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The functioning of all automated process control systems (APCS) is based on the solution of a single real-time task. Measurement parameters: arguments:

– a set of parameter values that characterize the current state of the automation object;

– set of parameters from the interface of the technological personnel;

– a set of parameters for recording the state of the environment of the automated object;

– a set of parameters of the computing environment of algorithmic - functional processing of the previous three sets in accordance with the accepted mathematical model of processes in the object.

1. Theme urgency

The master's work is devoted to the actual scientific task of developing an interface to support the information reliability analysis system of primary information about the current states of the automation object aimed at maximum simplification of the user's communication with the system based on the organization of communication using a hierarchically problem-oriented interactive language environment.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of the study is to develop an approach to designing an interface for supporting the system for analyzing the information reliability of primary information about the current states of an automation object oriented to improve the efficiency of monitoring functions in dialogue with a technologist.

Within the framework of the master's work, it is planned to receive topical scientific results in the following direction: "Development and research of the interface for supporting the system for analyzing the information reliability of primary information on the current statuses of the automation object as part of the rolling stock management system" with the following properties:

  1. Minimization of the time of information correlation of cases of deterioration in the quality of finished products with a decrease in the reliability of primary data on the current parameters of the facility. Increase of informative value in the estimation of violations and distortions of quantitative values of parameters of primary information.
  2. Organization of full documentation of the analysis and evaluation of the reasons for the decline in the quality of finished products for further post-analysis with similar situations.

3. The organization of control of primary information in the automated control system for cutting the rolled stock

As part of the management system for the cutting of rolled products (RSMS), the parameters of the final product are the parameters of the lengths of the cut bars, with the minimization of the waste received during cutting. A violation of the optimization of the cutting involves the receipt in the stack of rods whose lengths are outside the range of the goods order or the lengths are less than the technologically dangerous values. For various reasons, violations occur in a number of cases, and in each case, an analysis is needed to identify the causes, with the possibility of excluding such situations in the future.

To ensure the possibility of performing post analysis in the RSMS, a database is created that includes the registration of primary information in conjunction with the parameters of the finished product, that is, the triggering of sensors - technological parameters, and the parameters of the calculation control in combination with the actual lengths of the cut bars in the finished product package.

To improve the efficiency and efficiency of the analysis, an automated system for the analysis of primary information (PIAS) is being developed.

The functions of PIAS make it possible to provide, with maximum efficiency, reliable information for analysis both at the level of technological parameters and at the level of parameters of the final products. The basis for the implementation of the PIAS functions is a user-friendly screen interface in conjunction with a number of parameters of the database of the RSMS.


An effective interface for primary information reliability analysis systems is designed on the basis of taking into account the professional features of the final product production by an automated technological site. The user in the analysis system should be considered primarily as a professional technologist, and therefore it is necessary to simplify as much as possible his communication with the system at the level of terminological features of the parameters of the finished product.


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