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Currently there is no generally accepted framework or methodology for comparing and evaluating land management systems. Comparisons, however, are an important source for learning and identifying strengths and weaknesses. One of the difficulties associated with using a common comparison system for land administration systems is that they are in constant reform and, more importantly, have serious social and cultural ties and consequences. Land management systems reflect the special and diverse perceptions of society about their land.

Concept of land management

Land management is the systematic, conscious, purposeful impact of the state and society on land resources through the use of objective laws and trends in the use of land resources to ensure their effective functioning.

Land management system, goals, objectives

The land administration system includes:

  • setting goals and management priorities;
  • definition of objects and subjects of management;
  • policy making, management strategy development;
  • selection of management methods / mechanisms;
  • creation of information and regulatory support of management;
  • creation of organizational infrastructure;
  • implementation of goals, objectives and functions of the subjects of management.

The purpose of land management is to meet the needs of the state and society, satisfied by the properties of the land. The main goal is achieved by setting private goals, such as: rational, efficient use and protection of land; formation of a perspective redistribution of land resources and the nature of their use; high level of ecological and social conditions of life of the population; effective development of entrepreneurial and social activities; preservation and restoration of the properties of the environment, including land; getting maximum revenue for land.

Land management is one of the most important areas of local government activity. The land, being a necessary condition for the existence of man, the basis of his physiological, social and economic activities, occupies a special place in the life of the municipality. This place is not only for the lives of tens and hundreds of thousands of people, but also for industrial, commercial activities, representative functions, recreation and tourism. For all the various manifestations of the vital functions of an urban organism, which are closely connected with the local territory, the land problem is of decisive importance.

The use of any land plot is initially associated with the manifestation of multidirectional interests, often a significant degree of conflict, since, due to a number of objective reasons, the goals and interests of the subjects of urban planning activities may not only coincide, but also have a diametrically opposite orientation. In accordance with the current legislation on local self-government, the territory of the municipality is constituted by the historically established lands of settlements, adjacent lands of common use, the territories of traditional environmental management of the population of the respective settlement, recreational lands, lands for the development of the settlement.

Land management tasks at the municipal level

Municipal entities implement the following land management tasks:

  • improving the efficiency of land use in the territory of the municipality;
  • increase in the revenue of the local budget from land payments and land transactions;
  • maximum satisfaction of land needs;
  • sustainable land use;
  • marginal increase in land per turn.

Land management is a complexly organized system that covers a wide range of social relations and includes the management of social, economic, legal, environmental and other types of relations. This type of management is characterized by a number of features related to the fact that:

  • land is a special object of control;
  • land relations are associated with objective laws governing the development of society and social production;
  • land is a special kind of property and, therefore, special property or market relations arise over the land;
  • land management is characterized by a specific combination of functions and management methods.

Concept of land resources

Land resources are renewable natural resources used in various sectors of the national economy. They are characterized by territory, soil quality, climate, topography, hydrological regime, vegetation, etc. Land resources are also the basis for the location of facilities, means of production in rural, forestry and other farms using soil fertility.


Ownership of the land, its use and the extraction of wealth are important for the economic and social well-being of people and governments. The growing pressure from environmental issues reinforces the need for land administration and management to be carried out in an efficient, transparent and integrated way. Land administration systems must respond to such needs and provide appropriate and effective tools. Land administration systems also largely reflect the social and cultural context in which they operate. But they are currently in constant reform, mainly due to changing economic, social and environmental constraints, as well as the technological advances of the digital revolution. Reforms of such vital systems as land management systems require a clear understanding of their goals, as well as their existing strengths and weaknesses. The historical experience of land management shows that there are enough opportunities for the integration of new technologies, as well as for the adaptation and implementation of larger-scale tasks. This study fills a gap in understanding land management systems and provides the basis for future research.


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