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Automated Parking systems have such advantages as unique software, advanced technologies for reading numbers, recording and storage of video, etc.the automated Parking System is the most affordable and convenient option for use in enterprises with heavy traffic load. Thanks to the special software integration is possible on almost any objects: airports and railway stations; shopping, entertainment and business centers; sports complexes.

Automated Parking system virtually eliminates the need for participation in its work of employees in the operation of the system thereby eliminating the human factor. The exception is the maintenance of the equipment. Fully automatic systems will be particularly relevant in case of heavy traffic in/out of vehicles.

1. Relevance of the topic

Currently, the search for a free Parking space is one of the pressing problems today. Parking is the storage building (its part) or multi-tiered platform designed to store vehicles.

The shortage of Parking space puts forward the task of a comprehensive solution of Parking management. This leads to the search for new solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of car Parking. The article provides a brief overview of the object of study, the main problems of their application and solutions. Optimization of Parking is one of the main elements that determine the quality and convenience of Parking. Therefore, the introduction of a computerized subsystem will allow visitors to easily and quickly navigate the large car-filled Parking lots [1].

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in the conditions of impossibility of expansion of Parking, to increase its capacity and capacity, respectively, can only be through the introduction of a more effective means of automation.

2. Purpose and objectives of the study

The purpose of the study is to consider the options of Parking systems and identify ways to optimize the operation of Parking, namely the optimization of the search for free space in the shortest time and the construction of a minimum route.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

  1. Analyze existing Parking automation systems.
  2. Identify the problems that exist with existing Parking automation systems.
  3. Solve the problem of finding free Parking spaces.
  4. Determine the optimal place to Park the car.
  5. Ensure that the occupancy of each Parking space is monitored.
  6. Detection of the vehicle by using validators, which instantly determine the location of the machine.

The object of the study is an automated multi-level Parking.

The subject of research is the search for the optimal Parking space for the selected criterion..

3. The principle of automated Parking

In automated Parking systems, cars are accepted for storage, through a special room and fed to a mechanized device, which, in turn, in an automated mode by a certain algorithm without human intervention provides a compact placement of cars in the Parking space served by them. The principle of operation is to accurately determine the location of free and occupied places and / or in the calculation of the number of cars that have entered and left.

Multi-level Parking systems are fully automated and represent a whole complex consisting of computer equipment, motion sensors, scanning sensors, video surveillance cameras, mechanisms for lifting and removing cars.

According to the method of placement of cars multi-level Parking can be horizontal and vertical. These two types of Parking have almost no distinctive features. The difference is only in the positions of the cars when they are placed in the Parking lots. Thus, cars can be put on a side seat or on a vertical seat.

Consider the whole process of placing the car in automated Parking lots.

The car enters the Parking ramp and completely silences the engine. It is mandatory for the car to remain on the handbrake. After that, the driver leaves the car and closes it. Next, the machine is assigned an ID with a unique number and a key card with a special password.

The basis of such Parking is a Central computer. Cameras, mechanical components and the necessary sensors are installed on the entire area of the building. This makes it easy to move cars around the entire Parking area.

The car parks are equipped with a horizontal or vertical lift, depending on the transport characteristics of the particular car Park. Based on the name, they will differ in the position of the body in space. Built-in scanning sensors determine the size and weight of the vehicle. After that, a mechanical lift lifts the car and places it on a free suitable place. The system independently determines the free space, in accordance with this, choosing the most optimal location.

As a rule, this process of transportation of cars takes no more than 3 minutes. Due to the presence of rotary mechanisms, the car will be deployed so that the driver does not have to leave the Parking lot in reverse. After transporting the car, the driver receives a key or card, which may have a secret code. This code is a kind of identifier of the car and its location in the Parking lot. In order to pick up the car, the driver presents a card or key, which are scanned by the system, after which the mechanical lift "passes" the car to its owner [7].

4. Overview of methods and algorithms

The shortage of Parking space puts forward the task of a comprehensive solution of Parking management. This leads to the search for new solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of car Parking. In practice, there are often problems in finding the best (optimal) solution in the presence of different irreducible to each other optimality criteria. To solve multi-criteria problems, special methods have been developed that allow finding the optimal solution from an infinite number of solutions [8].


At this stage of the master's work were set goals and objectives of the developed system, the analysis of existing types of automated Parking. The mathematical formulation of the problem was formulated.

Most of the methods are not truly suboptimal, as the speed of work depends on the size of the problem. Nevertheless, multiple improvements and improvements allow to achieve a sufficient short time, even with a very large volume of tasks.

Source list

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