific and technical area;
- Slow formation of the modern Ukrainian market of innovative products;
- Unpreparedness of the state apparatus in the subject of activities aimed at the development of an innovative economy.

So it becomes necessary management of innovative development, and this requires to achieve coherence between strategic and innovation management, so their combination will allow to receive more effective results from the implementation of innovative activity.

2. Investigation of the effectiveness management of innovative development on the enterprises of Ukraine

In Section 2, “Investigation of the effectiveness management of innovative development on the enterprises of Ukraine” author of the analysis of innovative activity of enterprises in Ukraine and examined the sources of raising funds for the financing of innovative activity as a tool for activate innovation development and planned a detailed analysis of the development of industrial enterprises in the current economic conditions of the Ukrainian economy.

Summarizing the approaches domestic and foreign scientists to valuation technique innovative activity, pick out the following methods of its implementation: comparison of actual indicators with industry regulations; dynamics of comparing values related indicators. Innovative activity in Ukraine entered the early phases of its development and depends on the industry, so a comparison with the average indicators for the industry is inappropriate because their value can not objectively serve as a guideline. Standard values for the sectors of the national economy is not been developed for the same reasons, and the use of standards in other countries is inappropriate, given the characteristics of the formation and development of economy of Ukraine.

Been analyzed amount of the executed scientific and technical work, introduction of innovations in production. Defined the problem of financing innovative activity of enterprises. The analysis covers the 12 - year period from 2000 to 2012 inclusive (pic. 1-3)[24], during research found that innovation in Ukrainian enterprises are carried out mainly at their own expense, so necessary to develop a set of recommendations for improving the competitiveness of domestic enterprises and attracting private capital, thereby increasing quality of innovation and will decrease the likelihood closure of enterprises in the light of the signing of an agreement of integration Ukraine into the EU.

The volume of scientific and technical work at current prices over the period 1996-2012 years, mln. UAH

Picture 1 – The volume of scientific and technical work at current prices over the period 1996-2012 years, mln. UAH (animation: 9 frames, 10 cycles of repeating, 191 kilobytes)

Proportion volume of the executed scientific and technical works in GDP over the period 1996-2012 years, %

Picture 2 – Proportion volume of the executed scientific and technical works in GDP over the period 1996-2012 years, %

Proportion of enterprises were engaged in innovation over the period 2000-2012 years, %

Picture 3 – Proportion of enterprises were engaged in innovation over the period 2000-2012 years, %

3. Integrated recommendations to intensify innovative development of enterprise

In Section 3, "Integrated recommendations to intensify innovative development of enterprise" are defined Instruments increase the efficiency management of innovative development of enterprise and create recommendations for their use are disclosed approaches and recommendations on employee motivation as an important component of activate innovation processes in the enterprise and assessed the effectiveness of create recommendations for enhancing the innovative development of enterprise.

New method is proposed selection of innovative solutions in the conditions of lack of information, the synthesized of the methods of "decision tree" and method expert evaluations, and integrated them into the economic-mathematical apparatus.


So in recent years there has been an increase in the volume of executed scientific and technical work and the proportion of enterprises engaged in active innovation activity, but deeper analysis shows that the growth rate of insufficient, and the reason for this situation is the lack of funding from the state innovative sectors of the economy and the lack of an effective system of tax incentives. Set of proposed measures to increase innovation activity will optimize the development of enterprises and their level of investment attractiveness.

In writing this abstract master's work is not yet completed. Final completion: January 2015. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his scientific director after that date.


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